The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 185 Riding a Duck

Chapter 185 Riding a Duck

"Look over there, the whole mountain is covered with tall trees several feet high. Those huge peach trees are all Qingyang spirit peaches. That's Lingzhi." Chu Changjie said.

The spiritual root is worthy of being a spiritual root. No matter how hot and dry the weather is, people still grow lush and green.

There is no such thing as being sluggish and dry under the sun.

Moreover, the hills planted with those tall peach trees are one after another, and they are continuous at a glance.

That is, more than two thousand and 400 mu of land!
In addition to these tall peach trees, there are whole patches of dwarf trees in the distance, which are also growing extremely well.Those are red fruit trees and ginkgo trees.

"This spiritual root is indeed longer than ordinary fruit trees." Ma Yuan hugged his youngest son while looking at the hills in the distance with piercing eyes.His new boss is definitely not an ordinary Ling Zhifu.

They climbed over a mountain pass one after another, only to see a small village in the valley.

This is a small village that is not too big, and the houses on both sides are built next to one of the big yards.The houses are all on a horizontal line, as if they have been specially measured.All the houses and courtyards are neatly arranged in eight rows.

The last four rows are all new small courtyards, which are not very popular, and there should be relatively few people who live in them.

The house is neatly repaired, and it is a green brick house with water.In fact, the whole village is full of green bricks and gray tiles, high walls and courtyards.It looks like walking into a residential house in Miryang City.

If there were only odd numbers of yards, the village would only be 100 or two households in size, and at most a thousand or so.

As for thatched shacks and adobe houses, none of them can be seen here.The sheds for chickens, ducks and geese are all made of blue bricks.

Cough cough, this is mainly because Chu Dashan sold too many bricks back then.

From these small details, we can see the wealth of the whole Zhuangzi.In fact, the old Chuzhuang they passed by when they first came here was quite ample.When many refugees who followed the village chief saw Zhuangzi, they immediately became excited like something.

Even in the hinterland of the mainland, it is rare to see Zhuangzi who looks so wealthy.

Old Chu Village is guarded by the Bibo Lake, and there are many paddy fields.Even though the paddy fields are temporarily vacant due to the drought, the criss-crossing fields are still pleasant to look at.

But Xiantaozhuang is also very good.Although it is hidden in the mountains, the road is a bit difficult to walk.

But every household here grows herbs, and everyone is a herbal farmer. Everyone knows that growing herbs is far more profitable than growing food.Moreover, hiding in the deep mountains is not easy to be found by large groups of refugees. Without the harassment of refugees back and forth, everyone can live a peaceful life.

Come to think of it, this place is really nice.

"Uncle Chang Jie, here, here..."

From a long distance, Chu Changjie saw Chu Shizhao standing outside the village waving to him.

"I see, I see." Chu Changjie shouted.

As soon as Chu Shizhao heard Chu Changjie's shout, he immediately ran over voluntarily.

"Hey, my uncle Chang Jie, why did you come back? My boss asked me to come out to pick you up several times."

"Isn't this mountain road difficult to walk? Everyone has their families with them, so it's normal to walk slowly." Chu Changjie said with a smile.

"I told my boss to repair the way out of the mountain. But every time my boss agreed with a smile, he just didn't practice it." Chu Shizhao said speechlessly.

In fact, Chu Dashan wanted to cultivate, but was strongly resisted by his children.

"We are all monks. It's so troublesome to enter the valley. We come out soon and go in soon." Chu Shiluo said.

"The roads in the valley are impassable, so the refugees can come in less." Qingmei added.

"After the sixth uncle tames the ducks in the family to become spirit beasts, we can fly away on the ducks." Tao Hua said with a serious face.

Ahhh, Chu Qi burst out laughing.

Saburo Shiro and the others also laughed together.

"Riding a duck, ahaha, I think it's a good idea. At that time, I must choose a fat duck. If it doesn't fly with me well, I will rip it off and eat it." Xiao Wu also He stood up and said with a strange smile.

"Riding a duck, fattening the duck, and putting it in the pot, I hahaha." Chu Dashan also laughed and leaned back and forth.

This idea is good, this idea is wonderful, this idea is awesome.

Taohua watched the whole family laugh and laugh, deeply puzzled why everyone thought ducks were bad?
The mutated duck monster can grow to half a foot high and one foot long.While it's not great for long-haul flights, it's definitely fine for short-haul flights.But also Chennai roughage.Give some fish and shrimp, and the leftovers can be full.

And the load-bearing capacity is also strong. A duck can carry a person on its back and can carry hundreds of kilograms of things, and it doesn't like to find fault.Be obedient when you give food.

In her previous life, she felt that ducks were easier to raise and use than blue-headed geese.And it breeds fast!

But those cowards of Dichu just fell in love with the short-distance explosive speed of the Qingtou goose and the beauty of the Qingtou goose.It is to raise green-headed geese in captivity in the family! !
A blue-headed goose can only lay a clutch of eggs for a year with sufficient nutrition, and a clutch of only four eggs.After the geese hatched, they were too delicate to eat this or that.It takes five or six years to grow up and carry people.

However, as long as a monster duck is given enough delicious food for a year, it can lay eggs for several months without brooding, so that the beast master can hatch out of its nest without brooding.Moreover, a monster duck can carry people and goods after eight or nine months of raising it.

What a piece of air labor this is!

Why don't you like it so much?
Anyway, she doesn't care, this time she must train the ducks.When you really ride a duck, you will find its benefits.

In short, since the duck riding incident, Chu Dashan has no plans to build roads for the time being.

Still building roads, I didn't hear his daughter say that he will ride a duck in the future.

The strangest thing is that the sixth uncle is also very supportive of Xiao Taohua, insisting on producing a batch of monster ducks that can fly and trust people.Since then, the old and the young have been around the ducks a lot.The ducks in the family were all eaten by the two of them.

"My boss has my own considerations. When it comes time to repair the road, you can see that my boss will fix the road very quickly." Chu Changjie said with a smile.

"That's right." Chu Shizhao actually thought the same way. The boss had other considerations for not building roads.

But none of us thought about riding a duck in the future.

"Grandpa, grandpa, I have not been ordered to cooperate with you in resettling the new refugees. The boss said that the single ones should be resettled in the labor academy. Food and housing are included. There is also a little salary every month. Those who have family members are resettled in the small courtyard at the back. But it’s not for nothing. Half of the monthly wages will be deducted until the construction cost of the small courtyard is deducted. The small courtyards at the back may be small, but they are also 15 It was repaired in two sets." Chu Shizhao said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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