The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 175 The Ice Lotus in the Bottle

Chapter 175 The Ice Lotus in the Bottle
Taohua rolled her brother's eyes directly, "How old is Guo Peng, how old am I. Does he have the nerve to argue with me?"

Chu Shiluo was speechless, thinking that you were cruel.

"But with this ice lotus seed, I will remember him well." Tao Hua said with a smile.

"You, you are not lenient at all when you summon the shopkeeper Xiao Guo." Chu Shiluo said speechlessly.

Hehe, Xiao Taohua bared her teeth and smiled wickedly.

"By the way, our father plans to recruit some long-term workers, so he will recruit from among the refugees. What do you think?" Chu Shiluo asked Xiao Taohua.He also asked Qingmei this question before, and Qingmei said it was very good, her eyes were very bright.

Little three and little four all say that dad and big brother are in charge.Xiao Wu, ahem, then there is no need to ask.

"It should have been recruited a long time ago. Our family is monks. Others are afraid of refugees. What are we afraid of? Besides, our long-term workers have learned some moves from that Lin Changge. It is no problem to beat up a few big guys, let alone those The sallow and emaciated refugee.

It’s just that my brother and your father said that it’s best to recruit a family, so that not only the long-term workers can be solved, but the short-term workers can also be solved by the way. "

Chu Shiluo stared, it turns out that you are such a sweetheart.Xiao Taohua didn't take care of him much at all, and carried the little lotus seed bag upside down.

In fact, this was the call of Zhang Wei, the magistrate of Miyang City, so everyone had to recruit some, otherwise someone as cautious as Chu Dashan would not be willing to do this job.

The peach blossoms came directly to the Frost Forest, and the cold springs froze the surrounding land and woods, but it still had a central area of ​​running water.Tao Hua went straight to the edge of the cold spring, and threw all the ten seeds in the paper bag into the cold spring.Then start brushing.

Roots and sprouts, luxuriant branches and leaves, thousands of trees grow, blossom and bear fruit.A set of wood-type small spells only needs ten seeds, and the effect is awesome.The small seeds break through the ground and germinate at a speed visible to the naked eye, then grow vigorously, and then bloom and bear fruit.

In just a few breaths, the lotus seeds have matured.

Taohua directly pulled off the lotus pods.Then continue to brush a set of small spells.But this time it will bloom.Then go back and brush again.The ten lotus trees in the cold spring are constantly producing lotus roots, branching, growing leaves, blooming and knotting canopy.

Soon a small piece of ice lotus sprouted out.

Peach Blossom watched with satisfaction the pure white lotus flowers swaying and growing in the cold spring.Xin said that Guo Peng's ten seeds came at the right time.

I went back and got a few small vases, and Taohua planted a blooming ice lotus in the houses of several members of my family.

Whoops, the entire Chu family compound was occupied by ice lotus, and the temperature plummeted almost instantly.The swirling cool breeze is simply not too refreshing.

As soon as Chu Dashan returned to the compound, he immediately let out a yo, and then said with a smile on his face, "This shopkeeper Guo is really interesting."

"It's really cool." The Sixth Uncle's family lived in the Chu family's compound all the time, and he immediately felt refreshed when he was blown by the cool breeze.When they turned into the main house, they immediately felt the temperature drop as soon as they entered the door.It's a little too cold in this room.

But when he saw three vases in a row on the table, Chu Dashan understood.

"Uncle Six, you can take one away later. Otherwise, I will be cold."

"Okay." Sixth Uncle readily agreed this time.

"By the way, Uncle Six, you also take one for Uncle Jie."

"no problem."

The elders gave everything, and Brother Chu didn't care about the others.

It turned out that before nightfall, Chu Dalong and Chu Shizhao came.

"Ah, Brother Shan."

"Ah, Uncle Shan."

"Is there any bottle left?"

"It's the vase of the ice lotus."

Both of them had flattering smiles on their faces, Chu Dashan lost his temper after being laughed at by them, so he simply asked Xiao Wu beside him to call Taohua.Xiao Wu came back in a short while. "Xiao Liu said that this kind of ice lotus has been planted in the cold spring. If you like it, you can pick one and make a vase to keep it cool in the house. If you don't like it, it's not cool enough. , then pick a few more."

So what are you waiting for? "Okay, I got it." Chu Dalong and Chu Shizhao hurriedly went to pick the ice lotus together.

When they came back, one of them held two or three flowers, and his paws were frozen.It's getting colder at Hanquan.

However, the effect of the ice lotus is really good, one is cold, and two are immediately cold.If you have three, you have to wear a padded jacket.

In this hot weather, wearing a padded jacket is quite funny even at home.So the two of them dispersed the Frost Lotus one after another.When other people got the news about the ice lotus, they also ran to the compound to beg for the lotus.Especially when I learned that a lotus can be placed in a vase for a month, I became more enthusiastic.Bring a few eggs, or bring other game bacon, come to ask for lotus.

Anyway, Chu Dashan didn't point to Han Binglian to make money, so he happily agreed.In the end, it didn't bring darkness, and a small piece of ice lotus in the cold spring was bald.None of the flowers are gone, only the big leaves left.

Anyway, almost everyone in the valley has them, and Taohua doesn't plan to keep doing it.

As a result, she didn't expect that Xun Shijia got the news the next day and rushed over.Directly spent 1 taels of silver to buy a thousand flowers.Yes, still have to brush.After getting the lotus, Xun Shijiao quickly returned to Miyang City with the soldiers.

In the afternoon, Zhang Wei suddenly found that the Aomei Pavilion in his home was not so hot today.After taking a very comfortable nap, Zhang Wei did some exercise in his study, punching and kicking in a circle.

A waiter brought him snacks and new tea, and when he saw that Zhang Wei was accepting his move, he immediately smiled and said, "Master is in a good mood today, it seems that this ice lotus really has an effect, it really can make people feel good."

"Ice lotus?" Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The waiter hurriedly pointed to a small vase placed in the corner and said, "The one in that vase is an ice lotus."

Zhang Wei saw that a small white lotus flower with the mouth of a bowl was being inserted into a pink vase.Bursts of cold air are released from around the little lotus, like bursts of white smoke.

"This is……"

"Returning to the master, this is a kind of herbal medicine, which was grown by the Chu family outside the city. Lord Xun thought it was good, it can cool down the temperature, and it can make people feel good, so he brought a batch back. Now the whole city magistrate's mansion It’s all plugged in. I heard that it cost 1 taels of silver to buy it.”

Zhang Wei was amused by the little messenger's pained expression.

"In this hot day, if you want to cool off, you have to pay a price. It's nothing to pay for it. It's not much more useful than an ice basin. I saw those ice basins in our house before, and they were placed in the house for less than an hour. It's all turned into water. And it can't drop a few degrees. It's hot and stuffy." Zhang Wei rarely complained to him, apparently Zhang Wei who was taking a nap at noon was in a good mood.

What else could the little messenger say.

 Endorsing his own "Lord of the Dan Palace", you little fairies can go and have a look if you like it.

(End of this chapter)

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