Chapter 176 Renhe
"By the way, how many days can this little lotus be kept in a vase?" Zhang Wei asked curiously.

"I heard that this is a medicinal material, not an ordinary little lotus, and it must grow in a cold spring to take root and sprout. So even if it is picked off, it can last for a long time without withering. Master Xun said that this vase can be inserted for a month .”

Zhang Wei thought to himself, that's really good.

"Let Xun Shi frame purchase more later, and send some to the army. Let Dalang Lord live a more comfortable life."

"Here. The villain is going to spread the word."

Xun Shijia took a new job, and took people to Chu Dashan's house in time for dinner.

Chu Dashan said in his heart that Xiao Xun's designation was intentional, he just sent me some money, and he insisted on coming for a meal.The Chu family ate spicy and spicy rabbit meat for dinner. The cool night breeze served with the delicious and spicy rabbit meat. Xun Shijiao ate so much that he wished he could stay in the Chu family forever.

Before leaving, he took another big food box with him.

The small group of Miryang Guards who came with him to fetch the ice lotus also ate their stomachs round.If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't eat anymore, they could still eat the last big pot of rabbit meat.When walking, everyone walked with their stomachs upright, and the little belly was so bulging that they thought they were pregnant.

After returning to the army, I dispersed the ice lotus into the camp. The camp, which was originally hot and screaming, immediately became warmer.

There is a small vase on the left side of Zhang Xiu's room, another small vase on the right, and another on the desk.

Whoever came in hugged their necks and yelled coldly.

When Xun Shiframe came to see him the next day, he was also rubbing his arms from the cold. "I said you did it on purpose, right? It's enough to put one on."

Zhang Xiu laughed, "Yeah, I did it on purpose. In the past, my place was an ice basin, and they all begged me to come here to rub the ice basin. Now I put three ice lotuses, and see if they still come to rub it." Do not?"

Xun Shi frame looked at him speechlessly.If you stay for a long time, you will have to wear a padded jacket. Who will come here?

"By the way, have the people from each village come? We have already told the refugees in the refugee camp that the army will be selected from tomorrow. After the army selection, each village will select people to form the guard."

"Refugees from various villages in this way have a relatively high security risk. Many villages are not willing to come here." Xun Shi framed.

This plan was promoted by Da Lang, and there was great resistance from the very beginning.Mainly, the villages and towns all over Miryang resisted this matter.

Everyone is unwilling to put these safety hazards into their own territory.

The problem is that the refugee camp is about to explode. If the refugee camp here explodes and there is trouble, then the biggest impact will definitely not be the villages and towns everywhere, but Miryang.

There are now 30 refugees in the refugee camp.

This can be thousands, tens of thousands of people!Even if the camp of Miryang Guards is next door, so many refugees are quite dreadful.Especially when they are hugging together, the guards of Miryang and the common people in Miryang City look fierce!

These are refugees who escaped from cannibalism all the way, and they are no longer ordinary and kind civilians.If these guys use it well, it's a good knife, but if they don't use it well, it will hurt others and themselves.Zhang Xiu also thought for a long time before deciding to do this.

Separate these 30 people at once.

In the future, Miryang will no longer set up a Liumin camp outside the city. It is like sitting on a powder keg. Recently, he gets angry every day, and his father can't sleep at night.Why does our Zhang family have to sleep with their eyes open, but you can sleep well.

Come, come, everyone, sleep with your eyes open!Nobody wants to run away.

"The number of refugees has been increasing. During the day and night, almost all the refugees dragged their families with them, and crawled into the camp like dogs. The camp couldn't hold it anymore. There were not enough doctors, food, and money. Herbal medicines We have to replenish the top ten vehicles almost every two or three days. Now we in Miryang are not able to build a second refugee camp." Zhang Xiu said truthfully.

Xun Shi was taken aback for a moment.He didn't expect the situation in the refugee camp to be so bad.

"We reported to the emperor, but the emperor didn't care. He told us to find Fu Cheng. But Fu Cheng's family has already been buried in the Great Northwest Wilderness. Can we go underground to find him?" Zhang Xiu said angrily. "Until now, the Xinfu Cheng has not been implemented. The Xinfu City has not been designated either. The guys in the imperial capital are probably frightened by the refugee army, and they will just hide in the bed and shiver."

A strange look appeared on Xun Shijia's face.

"There are still some capable generals and generals in the imperial capital, but it's a pity that the emperor doesn't need them."

"Then what's the use of saying it? It's like we all know that refugees are a big problem, but can you let them run around in the Miryang area? I'm afraid those villages and towns will be the first to fail, crying for help gone."

Xun Shijia had to say that what Zhang Xiu said was really thorough.

"The current situation is like this. Either the city magistrate will solve the refugee crisis outside the city, or the refugee camp will solve us. I am not afraid to tell you the truth, the Miryang Guards I am training now are indeed not bad. But if it is used It is impossible to slaughter so many refugees in the refugee camp. First, the good reputation of my father and my Zhang family cannot be ruined in my hands. Second, a group of desperadoes, even if my guards have excellent weapons, they will fight to the death Life will also be heavy.

So I have to find a hope for them.

With hope, many of their loved ones who survived for their homes will also settle down.They will become even scarier without their loved ones!
So I want to take advantage of the city magistrate's money and food to support them, and distribute them before the money is completely exhausted.Break up a large group of refugees and disperse them to various villages.In this way, even if they want to make trouble in the future, it will be much easier for our army to kill a small group of refugees than to kill an army of 30 refugees. "

Xun Shi frame solemnly said, "Actually, Mr. Da Lang, you also did it on purpose. If you disperse like this, some people will specify to make an announcement. Then you will send troops to kill those guys who have no humanity at all. Then you will be famous. "

Zhang Xiu did not deny her ruthlessness at all. "This is a secret screening. Those ambitious people who came out of the army, the beasts who often eat human flesh and lose their humanity, will be exposed this time without the cover of 30 people. At that time, I will take them all at once. They were all cut off.

As for the slight loss of population under Miryang, our Zhang family can afford it. "

cold?It's quite cold.

Is it hot?It's also spicy enough.

This subdivision of people may mean how many villages and towns below will die.

But if Zhang Xiu's method is not used and the strategies he thought of are used to cleanse these refugees, more people will die.Xun Shi frame thought, anyway, Zhang Xiu's method is kind enough.

(End of this chapter)

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