The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 179 Repair a wave of new houses

Chapter 179 Building a New House
Why do you say that, because Chu Jinyu actually just moved to the new house recently, and his family rented the old courtyard of the Chu family at first.It's empty there now, no one lives there.The Yuan brothers who rented in the early days all built new houses and moved here.

Later, Chu Jinyu wanted to cultivate forest land here, and also worked as a long-term laborer for Chu Dashan, so he moved his family to the work yard in the valley.

The work house was quite full. Recently, several clansmen who had been relocated from the old Chu village to work as long-term laborers for Chu Dashan crowded into the work house.The work house is actually a single dormitory for long-term workers in Chu Dashan Lane. If there are too many family members, it will be crowded.

Besides, Miryang city magistrate Zhang Wei asked him to work as a long-term worker among the refugees.Where will the new long-term workers live?

Chu Dashan was thinking that the new long-term worker would drag his family with his family and have nothing. If he didn't have a place to live, he would definitely cause trouble.He really wasn't afraid of trouble, he just disliked trouble.It's better to build a small yard.

Chu Dashan spread the map of his own valley on the table and studied it for a day, and finally chose the place.

He chose to build another four rows of small yards behind the four rows of seventy or eighty houses in the village today.One next to the other, 25 in a row, each house has three main rooms and two side rooms. The front can be repaired with a barn, and the back can be repaired with a livestock pen and a small vegetable field.

This time he learned the lesson from the last time that the construction yard had little vegetable land and the long-term workers' families often quarreled.Now everyone has a share!

He will do the leveling of the land. This soil cultivator is good at this. Others have trouble digging the foundation, but he can fix it.The bricks are all custom-made big green bricks, and even the courtyard walls are built.The ground in the front yard is also paved with a small piece of blue bricks, so there is no need to worry about the house becoming muddy even if it rains.

Because time is tight, really tight, soon Miryang will select the guards first, and then let them select people from each village.It only takes ten days to repair the house for him.So Chu Dashan used all the available people in his family.

Even four or five-year-old dolls are arranged to form a team to deliver herbal tea, mung bean water and so on.

Don't think that people are working for nothing, they still pay two eggs a day!
Any doll who can carry a small teapot will rush to do this job.

In a few days, a row and a half of small courtyards were built. During the day and night, they worked together in three shifts, and the speed of repairing the house was very fast.Of course, this also has a lot to do with eating, drinking, and getting money.

After the small courtyard was built, Chu Dashan began to clear out the family members of the long-term workers living in the work yard together with the long-term workers.

"Go, live in the small courtyard, don't put it here."

"What, for nothing? It's a dream, half of the wages will be deducted from me every month, until the deductions are exhausted."

"Well, if you can't stay, you can take your family members to build a shack outside."

In short, singles stay, others go.Even Chu Jinyu's family was found by Chu Dashan.

"Jin Yu, what do you think of the small houses I newly built?"

Chu Jinyu laughed with a snort, "That's pretty good, bro, are you going to let me live there too?"


"But let me tell you the truth. The little money in my hand and the wages of the past few months have been invested in my family's woodland. The family bought [-] acres of woodland, of which ten acres were planted The income is not bad. My family has harvested it for several months, but now I have just planted dogwood seedlings on the other [-] acres of vacant land. This seedling is very expensive. My family earns Throw all that money on him."

Cornus officinalis in the Song Dynasty has the good effect of consolidating the root and nourishing the vitality, and prolonging life.The purchase price given by Baicao Pavilion is similar to that of jujube.It also blooms in March and April every year, and harvests fruits in September and October.Chu Jinyu bought the seedlings directly and planted thirty trees per acre.On the day when the seedlings were planted, the peach blossoms came to take root and germinate.It has been growing for a month, but it is still a small tree now, and it will take a year or two to grow into a big tree, and then it will bear more fruit every year.

Chu Dashan naturally knows about you.

"I know you don't have any money now, but I can borrow it from you. Later, you have money in your hand, so I'll have to pay you back." Chu Dashan blinked his big eyes and gave Chu Jinyu an idea. "And it's a rare opportunity. If it wasn't for resettling long-term migrant workers and their families this time, it would be impossible for me to build so many small yards at one time. Moreover, the batch of houses built by our family, because of the large number of repairs, cost a lot of money for materials. I was overwhelmed by it. The 1 yuan large blue brick is only one tael of silver. You will not be able to find such a cheap material price anywhere in the future.

And my side is to call a lot of people to repair the house.You see I pay high wages to day laborers, and I also pull up all the children.But I have repaired a lot of houses, and the days of repairing houses are also short.

Long-term workers do not need to spend money.

Let me tell you, on average, a house costs [-] coppers per person.If you hire someone to repair the house in the future, can you hire a strong adult laborer at this price? "

Chu Jinyu immediately shook her head, she definitely couldn't be invited at this price.

Chu Dashan almost always uses long-term labor for house repairs, which does not require extra wages.Of course it saves money.Labor is saved, and the cost of the house is also saved.

Chu Jinyu agreed to borrow money from Chu Dashan almost without thinking about it for a few breaths, and everyone borrowed money anyway.Hurry up and get back on it.

When Chu Jinhong brought Ma Zhou over, there was only the last row of small courtyards left in the Chu family, but the houses were all repaired, and only the courtyard walls and some house-repairing rubbish needed to be cleaned up.

These are two hundred sets of small courtyards, and if it weren't for the help of a thousand people from the whole village of Chu Dashan, it would not have been possible.Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that building a small farmyard is not so particular now, and it is almost enough.

It was so late at night, and there were still people lighting torches and bonfires to repair the yard, which surprised Chu Jinhong and Ma Zhou who walked near the Chu family compound.

"Why are you repairing the house at night?" Chu Jinhong asked strangely.

"Isn't every village recruiting refugees for naturalization? We didn't have any vacant houses here. Our village head patted his head and decided to build a wave of small houses." Chu Jinyu laughed.
Chu Jinhong was taken aback. "Such a good house is actually for the refugees?"

They are all new houses with big blue bricks, he is blind!This big house, newly repaired, was much better than the house in their camp.They lived in adobe houses for the sergeants and their families in the camp.The adobe house has to be repaired every year, and it is easy to collapse when it rains heavily.

You have to open half your eyes when you sleep in the middle of the night, okay?

"Not all of them were repaired by the refugees. We all moved there too! The boss cleared out all the small houses in the work yard to live in the new yard."

(End of this chapter)

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