The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1632 The secret guard card drama live broadcast

Chapter 1632 The secret guard card drama live broadcast

After the meeting, someone secretly came to report to Xu Zhi.

"That person only wants to report the Chu family, and also wants to gain great benefits by reporting the Chu family. It would be best if his family can move to Yuanzhen City to become high-ranking officials."

The corners of Xu Zhi's mouth curled up.

"I see."

After sending away the tribesmen who came to report secretly, Xu Zhi summoned the Xu family's secret guard commander who was given to him by his own uncle.

"Uncle Yan, wait until he selfishly takes the spaceship out of the door. Find someone to directly report his spaceship in the air at the appropriate time. It will not look like he was killed by the Void Bandit Group."

"Young Master, I know what to do."

"Sorry for causing you any trouble."

"It doesn't matter. The Xu family is flourishing. What does it matter if there are a few black sheep? I heard that the leader of the Chu family gave away all his brothers. After her third brother left, there has never been any more. Been back.

It was obvious that he had completely severed ties with the Chu family and would no longer have any contact with him.

At least what you are dealing with here is only for him. "

"My heart is not cruel enough." Xu Zhi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Once this kind of thing has been done, it is useless to cover it up. There are many smart people in the clan.

It is inevitable that you will start to be afraid of him from now on.

Thinking of the vicious reputation of the poisonous widow, the leader of the Chu clan, whom I knew.

Ahem, he didn't want to evolve into that at all.

"Father should actually take control of the family by himself." Xu Zhi said in a resentful tone.

"The eldest son is actually weak. He will be very tired and unable to bear the daily family affairs." Xu Yan, the commander of the secret guards, said seriously.

"Don't think that I don't know what he is doing. He spends his days watching flowers, listening to music, and having a big meal. Sometimes he can read books and make pottery. He is very leisurely." Xu Zhi said angrily.

Xu Yan suppressed a laugh.

There is no other way. The eldest son just doesn’t want to work and leaves everything to his son. What can servants like them do?

"No, I have to find something for him to do."

Xu Yan even laughed sullenly.

Okay, you, father and son, continue to fight.

When the clan elder died, the entire Xu clan was trembling. It was the first time that they discovered that their acting clan leader was so ruthless and directly eliminated the clan elders who opposed him.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the dark.

I don’t know who started it, but everyone feels that they need a clan leader who is talented and can move forward on behalf of the family, but they don’t need a ruthless guy who is cruel to everyone in the clan.

This won't work. We must go to the real leader of their clan and ask him to depose his eldest son, or appoint other sons, such as the second son, the third son... the younger son to manage the family?

So a guy who was already lying down, watching flowers and feeding fish, was dragged out again.

Constant visits and constant crying will make him depressed.

What the hell, stinky son, don’t think I don’t know that you are behind the scenes pushing those people to come to my place to cause trouble.

The brat is wilted, wilted and bad. You want your father to solve a lot of problems for you, why are you so ignorant?

So a certain clan leader announced that he was ill and lay down, unable to get up or do anything. When guests are in seclusion, the eldest son will decide and preside over all clan affairs.

Baby, if you want to play with me and take the blame, you're still a little green. We just looked at you, why can't you do it?

Clan leader, you must not die. If you die, the eldest son will really come to power.

The elders of a certain tribe are afraid.

Everyone was crying and wiping away tears at home.

I am deeply afraid that the clan leader will die immediately.

The eldest son, Xu Zhi, ate well and slept soundly. Although he did not trick his father directly, at least he already knew that any of the clan elders had different intentions.


The Xu family's farce spread early to the Wang family, who had been paying attention to their family.

The key is that this farce always has a wonderful follow-up.

A group of male clan elders had so many tricks up their sleeves that Wang Wuhui enthusiastically listened to the live broadcasts of the secret guards every day.

Today I heard that a group of clan elders also made themselves seriously ill and asked to see the clan leader before they died. They just didn't have time to build a funeral shed at home.

Tomorrow I heard that the clan elders said that when a child gets married, he must come over and ask the clan leader to arrange a marriage. Everyone is related, and you have watched the children grow up. Don't you even think about getting married? Show your face?

Everyone made a move, hoping to see the clan leader again who was thanking guests behind closed doors. A certain clan leader just didn't buy it. It was all because I lay flat and couldn't get up. If you are seriously ill and unable to do anything, you go find the eldest son.

In the end, the clan elders obviously didn't move out, and then they gradually stopped.

Wang Wuhui just no longer had the pleasure of listening to the daily updates.

"Have you collected all the information about the Chu family?" Without the Xu family, he could continue to collect the Chu family's family history.

"The Chu family's family history is really well known. We rarely see direct descendants of the Chu family, and even if we do, they won't talk to us about their family's family history. The Chu family has an elimination system, and the strongest ones The direct line is appointed, and the weak are eliminated from the collateral lines.

They are not distinguished by bloodline inheritance like our family does.

Their direct descendants are all divided into small houses and small houses.

For example, if your ancestor is promoted to a direct lineage, then the ancestor might open a room by himself. You can classify it into any of the direct wives at will. People don't take the initiative to cling to her, but the concubine takes the initiative to win over her. People will be drawn in by being given various preferential treatment.

The Chu family has now opened a total of 199 houses in the direct line and branches. Now each of their rooms is an independent branch.

The first sixty houses are now direct lineages, and the ones behind are all collateral lines.

No matter whether it is a direct line or a side branch, it is not static.

The strong go up and the weak go down.

If internal strife harms family interests, it depends on how much the family interests are harmed. Anyway, even if it is only a small amount of family interests, both parties involved in internal strife will have to step down and start over from the bottom.

If it is because of internal strife and betrayal of the family, then he will be executed.

Anyone who fails to report the information will be expelled from the family. "

"Betraying the family will not be forgiven by any family, and it should be executed." Wang Wuhui nodded. "But their method of intra-clan competition in which the strong take the advantage of the weak and the weak are small, I think is quite good. Please inquire more carefully and see if we can also implement it within our family."

"Okay, I will ask people to inquire more about this matter."

"In fact, the larger the family, the more resolute and resolute the clan leader is. If the clan leader himself is indecisive, then the family will be ruined." Wang Wuhui said with emotion.

"By the way, my dad is still obsessed with practicing recently?"

"Yes, the clan leader is still working hard to advance to the seventh level."

"It's difficult to advance to the seventh level." Wang Wuhui sighed. His father was so obsessed with promotion, didn't he just want to prove to his grandfather that his grandfather's choice was wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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