The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1645 Governance

Chapter 1645 Governance

Chu Junshu came to the Shentai World and his own mining area.

This originally desolate Great Gobi Plain has now been greatly transformed.

Because the Chu family built three big lakes one after another.

So in this vast Gobi desert, green can be seen everywhere now.

Many drought-tolerant needles, small leaves, fast-growing trees and semi-spiritual trees have been cultivated in this next door.

In order to prevent the desert from encroaching on this Gobi Desert, a large number of windbreaks were planted.

Many of them are ordinary trees that directly stimulate the growth of trees that are tens of meters tall.

Some local aboriginal young men are constantly brushing wood spells on some large trees that are not growing well in the woods.

Chu Junshu could tell that these wood spells were too simple. Although they were easy to master, their power was very shallow.

Even the spells used by Chu's own wood-type spirit planter to train his apprentices are much more powerful than these spells.

But it's really good for dealing with ordinary trees and semi-spiritual trees.

Brush them away slowly. As long as those trees stay alive, sooner or later this piece of Gobi will be transformed into a large oasis in the desert.

There are circles of protective forest around the outside and inside of the question.

This caused the temperature of the entire Great Gobi to change. become more suitable for human survival.

Village-like settlements have even been built outside many mines.

The population of the entire Gobi has also increased a lot.

Near the city built by the Chu family, all kinds of drought-tolerant grains and semi-spiritual grains were planted in large tracts throughout the villages.

Chu Junshu made a rough estimate and found that the Chu family could meet their own food needs without using their own spiritual fields to plant spiritual food in various places in the city.

Walking into the city built by the Chu family, it was even more lively and prosperous, with a steady flow of people.

Chu Junshu even saw many local aboriginal shops.

Selling various local specialty products.

Chu Junshu led people into the city lord's mansion.

Zhou Yu, the mine owner and city owner who was in charge of local affairs, ran over to greet Chu Junshu with a thick smile on his face.

"Hey, my young master, are you finally back after taking a break?"

Chu Junshu rolled his eyes angrily. "You clearly know that I went to the battlefield to practice."

"I said you threw this mess at me, didn't you have a good mind in the first place?"

"How are you talking? I'm not here to train you. You can be regarded as the benchmark for monks with foreign surnames trained by my Chu family. My mother said that when you break through the sixth level in the future, she will give you a small cave.

You are fine. Since you broke through the Golden Elixir Dzogchen, you have been lying down and doing nothing. Why are you salting fish? I didn't even lie down. "

"You are telling the truth. You are just jealous that I can lie down flat. You can't lie down, you can't lie down." Zhou Yu said angrily.

"Yes, I'm just jealous. What else can you do? If you dare to lie down, I will tell your father that you don't work hard and want to lie down."

"You're cruel." Zhou Yu was angry.

The two were classmates in their boyhood.

At the beginning, there were still signs of Hu Bie, and they were competing for the speed of cultivation.

Later, the two became friends.

They also had the dream of lying down together, and they became good friends.

The result is that Zhou Yu can lie down, but his father is a mortal. Although his life span has been extended, he does not know how to practice, so he is lying down, and his father does not know.

But Chu Junshu's fate was not so good. His biological father and mother always liked to catch him back with the ball and use him as a tool to work. This made Chu Junshu feel unbalanced, so he took the initiative to go to Zhou Yu's house to complain.

So Zhou Yu was whipped out by his father with a leather whip.

I don't want to work, I just want to lie down and wait until Xie's father dies.

Of course, Zhou Yu couldn't hope that his biological father would die. He had no choice but to crawl out and work.

In fact, there are many monks with surnames outside the Chu family, and Zhou Yu's biological father is not just his son. The other brothers in his family have all married early, not to mention children and grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren.

There are also many monks in the Zhou family, and they earn a lot of spiritual stones every year, so it is easier to buy life-extending elixirs for their own family.

Anyway, if a mortal can extend his life, pills are relatively cheap.

However, there were many monks with foreign surnames, and they could not compete with the Chu family's children who were given great support by the Chu family. There were some people with ulterior motives who always made conspiracy theories about the Chu family suppressing monks with foreign surnames.

In short, the upper management of the Chu family did not regard the monks with foreign surnames as their own family members.

The vast majority of monks with foreign surnames do not take their arguments seriously. Of course, there are also serious ones.

Those serious monks would move away with their families.

Without the Chu family, freedom would no longer be suppressed.

Then not long after he left, he was beaten even more violently by Shidao, and then he moved back in a hurry. He never mentioned leaving the Chu family again.

There are many people who have moved out and come back in the Chu family's territory.

Then he never said anything about moving out.

Otherwise, he is someone who keeps making small moves in private and always creates trouble for the children of the Chu family.

Once such people are discovered, they will be removed.

The Chu family will never recruit him to work again. These are equivalent to being on a blacklist.

Of course, if he doesn't give up, he will always be looking for trouble secretly.

Such a person will be expelled by the Chu family together with his family.

Of course, the family property was confiscated.

After all, there are only a few people who grew up in the territory of the Chu family, have crazy minds, and insist on going against the Chu family.

But there are still some people who feel that the Chu family treats people of their own family and people with other surnames unfairly.

The problem is, this fairness is impossible.

One is a descendant of the family and the other is an outsider.

Only a fool would choose fairness.

So even if there are some complaints and complaints coming up from below, Taohua and the others will treat it as invisible.

However, although she pretends to be invisible, she will still give some preferential treatment and support to the monks with foreign surnames.

Because the patriarch's brain is really terrible. Therefore, the monks with foreign surnames who received preferential treatment and support did not feel that the descendants of the Chu family received more benefits. On the contrary, they felt that the treatment given to them by the Chu family was pretty good.

"By the way, I see you've increased the training of the local natives? The windbreaks outside and the large areas of farmland where people cast spells are all created by you, right?"

Chu Junshu asked.

"I just think the natives should be able to use it too. Anyway, it's just some inferior exercises and small spells. Besides, they can't do it just because they are physically strong. I have long heard from people below that many natives really want to become monks . Even if they know that they must have spiritual roots to become a monk, they still hope that they also have spiritual roots.

At first glance, I think long-term suppression is probably not going to work. We have to give them some sweetness and hope. Zhou Yu said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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