Chapter 1635 Wail

There are also some areas where star beast communities are typically concentrated. The Chu family's spirit planters went to investigate and determined what was planted in those places.

There are also some sub-dragon growing areas. They have specially interplanted some thorn-headed shrubs and some dragon blood ginseng, dragon blood grass, dragon blood wisteria, dragon bone grass, blood dragon flower, etc. that need dragon blood watering to bloom and bear fruit. Special spiritual plant.

Just plant some dragons and keep them here. This saves the family from hunting all the sub-dragons and leaving them with no dragon blood, so the dragon bones can be used to plant special spiritual plants.

Ahem, sustainable development.

So the casual cultivators and expedition teams who were entrenched nearby occasionally wandered to a certain place. Last time, there was nothing, but next time it was filled with elixir seedlings all over the mountains and valleys.

Ahem, don't think about it, it was planted by the Chu family.

The Chu family was the only one around who dared to do this blatantly.

After all, the fleet just walks around when they have nothing to do. Do you dare to try to extract their medicinal seedlings?

I won't kill you.

Other forces also want to follow the Chu family and do something.

But they were not familiar with the properties of the medicine, nor were they familiar with the surrounding community of star beasts. Some of the elixirs were eaten by star beasts as soon as they were planted.

There are also cases where a beast suddenly flies in and destroys all the elixir seedlings you planted.

There are also some places where the soil looks fertile, but in fact nothing grows.

Then everyone suddenly realized, no wonder the Chu family didn’t plant it here.

No matter where you are, it's fine, but the Chu family's warships don't patrol here.

That's not to say he was stolen to death!

As soon as the seedlings grew to about two inches high, others stole all the land.

In short, if you want to follow others and take advantage, it's not that easy.


Chu Junshu came back from the distant war zone of Tianyu, his momentum changed drastically.

He has the demeanor of a tough warrior.

Chu Shinian and Taohua were both very satisfied with his growth.

Especially this time, Chu Junshu broke through the early stage of Yuanying and became the middle stage of Yuanying.

The eldest son of Nascent Soul, who was so good, came back with all his beard and tail, so what else could they be dissatisfied with.

At this point, Chu Junshu himself was not very satisfied.

He told his parents, "It was only after I got there and left my parents' protection that I realized how dangerous people's hearts are. I was dragged into a trap several times. Once I almost didn't climb out."

"I finally got out, only to find that most of the brothers who were released by me had not come back. I was crying so hard that I couldn't stand it."

"My heart is broken," his sister added to him.

Chu Junshu:......

"There were other times when I thought I had seen through people's hearts and made friends, but I still didn't expect that some people hid too deeply and stabbed them in the back too harshly. I almost fell down in front of His Majesty.

I also watched several other friends being wrongly accused, dismissed from their jobs, and even imprisoned. I watched helplessly as everyone was framed and stabbed in the back, with no ability to change at all.

I'm so angry. "

"I went to His Majesty in the middle of the night to beg for mercy!" His sister immediately added to him.

Chu Junshu: ...If this wasn't my own sister, I would have beaten her to the point of bleeding.

"I didn't go to ask His Majesty, I went to ask General Song Er. In the end, he helped us. We were exempted from imprisonment and several major crimes. But none of them had official positions. General Song Er also asked me to be more sensible in the future. Don’t mislead others.”

"To put it bluntly, General Song Er just thinks that you are stupid and have been deceived, so he deceived you well, deceived you brilliantly, and deceived you so well."

"Chu Junlan." Chu Junshu was angry. This dead girl definitely deserves a beating.

"Auntie, my brother is incompetent and furious again. Look, look."

Taohua laughed non-stop.

Chu Shinian also laughed.

"Chu Junlan, please stand down. If I don't deal with you today, I won't be your brother."

"Xiao Junzhuo, come and protect your sister." Chu Junlan shouted towards Xiao Junzhuo.

Xiao Junzhuo jumped directly into his mother's arms.

In fact, his brothers and sisters are all bad guys, and every one of them has never bullied him. That smile of peach blossom.

Now the youngest is beginning to see the true colors of his brothers and sisters.

Chu Junlan and Chu Junshu fought for most of the night, but successfully disrupted Chu Junshu's complaint meeting. This made Chu Junshu angry.

I went to find his sister early the next morning and insisted on taking her to go fishing.

It’s also called exercising patience.

Exercise like crazy.

Chu Junlan quickly sent someone to complain to his father, and successfully asked his father to take his brother away to work.

Chu Junshu was dejected when his father left him as an office worker.

As soon as the tool man arrived, officials from all walks of life in the clan government came to watch the excitement.

No, he was directly regarded as a monkey.

"I heard that the young clan leader is back?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm using it as a stamping tool for the family order."

"Poor child."

"Who says it isn't?"

"The family is worried that no one will help him."

"The family leader has been particularly fond of coaxing people to do work for him recently."

"So the family order should arrest the young clan leader to do the work, so as not to force us to work overtime in the end."

"That's right, that's right."

Chu Junshu:......

A secret guard hurriedly walked in and handed a secret letter directly to Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian opened it and frowned.

He waved to Chu Junshu.

Chu Junshu trotted over quickly. Particularly well-behaved and positive.

My biological father.

"Something new has been dug out from under the Huotai World Mine. Let's go over and take a look."

"Dad, I can go alone."

Chu Shinian shook his head, "I'll go with you."

When Taohua heard about this, she was also very interested, so she gave her little Junzhuo to her second sister to raise. He led the team and ran away.

Chu Qingmei hugged the fat boy Chu Junzhuo, feeling quite helpless.

He was only three years old, and his mother threw it away when she wanted to.

Chu Junzhuo was quite calm.

Anyway, as long as he is not allowed to live at home by himself, he will feel uncomfortable if no one plays with him. As long as he has someone to play with, he can go anywhere.

If the second aunt dislikes him and gets tired of him, he can still live with his uncles. If not, he can even live with his grandfather and grandmother.

Anyway, there are plenty of places for him to live.

"If you miss your mother and father, just tell your second aunt and she will take you to find them."

"Then let me stay at your house for a while. When I have enough fun, Second Aunt, you can take me over there to play. This way you can have fun with both of us."

Chu Qingmei: Is he really a good kid who knows how to arrange his time? !

Lin Changge couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It’s really a weird mother raising a weird son.

Chu Qingmei glanced at him angrily, hugged the fat boy and left.

I also have a cute little girl at home, and I take Xiao Junzhuo to play with her sister.

"You, hurry up and go to the rich family mansion to do your work." On the way home, Chu Qingmei did not forget to make arrangements for her man.

Lin Changge almost cried.

(End of this chapter)

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