The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1623 Ultra-small spanning teleportation array

Chapter 1623 Ultra-small spanning teleportation array

Through the ultra-small cross-domain teleportation array built underground in his family's land, Chu Shinian received a top-secret letter to complete the mission there.

This small formation is extremely complex and covers a huge area.

It looks like an altar.

But the items that can actually be transported are small, less than two kilograms.

No one would use it unless there is a major emergency.

The main reason is that it is too wasteful of spiritual crystals.

Each activation consumes five hundred kilograms of spiritual crystals.

That's five hundred pounds. And not even spirit stones can drive this small teleportation array. It can only be driven with spiritual crystals.

The quality and capacity of the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual crystal far exceed that of the spiritual stone.

Five hundred kilograms of spiritual crystal is equivalent to at least fifty thousand kilograms of spiritual stone.

A letter, fifty thousand kilograms of spiritual stone, not fifty thousand yuan. This is fifty thousand kilograms, equivalent to five million spiritual stones.

Just a letter.

Even the Chu family can't afford it.

Of course, the family's array masters are studying an improved version of this small cross-domain teleportation array.

I hope I can save some spirit stones for future teleportation arrays.

Chu Shinian walked down the teleportation array, Chu Ziyan frowned and greeted him, "Sir, why don't we contact the Xu family? They must have a way to quickly contact Xu Changtai and help us submit the certificate directly to His Majesty? Through the Xu family, then Wouldn’t it make communication faster and more efficient?

Your Majesty can also issue an order to punish Ding Mo earlier. "

Chu Shinian rolled his eyes angrily.

"You are really confused. If we have anything to do, we will contact Xu Changtai. What do you think Xu Changtai will think of us? Do you think that without Xu Changtai, we will completely lose our support?

Is our Chu family unable to live without Xu Changtai?

Your Chu family actually relies on me, Xu Changtai, and will it encourage his ambition to create and annex our family? Then we will not be able to refuse any request from the Xu family in the future.

Can you be obedient to the Xu family and respond to every request? "

Chu Ziyan immediately shook his head.

He really didn't think so much.

“This little thing is not worth going through Lao Xu’s channels.

We just bribed a small official who was responsible for delivering secret documents, and that was it. Why bother Lao Xu? Among the minor officials in the outer dynasty, Lao Xu could not just talk.

Besides, the person I asked the secret guard over there to bribe was actually a pathfinder.

I mainly want to know who in Shenjing is deeply hostile to our family.

This time we got involved with Ding Mo, who ordered the people behind him to find out how we got to the secret fold.

If we give His Majesty a secret, then Ding Mo will often be accused by us.

Ding Mo is not stupid, he will definitely find a way to cut off our channels.

So whoever kills that little official will be the enemy of our family.

Even if he is not the real mastermind, he is still closely related to the mastermind. "

This constant cutting of connections is worthy of continuous investigation by the secret guards.

"Furthermore, do you think that since we always contact the people around His Majesty, would His Majesty have any ambitions towards him? Do you want to plot against him secretly?"

Zi Yan gasped after hearing this.

"I didn't expect that."

"Learn. When you are dealing with a group of old foxes, you have to learn to be more cunning and cunning than them. They will leave room for them to attack you." Chu Shinian told Zi Yan his experience. "It seems that Lin Changge has done really well in family affairs recently. Even the secret guards have been developed and strengthened by him." Chu Shinian praised.

"Old Lin is indeed very capable."

"Why do I feel so familiar with his methods?" Chu Shinian was puzzled. "Could it be that I'm too worried?"

"Boss, you are not overly concerned. I feel like his methods are imitating you and the clan leader. Especially the methods of dealing with people are simply frustrating. You can only follow his wishes, and It’s hard to guard against it.”

After hearing this, Chu Shinian smiled.

"No wonder Taohua said that Lin Changge is very similar to me. If I don't want to do it anymore, can I let him take over?"

"What? It's usually him, but I can do it too." Chu Ziyan said angrily.

Hahaha, Chu Shinian laughed.

"Besides, you are in your prime, so it is not too early to consider your successor."

"Wait a little longer, the family is still in some difficulties." Chu Shinian knew that the family still couldn't let go at this time.

"Boss, are you planning to send your tentacle eyes to Shenjing?"

"Hmm, our secret guard team in Yuanzhen City has been established well. Now, although it is still a little slow to collect various information, the impact is not big. But Shenjing still needs to pay more attention, and we must put it there A team of secret guards is set up.”

"No wonder you sent both Zigong and Ziqian to Shenjing." Chu Ziyan said in shock.

"Someone has to be responsible for taking the front line." Chu Shinian said indifferently.

Chu Ziyan also nodded.

With Zigong and Ziqian's ability to protect themselves, it would be impossible for them to die or be injured at most.

Besides, these two guys are now at the sixth level, so it’s a good thing to go out and practice.

"Head, someone has broken through to the sixth level recently. A dozen of our little caves have been directly consumed. Will it affect the advancement of our descendants in the future? Do we need to restrict it and only allow the descendants with amazing talents to merge with the little ones? Dongtian was promoted to the sixth level.”

"That's not necessary. The family has far more caves than you do."

Chu Ziyan looked at him in surprise.

"Boss, there are many people inside and outside our family who are waiting to line up to break through to the sixth level. Even the army is ready to make a move."

"Let everyone prepare with peace of mind. We have a lot of Xiaodongtian at home," Chu Shinian said.

"How is it possible that our family has so many small caves?"

"Of course it was done deliberately in advance." Chu Shinian said speechlessly, "You clan leaders can think of using formations to promote your own Lingshan and Floating Islands to the cave. Do you think she would have no other preparations. Before that, since When the Chu family began to build the big formation in the sky, Taohua asked many formation masters and earth masters to join forces to do secret missions.

It is to use space jade and a large number of artificial small caves. "

"What?" Chu Ziyan suddenly lost his composure.

He knows how much space jade he has accumulated, and now space jade can be mass-produced.

The Chu family not only has time themselves, but also has technology.

It's not hard to do that stuff.

"I said that the Chu family has hoarded so much space jade and rarely sells it to the outside world. They only sell defective products. Our main space items are storage bags and storage rings. What on earth are we doing? ?" Chu Ziyan clicked his tongue.

"I didn't expect those space jade to be used to create a small cave. That's awesome. What did the clan leader think?"

"Wait a minute, then aren't the small caves on the floating island that everyone uses to break through now? Since there are other small caves, why don't the family use them?" Chu Ziyan asked in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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