The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1644 Slime Bugs

Chapter 1644 Slime Bugs

Taohua wants to solve those weird alien energies.

Let's not talk about other things, but the almost ubiquitous toxins in the air are very annoying.

Two of the diggers sent by the Chu family were poisoned to death recently.

No matter how cautious you are, there will be times when you make mistakes.

An oversight at this moment could cost a life. It was difficult to save him in time.

If things go on like this, more people will die and no one will come over to do the work.

It seems that we still need to send more manpower to prepare the detoxification potion.

After Taohua returned to the base, she summoned the pharmacists to reiterate her ideas. Let everyone continue to work hard.

Then Chu Junshu came again, and he planned to go to Huotai World to have a look.

All kinds of insects over there were finally dug out.

Some still have ice cubes attached.

It was said that a guy suspected to be half human and half insect appeared underground. He was curious and planned to go and have a look.

"You can go and help my mother find out if there is any antidote or something highly poisonous."

"You want poison?" Chu Junshu was surprised.

"If used well, poison can also be used in great ways."

"Okay, I get it, mother."

Tao Hua also said it casually and didn't take it as anything.

I don't expect my son to be able to find anything truly useful.

Who would have thought that within ten days of Chu Junshu's departure, he would send a bunch of weird things.

Among them was something that looked like a living thing, but also resembled the flesh of an insect. But what was frozen in the ice coffin was the corpse.

And some clear water stored in clear jars?

Or is it some slimy stuff, mucus?

"What are these?" Taohua was puzzled.

"These jars are full of bugs. Clan leader, you look at a jar of something that looks like clear water. As long as a person drinks it, he will soon scream and vomit black water. Within a few days, the body will swell, turn black, and explode. There are many black bugs inside the debris, densely squirming. In a few days, these bugs will lay transparent eggs in some waters, and then hatch into small transparent bugs.

It is simply invisible to the human eye. It can only be discovered by looking at it with the spiritual consciousness of a monk.

This gray-white slimy insect is also a transparent insect. Its skin and flesh are relatively soft and sticky, and it will die if it encounters dry heat. It usually likes cold and humid places and secretes this sticky liquid.

This sticky mucus will be poisoned if a person touches even a little bit of it. People with toxins appear gray-white. "

"How did you discover such a powerful poison?" Taohua asked puzzledly.

"It was the indigenous forces from Huotai World who wanted to find out what was going on in that big pit. As a result, they drove a large number of indigenous people to dig ice, soil, and insects. As a result, they encountered these one after another. Poison, many people died.”

Taohua was speechless after hearing this, "Then is your young clan leader still safe?"

"Don't worry, we can't let the young clan leader get into any danger. We will definitely protect him."

"Then what the hell is this thing?"

"The tribe leader said that they are insect people. The ancient stone tablets of their local indigenous people recorded that insect people appeared in the ancient world of Huotai."

"In ancient times. The space near the great world of Fire Tower was extremely unstable.

I've already asked you to investigate. There may have been visits from alien beings there.

It may not be ancient times, maybe hundreds of years ago, maybe thousands of years ago. "

They believed in the clan leader's judgment.

So the powerful elder nodded in agreement.

"There are some bad enemies in the entire Shihantian Territory. If they are very interested in the big pit underground this time, you will secretly encourage them to investigate. You just need to follow them." Taohua said clearly.

The elder suddenly laughed evilly. "Clan leader, I understand."

"You keep these things, and I will have them taken to the doctors and pharmacists. If they have no effect, I will send someone to contact you when you get back."

"Okay." The elder said a few more words and then said goodbye directly.

After sending away the elders, Taohua sent all the poisons and monsters to the doctors and pharmacists.

In the early morning of the second day, it was still dark.

Taohua and Chu Shinian were woken up by someone from outside.

What is the important thing?

They actually got the couple together so early.

"Clan leader, what a major discovery." This time it was the doctor in charge and the pharmacist in charge who came together.

"What major discovery?" Taohua looked at the two excited people speechlessly.

"The slime bugs like the clan leader can be dried into dry powder and burned directly. It can neutralize the toxins in the air over the crack. We sent people to test it overnight, and it was very effective.

We have completely cleaned up the poisonous gas in the tunnel at the entrance of the crack.

But that side was only temporarily cleared. If you want to completely clean up the air poison in the cave over there, you have to burn this insect powder on a large scale. "

"It's true that one thing defeats another. I didn't expect such a strange thing to happen. I will arrange for people to catch more slime bugs. If it doesn't work, let's see if we can raise some in the crack."

"Where are you raising the crack?" The two middle-aged Chu family members had strange expressions on their faces. Clan leader, you really dare to think.

But it's also a good idea.

"As long as no one hinders us, we can work slowly and little by little, and we can always clean up the cracks completely." Taohua said confidently.

The two middle-aged managers said yes.

This slime bug is a surprising and surprising discovery. As long as everyone works hard, maybe we will be able to research more effective ways to remove toxins.

"And the clan leader, we have studied this monster. It is not a human being, it seems to be a mutated pangolin."

"Ah?" Taohua was surprised. "No way?"

"Anyway, we did some research and found that this monster should be a mutated pangolin." Pharmacists and doctors all have special identification methods.

Taohua didn't ask much. If it was really a pangolin, why did it behave like this?

"There may be something underground in the great world of Shentai." The doctor in charge said. "It should be something that specializes in cultivating bugs."

After hearing this, Taohua thought for a while and then said, "If it doesn't work out, I'll ask Jun Shu to tell this troublesome matter to the chief manager of Shihan Tianyu. He can always figure it out, right?"

"This is also a good idea." Chu Shinian agreed. "Don't always let us get ahead of everything. If it's just a tool that can develop and cultivate bugs, why not give it to the general manager of Shihan Tianyu, and maybe let him achieve great achievements?"

"Then it depends on what it is." Taohua said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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