The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1637 Another dilapidated little blessed place

Chapter 1637 Another dilapidated little blessed place

"Oh my God, your brain is really amazing.

It turns out that you have some background, but how did your family cultivate this small world? Don’t you have any idea? The initial upgrade was done with the help of Heaven and Earth Reshaping. You yourself are lucky, you have collected some resources and treasures, and developed your little world.

But you should have seen a lot of small worlds, right?

It's quite the small world you've grown up in. Although it's not very desolate, it's not very outstanding either.

Even your little world with innate immortal roots was not born, there are only some immortal roots that were moved later. "

Some fairy roots...

Taohua's face turned red when she was told.

It's a bit embarrassing.

"Normally, it starts to develop from Xiaoling Mountain, and gradually develops into a small secret realm, a small world. Along the way, you won't be able to make it in less than a hundred thousand years. And your Five Elements Small World only took a few years, and the breakthrough speed is so fast They are almost catching up with Silver Moon Little World.

You have to know that as a small world with top attributes, Silver Moon Small World has a development history of at least hundreds of years.

Do you think your little world should develop so fast for no reason?

It's not because of the large number of spiritual plants, because it breaks through death and feeds the world back.

Your little Five Elements world can catch up quickly through this kind of feedback.

Otherwise, how far can Silver Moon pull it? "

"I didn't think clearly before." Taohua apologized sincerely.

"It's okay, I didn't expect your cognition to be so powerful. Haha, you really think that your own little world is unique. Haha, in fact, the number of high-level spiritual plants dying is too high.

But it is now in trouble. " Yin Gui said.

"Yingui Baoshu, why do you say that?"

"Too many high-level spiritual plants died in the small world. What I gained as a child was not only the energy fed back, but also deep resentment and resentment. This time the world was fed back by the original consciousness of Qingzhou Island with the torrent of rules. The small world next to it, the small world Cave heaven, small blessed land, etc. can quickly complete the transformation, but the Five Elements small world has not succeeded.

It also took the initiative to merge with Wuyuan Mountain and continued to break through and transform. But until now, there has been no movement.

Do you think this is normal? "

Taohua suddenly realized.

It turns out something went wrong again.

"So what should I do? How can I help it?"

"You are doing two things at once, sorting out the rules of Silver Moon, understanding and mastering them, and at the same time helping the Five Elements Small World sort out the rules there. Others can't do it, but you can see and combine a large number of gray and black things in the small world over there. Pull out the resentment.”

"(⊙o⊙)Oh." Taohua understood.

"Do you know where to put the resentment you pulled out?" Yin Gui asked again.

"do not know."

"Send it to the first floor of the Taiyin Stone Tower."

"I always feel like the Taiyin Stone Tower is like a garbage dump." Taohua muttered after hearing this.

"The Taiyin Stone Tower has nine levels in total. Only the first level can quickly digest all kinds of resentment, blood evil, underground turbidity and other filthy and mixed qi."

"This is the first time I've heard of it."

"There are still many things you don't know. In fact, I'm still surprised. You say you are the master of Taiyin Stone Tower, but you can't use many parts of Taiyin Stone Tower. You say you are not the master of Taiyin Stone Tower, but you can Descend to all floors of the Taiyin Stone Tower at will.

But we can't even get out of Silver Moon's small world. As long as we are close to the barrier of the small world, the Taiyin Stone Tower will simulate a terrifying thunder disaster. If you don’t want to die, don’t go out; if you want to die, go be a demon. "

Taohua laughed after hearing this.

"It's not my fault. When I got the Silver Moon Small World, I put it in the Taiyin Stone Tower because there was no place to put it. The Taiyin Stone Tower blocked it. In my opinion, it is normal. After all, It’s foreign.”

"Huh." Yin Gui smiled. "But if you plan to help Five Elements Small World advance, it is not a good job that can be completed in a short period of time. It is estimated that the outside world will not be able to complete it in one or two hundred years."

"Oh, take your time." Taohua also had a headache. But there is no way. We can't let the Five Elements Small World continue to transform on its own, but it can't transform.

"Okay, please help me take care of these three little fairy roots. I have to go back. There are other things in the family."

"Leave it all to me." Yingui Baoshu said in a generous voice.

These little dolls are brand new and have no inherited memories.

This will actually help them develop a relationship with the peach blossoms.

After all, Chu and Taohua have always taken care of them.


On the third floating continent, there are still many places under construction.

However, the formation combinations near the edge of the continent are almost complete and are starting to become green. All kinds of semi-spiritual trees, spiritual trees are all grown all over the mountains and plains. There are also various spiritual fruit trees.

What is a mutated ordinary fruit tree that only tastes good but has very low aura, what is a semi-spiritual fruit tree, what is a first-order, second-order and other low-level spiritual fruit trees.

Anyway, as long as there is some space, everyone likes to plant something.

Unexpectedly, the various small caves in many cities on the floating continent are crowded with things.

Even peanuts and melon seeds are planted in front of and behind the house.

Many people who rent or buy houses from outside have also begun to learn this weird style of the Chu family.

I want to try everything I see.

Taohua and the others arrived at the Third Suspension Continent. The family leaders here were very happy. They must seize the opportunity this time and must not let the clan leader and family leader run away.

As a result, the couple was held back by many urgent and important matters.

Don't leave, don't leave, you must do the work that needs to be done.

It’s impossible to delay it any longer. Anyway, it’s definitely not us who will be delayed the most in the end.

Taohua and Chu Shinian just need to work obediently. By the way, Chu Junshu was recruited as a tool man.

Chu Junshu: Who did I provoke?

Why is my life so miserable?

Are you being used as a tool by your parents every day?

However, when a family of three works together, the speed is still very fast.

Many projects on the third floating continent that had been delayed due to various reasons have also been restarted.

After all, the clan leader is here, and the family leader is not able to make decisions on any other uses.

Once they have the decision of the clan leader and family order, they can just do it.

There is no need to think about anything, and there is no need to argue with anyone.

Taohua and the others managed to escape from the third floating continent, but when they arrived at the crack base, they were stopped again.

It turned out that on the other side of the crack, in a hollow place deep in the white sand plain, another small dilapidated blessed land was found.

Chu Shinian: I didn’t even finish refining the last one.

Now I don’t want to swallow a hard little blessed land source anymore.

Taohua also had a headache.

If it doesn't work, then she plans to let Silver Moon Small World swallow her up.

Anyway, Silver Moon Small World should probably be able to swallow it, right?

(End of this chapter)

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