The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1624 Internal Investigation and Artificial Small Cave

Chapter 1624 Internal Investigation and Artificial Small Cave

"The people in the family who have broken through to the sixth level now are all people with extraordinary potential. These people may not be able to reach the seventh level in the future.

Naturally, we need better floating island, small cave, and sky fusion breakthroughs.

This way their foundation will be stronger.

When there is a large-scale blowout at the sixth level, then let monks with ordinary qualifications use those artificial jade small caves. Anyway, they need to carefully polish their cultivation and understand the rules of Xiaodongtian. If it is too complicated, then their path to the seventh level will be artificially cut off.

On the contrary, it is an ordinary artificial jade small cave with simple rules and easy to understand. It also gives them a slight possibility of breaking through to the seventh level.

But don’t expect too much.

I heard Yang Hui and Yang Yuan say that it is normal for a small family with a population like ours to produce a sixth-level family every 100 years, and a seventh-level family every 500 years. Or it might take longer.

Anyway, normal sixth- and seventh-level people can live for thousands of years, or even thousands of years.

Even if a family is born in hundreds of years, it will not be a loss.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a stable inheritance. "

"I think our family shouldn't be that miserable, right?" Chu Ziyan felt so uncomfortable hearing this pitiful promotion rate.

"It shouldn't be that miserable. We have provided them with shortcuts. If you merge with Xiaodongtian, you will have at least half the chance to advance to the sixth level. Why, no matter how bad it is, you have to start at one or six levels, right?" Chu Shinian is not very good either. Confidently.

Alas, they both sighed almost at the same time.

I really can’t say for certain about this breakthrough.

Thinking about the family golden elixir back then, it was quite miserable.

It's a heavy loss.

Many clan members who were originally favored by the family did not survive the Golden Pill robbery. That's still under the condition that the family has prepared the anti-tribulation elixir.

Chu Dashan and Chu Qi were so frightened that they gave up practicing at all.

Lying flat.

Oh no, no, I don’t practice anymore anyway.

I just sat back and waited for my daughter to take me away.

The army was even more miserable, with some teams losing nearly five levels of generals.

After all, only the generals' cultivation level may require them to survive the Golden Core Tribulation.

"Speaking of which, we have been quite cautious in selecting those who have broken through to the sixth level this time. I haven't heard of how many of them have died so far?" Chu Shinian said hurriedly.

"Of course, if you die, you won't have a small cave. What's the value of that? We are not stupid. If you don't have at least eight points of confidence, you can't apply for a breakthrough to the sixth level of fusion. You can go for a breakthrough, but there is no small cave to give you anyway. It doesn't matter if you die casually." Chu Ziyan said.

"Such a carefully chosen method can indeed reduce the mortality rate." Chu Shinian agreed.

Chu Ziyan suddenly stopped talking.

"Actually, there are still some who are not sure about themselves, but still want to fight to the death. It is said that more than 20 people have died." Chu Ziyan said.

"Hey, I also know that everyone is very determined to seek the truth. In this way, you can tell everyone that if you are not sure and still want to try, you can apply to the Hanzu Mansion. The quality of the artificial jade Xiaodongtian is worse than that of the Floating Island Xiaodongtian. too much.

But easy to integrate and master. It is specially prepared for those tribesmen who are not sure about themselves and still want to fight to the death.

Of course, it's not for free.

One hundred thousand family merit points each. "

"I understand." Chu Ziyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. There are many old brothers among my secret guards who are not so sure, but still want to give it a try, and have been encouraging me to win some small caves for them.

Now that artificial jade is available, there is no need to worry if you are thinking about it. You can try it when you are ready.

After leaving the Dazu Mansion, Chu Ziyan first went to Secret Guard Village. The area here is very large. As soon as he arrived, he was surrounded by several secret guards and went to the living room.

"Brother Yan, is it done? What does the family order say, are you willing to give us some small caves to try?" Someone asked immediately.

"I said if you are not at least 50% psychologically sure, why don't you wait." Chu Ziyan said angrily.

"We only have so many small caves, only one or two thousand at most. If we don't apply for a few at this time, we're afraid we won't be able to make any money in the future." The man said immediately.

"Don't ask for the specific number of the Chu family's small caves. This is not something you should pay attention to." Chu Ziyan reminded him.

If you are not in his position and do nothing to achieve his goals, that guy cares too much. "Don't forget the rules of our secret guards."

"I know, I won't do it anymore." The man immediately nodded in agreement.

"The family order has approved it. If you don't have strong talent, great potential, and are very confident, you won't be able to use the Floating Island Little Cave Sky."


Many small bosses wailed for a while. Finished.

None of us are qualified. If we were really qualified, why would we encourage Chu Ziyan to help them?

"It's really hopeless?"

"You guys are so anxious. I haven't finished speaking yet. Today's small cave on the floating island is indeed reserved only for those tribesmen who are extremely talented and can peek into the seventh level in the future." Chu Ziyan said angrily, "But The family order also said that clan members with mediocre qualifications and almost no chance of being promoted to the seventh level in this life should not give up.

Therefore, the family formation masters used some space fragments to create some small jade caves.

The advantage of this kind of small cave is that it is easy to get started, easy to integrate, and easy to understand the rules. If you understand the rules of the cave well in the future, you may have a chance to advance to the seventh level. Of course, it will take longer to comprehend than others.

No matter what kind of thing Xiaodongtian is, he can grow.

The family will use the little cave that cannot grow for other purposes and will not give it to you for upgrades and breakthroughs. So you have to strive for your best. If you use a dead calf one by one, it will be really embarrassing for our secret guards. "

Many young military leaders burst out laughing when they heard this.

"The family order is the family order, generous."

"The family leader is still our commander-in-chief, and he handles things kindly."

"So our family still has an artificial jade small cave?"

"As expected of the leader of the clan, he always takes one step at a time and sees a hundred steps ahead, and makes plans early."

"Then how many small caves does our family have?"

"Why do you care so much? Is this something you can inquire about?"

"Shut up now, don't you know the rules anymore?"

"I'll just ask, just ask."

But a shadow flashed across Chu Ziyan's eyes.

This guy has asked more than once how many small caves the family has.

If he hadn't been bribed, he might have replaced the original person. Now this one is fake. What force sent him here to die.

Hum, you still want to hide under my nose, you can do it now.

Chu Ziyan quickly organized an internal investigation by secret guards. Not only did he kill a dozen outsiders, he also uncovered seven or eight spies who had infiltrated the Chu family's territory.

Only after Chu Ziyan led the secret guards to uproot them did the internal investigation come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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