The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1612 Secretly

Chapter 1612 Secretly

Even if there are no peach trees in the area you choose, you can dig some from the unowned peach trees and plant them.

If it doesn't work out, we can move our entire new home there and occupy the resources there.

Digging up trees is normal. But what's unusual is that the Chu family's fleet is not allowed to dig seedlings.

You can dig up big trees, and as many spiritual trees as you dig out, you have to replace them with as many spiritual trees.

If you dare not make up for it, then let Qingze's will take care of you.

When someone brings disaster, you can't run away even if you want to.

What? If you don’t believe it, Qingze’s great will will accept you.

Then you try it, or you will die if you try it.

Because Chu's discipline was very high-profile, many people knew that Qingze's great will was not completely uncontrollable.

It still has some instinctive reactions.

It will reward those with great merit, such as the Chu family.

It will also deal with those who go against its wishes.

Where did I put the spiritual peach tree? Which of you dug it up for me and didn't return the sapling?

In short, the new year has passed in the hustle and bustle.

Years ago, His Majesty won a great victory and returned to the palace with satisfaction with his confidants.

Just after the New Year, the new three immortal roots were transformed into high-grade immortal roots by Qingze's will.

Fairy fluttering.

The Five Elements Spiritual Realm was moved away by Peach Blossom.

There are many high-level spiritual plants there.

I think you can live quite well over there in Xiangen.

The main thing is that Yingui Baoshu doesn’t want to take care of the children anymore.

The three new little immortal roots were really noisy.

The little fairy roots ran to the Five Elements Spiritual Realm, which was still undergoing transformation, and directly turned into children, running around inside.

Xiaopang couldn't bear it anymore and urged Taohua to "get Wuyuan Mountain back to me quickly and connect it. I need it to complete the final transformation."

Taohua thought it was going to throw out the fairy roots.

The result turned out to be Wuyuan Mountain.

There is no one in Wuyuan Mountain at this time.

All the people here originally went to Qingzhou Island.

However, the mountains and houses here have not been completely transformed.

But Xiaopang couldn't wait any longer, so Taohua hurriedly sent Wuyuan Mountain to the Five Elements Spiritual Realm.

The two huge mountains finally merged into one again.

Whoosh, whoosh, the Five Elements Spiritual Realm continued to shrink to the size of the Silver Moon Small World, and then crashed into the Taiyin Pagoda in the Peach Blossom Sea of ​​​​Consciousness.

Taiyin Pagoda: Are you bullying me into not speaking up?

Both of them crawl into my arms?

The Five Elements Spirit Realm falls directly into the eighth level.

Then the final transformation begins.

Taiyin Pagoda: Okay, okay, I really owe you.

It simply intertwined several kinds of lunar spiritual light to shine on the body of the Five Elements Spiritual Realm.

The Five Elements Spiritual Realm has subsided, but the peach blossom cannot. She finally came back, and there were too many things that needed to be arranged by her personally.

The arrangement lasted until May, and she finally reached the end of the arrangement.

But the Wang family came again.

Wang Henhai's family and a branch of the Xu family all moved here at this time.

The Wang family occupied Changyuan Island as soon as they arrived.

After all, it was awarded to his family by the Dragon King. The Xu family also headed straight to Yuyuan Continent near Changyuan Island.

Tamagaki Continent is the land of five supercontinents, with a vast territory, and many places have recovered their spiritual power. The Xu family had the reputation of serving as the servant of the Dragon Emperor, and they had already obtained a decree from the Dragon Emperor to settle down.

It means that a certain territory is given to the Xu family as a clan territory, and there is no official position.

But this is an imperial edict written by the Dragon Emperor himself. Therefore, it is more legitimate for them to occupy their own clan territory than the Chu family.

The Chu family just gave it to them out of curiosity.

These two families were very domineering, and they caused chaos in the area where they settled.

Of course, someone told Mrs. Chu.

Chu's fleet also came out to help them relocate.

There are many emperors anyway, why do you have to fight against the Dragon Emperor?

If you resist and disobey the decree, no one can handle it, right?

Casual cultivators also know that their arms cannot twist their thighs.

Even if Chu Shinian is the governor of Qingze, there is still the Dragon Emperor above him. So I can only say bad luck and move.

But with the Chu family's fleet watching, it would be difficult for the two families to rob them in person.

The casual cultivators evacuated successfully.

Many people evacuated, and everyone knew that these two families came here on orders, so everyone could only make room for them.

And the people from these two families also discovered that the casual cultivators here are really wealthy.

Everyone is too rich.

The casual cultivators nearby didn't even have a single piece of inner armor. Which casual cultivator here doesn't have three or five pieces of armor? There are military-standard spiritual iron armors, various leather armors, half-body light leather armors, various soft armors, inner armors, etc.

There are also all kinds of weapons. If there are new weapons in Shenjing, there will be high imitations here. Anyway, the style is the same, but the quality is better, and the brands are all different and unknown brands.

Where do these weapons and armor come from?

no one knows.

I just knew someone was selling it on the black market.

Both families felt that it must be the Chu family who did such high imitation things unintentionally. But after they accidentally went to the black market, they quietly started doing high imitation business.

It’s so profitable.

A high-end sword that sells for 50,000 yuan in Shenjing can be sold for 30,000 yuan. But there are no intermediate fees. Buy and sell directly on the black market.

The organizers in the black market are not charged any handling fees, and they are not short of money.

They sell all kinds of talismans, box by box. Ten thousand pieces per box. What? You said you want less?

"Hurry and go buy something in the shop outside. This is a black market here. We sell so little and the value is so low that we are too embarrassed to sell it."

It is precisely because I have seen how arrogant the black market organized by the Chu family is.

Therefore, Wang Henhai's Wang family and Xu Maogong's Xu family never mentioned anything about reporting.

Doesn't he want to make money secretly?

Haven't you seen that the Chu family made billions of spiritual stones in one night just from the auction?

I heard that the Chu family has opened many such black markets.

If you could earn so many spiritual stones every night.

How rich must the Chu family be?

So the Wang family and Xu family's eyes turned red with envy. Actively participated in the underground auction.

Anyway, Qingze World lacks everything, even some of the rags that my family brought from the bottom of the box were sold.

The spirit stones exchanged were urgently needed by the two families to produce various hot-selling products.

In just half a month, they were making crazy money. Everyone is going to have trouble making money.

It’s just that I’m too tired. Many people in the family are working day and night and are sick from exhaustion.

Even a monk can't handle such crazy earning of spiritual stones.

Everyone is so tired that they will die from overwork.

Because of the strong protests from the clan members, the clan leader finally woke up a little bit.

rest! !

Everyone takes turns to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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