The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 180 Yuchi Village

Chapter 180 Yuchi Village

"The workhouse is mostly empty now. I guess the refugees recruited this time will probably live in the workhouse now, and will let them go out when the owner feels that they can be trusted." Of course, this is only Chu Jinyu's guess.

What exactly Chu Dashan thinks, how can he know?

"Let's go, let's go and buy your food first. How much food do you plan to buy and what do you want to buy?" Chu Jinyu asked.

"I heard that the only coarse grains are sweet potatoes and potatoes." Chu Jinhong asked.

"Yes, there are fine grains, millet and wheat, what do you want?" Chu Jinyu asked.

"I want to buy some, less fine grains, just a luxury once in a while, and more coarse grains."

After hearing this, Chu Jinyu chuckled, "Okay, I understand. I'll ask Uncle Twelve, who is in charge of the warehouse, to bring more sweet potatoes and potatoes."

Chu Jinyu asked in surprise, "Uncle Twelfth is here too? Isn't he always sick?"

"It was cured a long time ago. My master went to Baicao Pavilion and bought a pill for treating lung disease, and it was cured the next day. But the pill is really expensive, and Uncle Twelve's family hasn't paid off the debt yet. I heard that One grain costs 180 taels.

How many uncles is this enough to buy?It's still Twelfth Uncle's daughter-in-law who is so powerful that if she insists on saving him, she would rather save the whole family as slaves.But after all, Dashan belongs to the same family as us, so it is impossible to really want them to be slaves, so he recruited Twelve Uncle and his family to do long-term work.Aunt Twelve did some part-time jobs when she had nothing to do, and she lived a good life.Especially Twelfth Uncle, who is literate and hyphenated. If he hadn't gotten sick back then, he would have been admitted as a scholar from a child.

Now Uncle Twelfth follows Chu Dalong in charge of the warehouse, and he gets six denizens of silver a month. "

"Then this job is really good." Chu Jinhong was really happy for Uncle Twelve. "Then the families we left in the village have all moved here?"

Chu Jinyu immediately shook her head, "It's not possible. Only those who are really diligent and have less trouble can move here. Those who have a lot of things at home, lazy and slippery are not here."

As soon as Chu Jinhong heard this, he immediately said angrily, "If that's the case, you won't be able to get along anywhere."

"I think the same way. Anyway, if you go to Miryang, the rest of the families will be like that. If you don't starve to death, you can leave them alone. Just take good care of our clansmen in the Miryang army. gone."

Hearing Chu Jinyu's words, Chu Jinhong nodded with a wry smile, "I know, I just thought that my father would try his best to bring people back. Who would have thought that if they had a chance to live, they would be unwilling to live well. Every day The first time I heard about their hardships, I felt like my father died in vain."

After hearing this, Chu Jinyu also sighed.

The Chu family's warehouse was built at the foot of the mountain.The young and strong guards of the guards have been stationed here for a long time.Chu Jinyu said that Twelfth Uncle was a tall and thin man in his thirties.Probably because he was a scholar and had been ill for many years. His face was pale and he was very thin, but he was in good spirits.

"How much coarse grain do you want? How much fine grain?"

"Two catties of fine grains are fine, and we all need millet. Eighty catties of coarse grains. The two of us will go with our backs." Chu Jinhong said.

Uncle Twelfth weighed the food neatly and chose two small baskets for the two of them. "It's convenient to use this back."

"Thank you, Uncle Twelve."

"From now on, just come and find me when you sell grain." Uncle Twelfth took the silver and returned the copper to Chu Jinhong.

"Uncle Twelfth, will there be no more food here?" Chu Jinhong said worriedly. The key is that the price of food in Miryang is going to skyrocket, and the common people can't wait to drink water every day to fill their stomachs. up.

Uncle Twelfth looked around, then lowered his voice and said to Chu Jinhong, "Even if the Miryang city magistrate runs out of food, there will be no shortage here. The owner sells you coarse grains, and fine grains and spiritual grains are kept in the warehouse below." Well, they didn’t move at all. The door of the big storehouse where the grain is piled up can’t even be closed.”

Chu Jinhong was dumbfounded when he heard this.

If there wasn't too much food, would Chu Dashan have changed the food land into ginseng and peach trees?
When returning back, Chu Jinhong said to Ma Zhou beside him, "Is your elder brother successful in farming?"

"Brother is very good at growing herbs. By the way, he is also very good at growing tea trees. My family used to have a tea garden of [-] acres." Ma Zhou said.

"Then you secretly give some money to the officials who are in charge of recommending people, and ask them to send your eldest brother to Xiantaozhuang. Xiantaozhuang is the village we are going to today. The village head belongs to the family where we buy food, Chu Dashan's family.

His family owns more than 7 mu of the entire village's ten thousand mu of land.

Xiantao Village can be said to be the Zhuangzi of his Chu Dashan family.

You took your elder brother's family over there, wouldn't your elder brother know how to grow herbs?Maybe you can get Chu Dashan's appreciation, if he gets a foothold there, he can take your parents to live there.As you can see over there, there is no shortage of food at all. "

After hearing these words, Ma Zhou bowed his hands and thanked Chu Jinhong very seriously.

After Miryang selected soldiers, he really started to let various villages and towns come over to pick people up and resettle them.According to the population of Old Chuzhuang, [-] households are given, while Xiantaozhuang has a small population, and [-] households are given.

Chu Dashan didn't go by himself, and asked Chu Changjie and Zheng Maolin to take people there.

It is agreed that they will grow herbs.

The threshold for being able to grow herbs is really too high.

Few of the refugees in the entire refugee camp who want to come out to farm can do so.

However, it is not a problem if there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the refugees, and it is not a problem to pull out forty households.The eldest brother's family in Mazhou was singled out because they knew how to grow herbs and stuffed money.

"Our Xiantao Village has no paddy fields, no first-class fertile land, it's all mountainous. If you know how to grow herbs, then you can still survive in our village. If you only know how to grow land, then please choose another village. Old Chu next door Zhuang is very good, they have a lot of paddy fields and good fields.”

Zheng Maolin flickered hard, trying to drive away those who were not firm in their will and skills!
As a result, after listening to his words, several families really chose to change villages.

That's right, hurry up, hurry up.

Chu Changjie squatted behind him, secretly laughing while eating melon seeds.He really didn't expect that Lao Zheng, who is usually honest and honest, would be especially good at fooling people.Although they were fooled away from five or six houses, Zheng Maolin was fooled back to nine houses.These nine families are quite reliable at first glance.

Chu Changjie has developed a pair of sharp eyes long after doing business all the year round. He looked up and down the small group of people several times, threw the melon seeds in his hand, walked up to the old man in the lead and asked, "Is it from Huangyaozhuang?"

The old man smiled wryly and nodded, "We are all from Qi Guohuang Pharmacy, Yuchizhuang."

(End of this chapter)

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