The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1631: Starting from the black market

Chapter 1631: Starting from the black market

After saying this, Lao Wang added, "They also want to enter the market to make a few bucks. They also said that the black market in Shenjing is not as active as the market here. They also plan to build some secret caravans and traffic from here. Goods, return to Shenjing for sale.”

"I say they are out of their minds. How far is it to go to Shenjing for selling? A place like the black market is most suitable for making quick money. As long as the trade routes between Wenlan Tianyu and the surrounding Tianyu are opened up. Just go here You can already make huge profits by selling the goods on the black market to the next world, so why send them to the distant Shenjing?

Not only to suppress goods, but also to suppress money. "

Xu Zhi not only smiled after hearing this analysis.

Although this statement makes sense, it is difficult to conceal that Lao Wang actually does not want those in Shenjing to enter the black market here too early. It affects his ability to make money.


"Do you want our Xu family to also form some caravans?"

"Yes, I actually want to join forces with your family to form a large number of caravans. I found that the various minerals here are really cheap. The quantities are also too large. There are millions of spiritual stones almost every day. trade.

If we join in, we will definitely be able to make money. "

"Brother Wang, trafficking in ore not only requires a large transport fleet, but also requires a large number of spiritual stones to be ordered in advance. Are you sure you can do it?"

"It's not bad. Our Wang family has made some money recently. What about you, do you, the Xu family, have any intention of investing?"

"You have to let me think."

"This opportunity must never come back again. I don't believe that the price of ore will always be so low." Lao Wang said.

Xu Zhi:......

Xu Zhi returned to his family to discuss with the counselors and clan elders that this matter could be done.

And it’s really possible to make huge profits.

There just aren't that many transport ships.

Is it still too late to order from the shipbuilding families in Wenlan Tianyu first? How many years will it take to order back?

"Actually, there is no need for us to go to other families to order transport ships." A clan elder said, "The Chu family is very good at building ships themselves. Their large transport ships are not only fast, but also carry a lot of cargo.

Although I have never seen them sell large transport ships, their family has a large number of shipbuilding yards all over Qingze. If we order some large transport ships, I think it might be cheaper. "

Well, everyone thinks this clan elder has a good idea.

They had contact with the Chu family. Although it was not very close, the Chu family's products were not only of good quality, but also low in price, which made people like them very much.

"In fact, we can not only traffic in ores, but also bring various elixirs from the Chu family. The sales of various elixirs from the Chu family are so hot. There are a lot of them in the black market, and they are auctioned in large quantities. Every time they are auctioned, There are tens of thousands of elixirs.

Moreover, Chu's various levels of elixirs are actually not cheap.

Some elixirs are particularly strange and very expensive. "

"Actually, our family can purchase the Chu family's elixir and make it ourselves, or find someone to make the elixir and sell it," the boss of another family said carelessly.

"You have to understand the actual situation. The Chu family does not sell large quantities of spiritual herbs, spiritual fruits, spiritual flowers, spiritual leaves, and various prepared elixirs to the outside world at all. They have a large number of pharmaceutical workshops and alchemists. There are so many, you are stupid, don’t you make all kinds of elixirs by yourself, so that we can make a lot of money?” The clan elder who spoke before rolled his eyes.

"I don't even know what's going on in your head all day long?!"

"The Chu family is so dishonest that they don't sell spiritual herbs or anything else?" the clan elder said coldly.

The other clan elders sitting there either looked at him sideways or just laughed.

"The Chu family is also the most powerful family in the local area. Our Xu family only has a small population, and the family's combat effectiveness is not very high. What else is worthy of others being righteous to us?" Xu Zhi asked directly. "I hope everyone will understand that our branch of the Xu family needs to establish a foothold here, spread its branches and reproduce offspring, instead of setting up enemies for yourself. The problem is that you have established a strong enemy, and you still can't defeat it.

Could it be that quarreling can keep a family on its feet? "

The clan elder's face suddenly turned red.

He knew that Xu Zhi really wanted him.

"Clan leader, I just feel that the Chu family controls the most profitable business, but only throws some fragmentary benefits to us. I look down on our Xu family a bit. They also don't think about it. The fact that they are now established in Qingze is not the result of our ancestors. ”

"Shut up, the Chu family established itself in Qingze by reviving Qingzhou Island and Nanxiang Island. They relied on their own strength to build hundreds of millions of miles of defensive walls. Our ancestors just helped add icing on the cake. say good things.

If you think that the Chu family's success today depends on our Xu family, then pack your bags and get out of here immediately.

Settling down in Qingze and establishing a good relationship with the Chu family is something our ancestors have taught us, and it is not for fools like you to mess around with. "

Seeing Xu Zhi's rage, the clan elder finally gave up.


"What are you doing? Six years ago, when the Chu family just settled in Qingze, they had tens of billions of people and more than 10 million legions. Now, only six years later, the total number of their legions has expanded to 100 million.

Moreover, they are carefully selected, and all of them are the best among the best soldiers.

Six years ago, the Chu family had only 150,000 warships, but in just six years, their warships had increased to 1.9 million. All the old warships were also eliminated.

How terrible this is, do you understand? ah?

The Chu family is growing into a behemoth.

With Chu's expansion speed, Ding Mo wouldn't be able to do anything to them within twenty years.

After all, a family with hundreds of millions of troops, even if its family population is not large, can defeat Ding Mo as long as it is brave and not afraid of death.

With such strength, as long as you are not blind, you should know that our Xu family cannot afford to play with him. He is not his opponent at all. "

After hearing these words, the other clan elders looked awe-inspiring.

They really didn't expect that the Chu family, which was not strong in their impression, would actually have such a foundation and huge strength.

"The Chu family has grown so fast? Why don't we tell the big families in Shenjing about his family and let them take action against the Chu family?" The stunned Qing clan elder said again.

"Are you really stupid? The Chu family is so powerful, what does it have to do with us? Why does our Xu family have to move to Qingze? That's because there is no place for our family to develop in Shenjing.

Only by jumping out can we find work and live better.

Suing the Chu family will only allow those big families to annex the Chu family's interests, so what benefits will it leave for us?

Stop dreaming, clan elders.

They won't leave us anything.

If we want to develop and become a big family, we can only learn from the Chu family and develop secretly and silently. Started out as a black marketer.

The interests of the family are above all else. Hope you all understand. "

(End of this chapter)

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