The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1636: The high-level spiritual plant that failed to break through feeds the world back

Chapter 1636: The high-level spiritual plant that failed to break through feeds the world back

Taohua and their warships had just arrived at the third suspended continent and had not yet reached the crack.

Taohua took the initiative to temporarily park the warship, and she was summoned by the Taiyin Stone Tower.

It turned out that the three immortal roots had transformed on the second floor of Taiyi Stone Tower.

The transformation has been completely completed.

Let Peach Blossom move away quickly.

This is a new immortal root.

Taohua's main consciousness hurriedly transferred to the Taiyin Stone Tower.

On the second floor of the Taiyin Stone Tower, there is a cloud of auspicious clouds, and the glow is shining everywhere.

Make a small space as shiny as a fairy palace!

As soon as Peach Blossom fell into the second level, she felt that her spirit was slowly growing.

It's amazing, her soul has never felt any stronger since she was promoted to the sixth level. Completely stuck. Unexpectedly, entering the second floor of Taiyin Stone Tower at this time, it actually started to grow again.

After taking a breath of the scent here, her spirit grew even faster.

Obviously the atmosphere here is very beneficial to her.

But before she could take a few more breaths of the good air here.

Taiyin Stone Tower continued to urge her.

Ask her to quickly remove the Three Immortal Roots.

Taohua quickly rushed into the center of the second floor, moved the three large flower pots into her storage ring, and then quickly entered the Silver Moon world.

She does not plan to keep the immortal roots in the Five Elements Small World in the future.

Mainly because there are too many high-level spiritual plants in the Five Elements Small World.

It’s really inconvenient to keep the immortal roots there.

With Yin Yue's help, Tao Hua planted three fairy roots that had transformed into small trees less than two feet tall around the Yin Gui tree.

There were originally fairy roots and five-color plums beside the silver osmanthus tree.

This immortal root has recovered well and has been promoted to the second level.

The newly arrived Three Immortal Roots have only just reached the first level.

"In another thirty-six years, Peach Blossom, you will be able to eat the fairy fruits produced by the new fairy roots." Yingui Baoshu said.

"I'm just wondering when I can eat longan." Taohua looked at the silver osmanthus tree.

Yin Gui laughed. Even though her tree was so tall, it almost obscured the canyon at her feet.

But she is the immortal root that has been reborn after death. It will take at least three hundred years for the immortal fruit to grow again.

Of course, based on the proportion of time passing between Silver Moon's small world and the outside world. Three hundred years are relatively easy to spend. That’s thirty years in the outside world.

"I'd better wait for the outside world thirty years from now."

Peach blossom:......

"Zhaotian Tao and Xueyu Tao, did you sacrifice them to Qingze Great World?" Yin Gui asked.


"Then do you feel that Qingze Great World has eaten them completely?" Yingui asked again.

"What do you mean?" Taohua was completely confused. "You just feel if there are any traces of them in the world of Qingze. That is, traces of the great road." Yin Gui said.

"I don't understand. Why don't you turn around and help me take a look?"

"Okay, you go back and I'll go out and help you take a look. I collected two of their branches. If they are completely erased and the traces of the avenue are completely wiped out, then it is said that these two immortal roots are completely vacant. Even if they appear again, they will be empty. The new immortal root no longer has the original inheritance.

At that time, these two peach branches will be more useful. You can definitely see which peach in your family performs well and has great potential when it breaks through the sixth level. It looks a little bit like being promoted to immortal roots.

Don't worry about whether they will succeed in promoting their immortal roots. You just need to put these two peach branches under their trees. After failing to break through the original immortal roots, they will choose to fuse the peach branches and promote new immortal roots.

Peach trees will also choose the road that suits them, and they will not go all the way to the end.

It turns out that if you want to fight for it, there is no way out. "

"Why can a spiritual tree choose to be promoted to Immortal Root after the sixth level?"

"Actually, a spiritual tree before the sixth level can also be promoted to Immortal Root. However, the success rate is very low. There is a high probability that all the members of the same race are sacrificed in a certain small world, and a Immortal Root variant is born. Maybe this Immortal Root is still a Small saplings, small flower seedlings and so on.

After being promoted to the sixth level, the human race also entered the realm of Evolution Dao, gradually touching and learning to control the Dao.

Spirit trees are even simpler.

Their own way is simpler and more crude.

It’s the Immortal Root and Immortal Fruit Avenue. "

Taohua showed an expression like this after hearing this.

"The more potential the spirit tree has, the more they want to be promoted to Immortal Root after the sixth level breakthrough. On the contrary, those who have broken through the seventh level spiritual tree will generally feel that their potential is not that good, because they did not advance when they were at the sixth level. Immortal roots, I can’t compete with them in the future. It’s better to be the ancestor of a certain kind of spiritual tree.” Yin Gui explained to Taohua.

"Our competition for immortal roots is almost endless. Immortal roots have uniqueness. As long as the Qingyang Lingpeach immortal root is still alive, other sixth-level Qingyang Lingtao who choose to advance to the immortal root will die.

But in the future, there will still be a large number of Qingyang Lingtao who feel that they have extraordinary potential. Even if they know that the way forward is blocked, they will fight for their own death. "

Taohua understood immediately after hearing this.

"This is actually the elimination method chosen by the world to cut off too many high-level spiritual plants, right? After all, where in the world do more high-level spiritual plants than low-level spiritual plants? The human race also has a sixth-level thunder tribulation. "

"That's right, no matter which world you are in, there is a limit to the number of high-level creatures you can endure. If there are more humans, there will be fewer creatures even from other races. If there are more creatures from other races, then there will be fewer humans. It's just the way of heaven and earth. We should stick to some complicated branches and leaves, and others should be aboveboard.

Fight for the truth. "

"Oh, in addition to those fifth-level peak spiritual peach trees that failed to break through, there are still many peach trees in my Five Elements world that are not ready to break through. Although there are many sixth-level ones. But fourth-level, There are so many peach trees with extraordinary fifth-level potential.

There are also many other fourth-level and fifth-level spiritual plants.

So what should I do?

I have worked so hard to raise them, should I watch them fight to death? "

"If you are afraid of losing money, then dig them out and organize them to break through the sixth level. Without soil, you can break through the sixth level on your own.

If you value the small world, then you let them fight for the way. After they die fighting for the way, everything you have will feed back to the world. When you are outside, you feed back the big world; when you are in the small world, you feed back the small world.

Those fifth-level peak spiritual plants you raised in the past will feed back to the small world once they fail to break through and die. Doesn't the promotion speed of your Five Elements Small World have a lot to do with feedback?

Could it be that you have never noticed this situation? "

Taohua opened her mouth and was speechless.

"Don't you think that the small world you cultivated has a profound foundation and unique talents?"

After listening and asking again, Taohua continued to nod.

Yes, that's what she thought before.

(End of this chapter)

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