The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1646 This is called maturity

Chapter 1646 This is called maturity

"So I found someone to buy spiritual root testing items for them to test spiritual roots on a large scale. I didn't expect that the proportion of people here who have spiritual roots is quite high. They are almost catching up with some of the top people in Wenlan Tianyu. It’s a big world to wait for.”

"There is no shortage of spiritual root plates in the family. Why do you go out to buy them?" Chu Junshu was puzzled.

"Aren't I giving them a hint and a signal? If I didn't do this, who knows what I want to do? How could they cooperate with me in large-scale spiritual root testing from the beginning?"

"Oh, you want to save some trouble. There are too many native people who are not willing to listen to your various arrangements. You are looking for trouble because you don't like me." Chu Junshu said suddenly.

"No, a few sets of tools for measuring spiritual roots only cost a few dollars. I just don't like trouble. Since I want to give them benefits, I have to be honest and make them grateful.

If I am misunderstood and cause a bigger trouble, then wouldn’t it be in vain for me? "

"You're a very thoughtful kid," Chu Junshu said.

Zhou Yu: I disagree with this the most. I learned all my damn thoughts from you.

You are worthy of being the biological son of a sinister and cunning clan leader.

Taohua: Insidious and sophisticated?

"Then what happened?"

"I picked out hundreds of guys with spiritual roots at once. I directly found someone to teach them some superficial cultivation techniques, and specially selected the ones that were easy to get started. Then I gave them to those guys who didn't have spiritual roots and couldn't give up. Some warriors taught them the mortal skills of warriors.

Although they cannot become monks, they can also choose to become a powerful warrior. It's better than not knowing how to fight after your muscles and bones are strong. "

"Why do you want to train them to become warriors?"

"Because I found that there are too many bugs here, and they often come out at night to attack mortals. The monks in the tribe don't like to do such troublesome little work. I can't force them to do it. So I plan to cultivate them. A large number of warriors are specially used to deal with those insidious bugs outside.

Except for the first year, when everyone's martial arts cultivation was not that good and they suffered a big loss and many warriors died from being eaten by bugs, from the second year onwards warriors became the main force in killing bugs.

I now leave the defense of the entire Gobi to them.

The main reason is not that there is a large-scale insect infestation, which we monks of the Chu family basically don’t understand. "

"Then why are they here to protect you? You've pampered them a little too much. Then, I'll let them go to the hunting area to hunt the starry sky beasts. One by one, they have forgotten how to eat."

Zhou Yu was embarrassed.

"I just thought that good steel would be used on the blade."

"Yes, you are right to think so. But no matter how good the knife is, it will not work if it sits in the box for a long time. The knife will also become dull. It is better to let them go out and chop things when they have nothing to do, so that they can continue to improve their craftsmanship.

Okay, don't worry about this. I'll arrange for them to take turns later. "

"Then I'll leave it to you." Zhou Yu didn't feel anything embarrassed. Whatever the young clan leader wants to do, let him do it.

However, the arrogant and powerful generals in the Chu army have really made him suffer enough in recent years.

So crazy.

Only the powerful elders of the Chu family could suppress it.

Those who are young and have only been in the position for a short time cannot handle those thorns.

The two of them also talked about the transformation and rectification situation of the local natives.

In addition to helping the locals become monks, Zhou Yuguo also taught them a lot of memories.

For example, drawing talismans, basic formations, refining weapons, refining elixirs, etc.

But they are all very superficial things.

Serious and useful things are not taught.

Chu didn't get this knowledge in vain, and he certainly wouldn't give it away in vain.

Either earn spiritual stones, or earn other things.

"How is the situation underground?" "The situation underground is very complicated. After the underground lake was frozen, we and other indigenous forces have now dug out all the ice blocks. The insects in it have also been cleared. But we dug out After going to the bottom, I discovered that there is an underground river underneath, and there are more bugs in the underground river.”

"No wonder the water in Huotai World is not only scarce, but also extremely unpleasant to drink. It turns out to be the bath water for bugs."

"Can you stop talking? I feel like vomiting."

Vomit, vomit, vomit, Zhou Yu started to retch as soon as he thought about that situation.

"You've never drank local water. Why are you vomiting? None of the locals are doing well." Chu Junshu said sarcastically.

"I just feel that the mortals here are able to survive until now. God really feels sorry for the poor people." Zhou Yu said.

Chu Junshu rolled his eyes at him speechlessly. Why does God care about the common people? He remembered his mother saying that bugs like to eat humans, especially strong humans, and monks are even more loved by them. Those guys haven't poisoned the humans in Huotai World yet, and they probably want to keep them as seeds to breed them with more delicious food in the future.

Just like humans raising livestock in captivity.

"You can pull him down. What does this have to do with God? Come on, let me discuss something with you." Chu Junshu called Zhou Yu to come closer to him.

Zhou Yu walked over and the two of them discussed in lowered voices for a long time before finishing.

Then Zhou Yu said to Chu Junshu in surprise, "I think you have become more sinister."

"What are you talking about? This is called maturity."

"Huh?...Shameless." Zhou Yu said angrily.

Chu Junshu:......


"I heard that the Chu family doesn't want to continue digging and plans to withdraw."

"Then why?"

"Because there are so many bugs, it seems that there is a special bug nest underground."

"What is a special insect nest?"

"It's the kind of exotic treasure that can hatch bugs and enhance their mutation."

"It's as powerful as the innate spiritual treasures that are born in some worlds, and its effects are weird."

"Oh my god, it's actually a rare treasure that can be compared to an innate spiritual treasure. Is that some kind of big treasure?"

"It's hard to say how valuable a rare treasure is. It just depends on whether there are people who need to use it."


"Is it really a rare treasure?"

"It's just a rare treasure. It's just from the Zerg tribe."

"Is it deep underground?"

"It must be deep in the earth, and ordinary people can't dig it out easily."

Soon this kind of remarks reached the ears of those in power of the indigenous forces.

These people in power, all secretly getting better this time, gathered together.

Each one of them is a candidate for the leadership of various tribes and large and medium-sized forces.

"I just said that the Chu family dug a big hole, but it turned out that they were actually digging for rare treasures."

"At first, Mr. Chu didn't know what it was. After digging for a long time, it was either a bug or a bug, and there were so many categories. Mr. Chu was not a fool, so he naturally wanted to ask for help. So someone recognized it. He said it was There should be rare treasures left by the Zerg hidden deep in the earth.”

(End of this chapter)

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