The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 181 The Lingzhi Husband in the Huangyao Village

Chapter 181 The Lingzhi Husband in the Huangyao Village
"Yuchizhuang is a well-known Huangyaozhuang in Qi State. Are you all drug farmers there?" Chu Changjie asked.

"We have been working as medicine farmers in Yuchi Village for generations." The old man said, looking around at his relatives and friends.

"Then why did you come out? Can the Great Qi Kingdom lose even its own Huangyao Zhuangzi?" Chu Changjie asked puzzled.The key is that Daqi is so big that he can't even lose such an important Yaozhuangzi!

He also knew about Yuchizhuang, where medicines are usually hard to find.

"Yuchi Lake is dry, how can Huangyao Zhuangzi survive?" the old man sighed.

"Ah?" Chu Changjie was taken aback. "Isn't Yuchi Lake the largest lake outside the capital of Daqi? How could it be done?"

Yuchi Lake is twice the size of Bibo Lake today.

"Because of the earthquake. A large-scale earthquake occurred in Daqi. The earthquake cracked a huge ground fissure. The ground fissure crossed the entire Yuchi Lake. The water flowed away from the depths of the ground along the ground fissure. So Yu Chi Lake will be dry." The old man's eyes were particularly dry when he said this.It felt like the sky was falling.

If the old wife hadn't insisted on dragging him away, he would have been chopped into pieces by the elite soldiers from the capital just like those who stayed where they were.

"Your Majesty said that our Huangyaozhuang's evildoers were blamed by the heavens, that's why there was a big earthquake and Yuchi Lake dried up." The old man's voice was trembling when he said this, "The whole Huangyaozhuang is a thousand years old. Zero or fifty households, except those who ran away as soon as Yuchi Lake dried up, were all slaughtered in the medicine farm."

Seeing his frightened eyes, Chu Changjie immediately understood, "You guys escaped ahead of time."

"We didn't escape a few households at all, and everyone was unwilling to run away. I have no choice. I am in charge of the planting supervision of various medicinal materials in the entire Huangyaozhuang. I am the drug supervisor. Yuchi Lake is dry. The medicinal materials are bound to die, so I can't do without running away. But everyone else was lucky, thinking that His Majesty would not give up the entire Huangyaozhuang, and they were all killed by the crazy Majesty.

Because Yuchi Lake is dry, if His Majesty does not move the capital, he will die of thirst. "

Chu Changjie was unusually silent when he heard this. He patted the other person on the shoulder and comforted him, "Leave it to our Chu family in the future."

"Can you do it for a long time?" the old man asked.

"There should be no problem. We not only have Bibo Lake, but also have abundant underground water resources. You can dig out a mountain spring if you open any hole," Chu Changjie said.

Speaking of which, their area of ​​Bibo Lake really has a lot of water, ponds, rivers, and lakes.Xifeng Lake in Changyang is also big, but the waters around Xifeng Lake are not as many as Bibo Lake.Groundwater resources are far less abundant than Bibo Lake.

"That's okay, we will follow you. We are not very good at farming. We are all relatives and friends of my old man. We only grow herbs."

"We also grow herbs." Chu Changjie said with a smile.

After hearing what he said, the old man seemed to be relieved, and his whole complexion was a little better than before.Being able to work in such a medicine village, they can finally settle down.

"Brother, what kind of herbs do you grow in your family?" The old man's eldest son also looks to be in his thirties, and should be about the same age as Chu Dashan, but he looks older than Chu Dashan on the outside.Of course, just by looking at her eyes, you can see that the other party is a man who can support things.Besides, they escaped all the way here, and it's not uncommon for people who are physically and mentally exhausted to look older.

"Our family grows a lot of grass ginseng, such as topaz grass ginseng, green jade grass ginseng, black water ginseng, red fire ginseng, golden sun ginseng. We also plant ginkgo tree, red fruit tree, jade liquid fruit tree, snake salivary fruit, Qingyangling Peach, Xuexian spirit peach, Longchi green plum, Zhixia mulberry, Liuli Jinguang jujube, Panlong peach."

While Chu Changjie was talking, the man bowed and frowned.Every time Chu Changjie counted one, the man frowned more and more seriously, and in the end even his face became serious.

"What is your family? The more valuable it is, the harder it is to feed you. What do you grow?"

Chu Changjie immediately laughed when he heard this. "Our boss likes to choose difficult species. Zhu Guo is difficult to grow, right? Our family has hundreds of acres of one species. It depends on the mood of God whether a tree will survive outside."

When Dalang heard this, his eyes lit up. "Your family really planted hundreds of acres of vermilion fruit?"

"Of course. What did I lie to you for? When you go there, you can see it with your own eyes." Chu Changjie laughed.

"Then your family... Wait, you said that the Qingyang spirit peach planted in your family is a spirit peach, am I right?" The guy asked solemnly.

"Of course, my family has two thousand four hundred acres of Qingyang spirit peaches. They are spirit peaches. They are definitely spirit peaches." Chu Changjie repeated to him deliberately.

"Is your boss Mrs. Lingzhi? And a very powerful Mrs. Lingzhi?" The guy's eyes lit up, and his whole body was full of energy.Being able to plant more than [-] acres of spirit peach trees is much better than those spirit planters in their Huangyaozhuang!

"What? You're not husband Ling Zhi?" Chu Changjie laughed jokingly.

Speaking of Ling Zhifu's exercises, he also asked Chu Dashan if he could learn them. Chu Dashan directly pulled him into the small secret room in his study and asked him to choose among a bunch of exercise booklets. one.

He finally chose an Aoki decision.

Now that he has been practicing for a month, he has already sensed the sense of Qi.

"I'm not, I'm just a drug farmer. There used to be Ling Zhifu in Huangyaozhuang. But those people looked down on us drug farmers. If we have any problems and want to ask them for help, they not only don't give us answers, but also deliberately dump us. Beat us with the whip." Someone said aggrievedly.

To be honest, Chu Changjie really didn't think it was so difficult to be a husband of Lingzhi, just learn a few exercises and some small spells.

Look at Chu Dashan, look at himself, isn't it easy to follow Ling Zhifu's path? !
So when Chu Changjie heard that there was actually Ling Zhifu who relied on his own cultivation to beat those drug farmers who had almost no resistance, he became angry. "Then what kind of spiritual planters are these? Even if they have some skills in planting herbs and elixir, what if their character is not good, and the road of practice may not be able to go long."

There Lang revealed a bitter smile. "By the way, is our boss really Mrs. Ling Zhi? Will he look down on us drug farmers? Will he beat people." Speaking of which, he was frightened by Mrs. Ling Zhi in Huangyaozhuang, especially Those people beat people with whips at every turn.

It turned out that there were quite a few boys in the Huangzhuang who were smoked and lay down for several months!Those people are too cruel.

"Ling Zhifu is not like that either. Ling Zhifu with poor character is designated as a minority."

(End of this chapter)

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