The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1647: Insect Transformation

Chapter 1647: Insect Transformation

"Is there really a rare treasure?"

"It should be true. Otherwise, Mrs. Chu wouldn't be so concerned about it and keep digging and digging without much effort."

"But that's a rare treasure of the Zerg."

"The exotic treasures of the Zerg tribe are also rare treasures."

"Yes, if the general manager knew about it, he would probably be sad. After all, if I take out the exotic treasure and give it to His Majesty, even if it is an exotic treasure from the Zerg tribe, His Majesty will probably be happy to have it."

"That makes sense, that makes sense."

"Why don't we tell the Grand Steward's office this news?"


Soon the General Manager's Mansion of Shihantian Territory received news about the Zerg rare treasure. Not long after receiving the news, the General Manager's Office sent people over to investigate.

The people who came here to investigate were all experts, the worst one was at level 6, and there were two at level 7.

This group of people rushed into the pit directly in front of the Chu people. Then it took several days before he rushed out in embarrassment.

Following them, a large number of insects of various levels rushed out.

People from the Chu family and other indigenous forces fled frantically, and lost many people to get rid of the swarm of insects that climbed up.


Could it be that these masters blew up the insect nest?

Those guys who fled in embarrassment flew out of the big world without stopping at all, boarded the battleship and left.

After another half month, the sergeants from the Hantian Territory landed directly at the Chu family's mine and approached Chu Junshu, "restricting the Chu family to evacuate the mine within three days. And remove all the mortals here." After going to the General Manager's Mansion to find the underground treasures, the Chu family can dig out the remaining minerals for a year. "

"Do we have to evacuate them all within three days?" Chu Junshu asked again.

"Unless you want to face a large number of bugs. My general said that there are real bugs underground. They are the kind of bugs that can turn into human form."

"Transformed into a great demon?" Chu Junshu almost collapsed. There is such a terrifying existence underground.

"No, so if you don't want to be involved in the battlefield, just leave quickly."

Chu Junshu's expression changed sharply, "Let's go, leave immediately."

"That's good." Seeing that he had listened, the sergeant who delivered the order took his own men and left.

Chu Junshu quickly began to give orders for a half-step retreat.

There was no telling how long this battle would last. Chu Junshu directly asked the people of the Chu clan to tell the mortals recruited by them that if they wanted to stay in the Chu clan, they would have to move to the battleship with the Chu clan.

It's hard to say when I'll be back.

If the mine here is not preserved, then the Chu family will probably have to withdraw. Then they either leave with the Chu family or return to their own family land.

In short, the future is uncertain.

This has caused many mortals to suffer from choice suffering.

Especially when they heard that the people who came to relocate the mortals in their area were actually the sergeants of the Grand Controller's Mansion, and they were directly placed in a nearby living environment with better living conditions, at least not as short of water as the Fire Tower Sea World. Go to the great world of Lake of Fire.

The Fire Lake is really nice, there are hot springs there. And the water quality is very good. From now on, they will live a life without lack of water.

After much deliberation, the mortals chose to go directly to the Fire Lake World to receive resettlement.

In the end, there were not many mortals who chose to follow the Chu family.

The population is about two thousand people later.

These people basically use spiritual roots or are their relatives. They are either Ling Zhifu apprentices trained by the Chu family, or other apprentices who have learned specialized crafts. They and their families all felt that Chu could continue to learn more skills.

Because these people plan to directly invest in their own families.

Chu Junshu didn't want to find someone to teach them now.

Just put them directly on the transport ship and send them to the academy on the third floating continent to learn various skills systematically.

After they saw the third continent, they fully realized how big the Chu family was.

"This kind of floating continent is comparable to half of the Great Fire Tower World. Our Chu family now has three floating continents like this."

Newbies: Aa ...

We just wanted to scream.

You made the right choice, everyone made the right choice.

We don’t need the big world of hot springs or the never-ending water shortage. We need the protection of a powerful family like the Chu family.

There are more than two thousand new arrivals. To the huge third continent, it is like a drop of water blending into the ocean, with no splash at all.

A newly built city accommodated them all.

The place they live in is newly built, but it is only for them to stay temporarily. If they want to buy it in the future, they have to start saving money now. When my relatives have classes, they actively go to class. Tuition fees are all on credit. I'll pay it back later.

After class, he quickly went home and did odd jobs with his tribe.

Also, in the small yard of your own home, you can make full use of the soil everywhere to plant various spiritual vegetables, spiritual flowers, and spiritual herbs.

Although seed money is expensive, everyone can work part-time and pool money together as a family to buy seeds, or directly buy cheap herbal seeds. Although you will end up buying less spiritual stones after planting them, you can still make some money.

In short, roll hard.

Anyway, there are people involved in the Chu family everywhere.

There is no shortage of people who want to earn spiritual stones.

After those mortals or low-level monks were sent away by Chu Junshu, he received a letter from his father. The letter gave him instructions on how to prevent the swarms of insects exploded from the Fire Tower World from running into the void and running along the cracks. Come into the Chu family.

Chu Junshu simply led the warships to form a layer of protective front to guard the insects.

However, the bugs were so aggressive that they fought for several months, causing the masters of the General Manager's Mansion to almost collapse the underground in the northwestern part of Huotai World. Didn't climb out either.

There was not a single insect-man or anything in sight.

Just when Chu Junshu was thinking whether the masters of the General Manager's Office were too powerful and had already collected the rare Zerg treasures.

The northwest land of Huotai World finally collapsed.

One-sixth of the entire world collapsed, including the northwest corner.

A huge green thing suddenly appeared in front of many fleets outside the void.

Many experts couldn't help but take the initiative to stand on the high ground of the battleship and look at the huge green bug in the distance, which looked a bit like a giant caterpillar.

But this thing is made of soil and minerals of various colors, and it doesn't exactly look like a life.

But a large number of insects of various types, medium, high and low, crawled out from the small black holes in its abdomen and the large holes in its tail.

Especially on its tail, big bugs crawled out one after another. As soon as these big bugs came out, they turned into humans with bug wings.

And each one of them has a strange and cold appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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