The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 186 Salary

Chapter 186 Salary
It's only 15 taels, and everyone feels relieved when they hear it.It is enough for the family to work hard to save.Especially those refugees with families, they have a large family, so naturally they have to live in the small courtyard behind.

"Old Xie Nan. This is the eldest son of the old Xie Shurui." The old man introduced himself and his family boss.Then he continued to ask, "I would like to ask, is the boss planning to hire all of us to settle in Xiantao Manor?"

"Yes, after you settle down, someone will go door-to-door to ask you to re-determine your new household registration. The head of each household should give a clear account of the basic situation of their own population." Chu Shizhao said loudly.This was intended to be heard by all present.Of course, he also pondered, maybe the job of writing a new household registration is also his job.

In fact, he is really unlucky, Chu Shiluo, Chu Taohua and others are the young master and the young lady.

Chu Changjie, Chu Liushu and others are elder uncles.

Chu Dalong is his uncle Dalong.None of the other juniors have a serious management position yet.All the little foremen, the little foreman called.Also get more money than others.But in the end he was not justified.

So he was in trouble.No matter what the elder wants to do, Zhuangzi will let him do it first! !

Who is he provoking?


"It's good to be able to settle down and have a job." Xie Nan said with red eyes.

"What about the salary?" Xie Shurui, Xie Nan's eldest son, asked.

"Ordinary long-term workers have two taels of silver a year, including food and housing, and four sets of clothes a year. They are two thin and two thick, and they will be given some rewards before the New Year Festival." Chu Shizhao did not say that in addition to wages last year, Chu Dashan gave everyone back money. A long-term worker gave a reward of two taels of silver.

A reward equivalent to the annual salary was issued, which made everyone very happy.Last year alone, there were a dozen big and small children who left the singles at the end of the year.

"Yao Nong pays ten taels a year, including food and lodging, and four sets of clothes a year. The reward depends on how much the boss gives."

Hearing what Chu Shizhao said, Yao Nong, the newcomer, immediately puffed up his chest. Look, they are still very useful.When I first came here, I could get an annual salary of twelve taels.

And the medicine farmers in the surrounding families felt relieved when they heard the salary, the salary was not bad, at least everyone had something to look forward to.The house can be paid off in two months.In a few months, we can buy our own land and grow our own medicinal materials.

But compared to Ling Zhifu's salary, this salary is not too much.

"Ling Zhifu is 30 taels a month, including food and housing, and ten sets of clothes a year. Reward money is calculated separately. How many linguines and ginseng per month."

Chu Shizhao continued, "This is a new rule. It has only been available since the Zheng family entered the valley. Except for Ling Zhifu, other beast masters and martial monks are also treated in this way. If there are monks who apply in the future, it will be the same treatment.

However, the basic treatment is the same, but the spiritual fruit and spiritual ginseng rationed every month are different.It depends on the importance of the work you will do in the future and your own cultivation. "

Just like Lin Changge, who is the captain of Zhuangzi's guard, the monthly payment is 100 taels, and other things are not counted.

Xie Nan and the eldest son glanced at each other, but didn't speak. To tell the truth, this husband Ling Zhi's salary was too low.


In fact, since Zheng Maolin's family moved here, Chu Dashan's family and theirs are all husbands of Lingzhi, but Chu Dashan's family does not need to pay wages, but can Zheng Maolin's family really count as ordinary long-term workers?

He is a Ling Zhifu who has cultivation base and spells. Although the small spells are a bit weak, this can be learned later.

Let Zheng's family work for ten days, Chu Dashan and the eldest son figured out how to pay other Lingzhi husbands after recruiting.And what about the treatment of the Zheng family.

Before Chu Shiluo could speak, Taohua on one side said, "Ling Zhifu is 30 taels a month, including food and lodging, and ten sets of clothes a year. Rewards are not counted."

Chu Shiluo frowned immediately after hearing this. "Taohua, is it too little to pay like this? I'm afraid that the husband Lingzhi recruited in the future will not be able to keep. I heard that Miryang ordered Zhang Wei to recruit husband Lingzhi to give one hundred Lingzhi coins a month. What about wages?"

One hundred spirit coins is 1 taels of silver.A mere 30 or even a fraction of a fraction is not enough.

"Then our family still eats the spirit fruit casually, how can they compare?" Tao Hua asked back.

Chu Shiluo was dumbfounded by the question.As soon as his fruit turned out to be all over the mountains and plains, what's wrong with just eating something? !

"Besides, why does Mr. Ling Zhi recruit them? Let's recruit Yaonong, and then give exercises and small spells. The Ling Zhifu we cultivated by ourselves is easy to use, and Ling Zhifu is trained by ourselves. If we don't give They don't dare to pierce money." Taohua said with a curled lip.

It makes sense, Chu Shiluo nodded after hearing that.

"So it's settled like this, whoever is not willing to do it, let him go." Tao Hua directly made a decision to her father and elder brother.

His father and his elder brother "..."

Since then, the monks in the valley, such as Ling Zhifu and Beast Master Sixth Uncle, have all exchanged wages.30 taels of silver a month, even Qingmei, Taohua, and Xiaowu have this money, so it's good to take it as pocket money.Except for Lin Changge, he is not only a monk, but also the captain of the guard.

"My lord, the husband Lingzhi we met before gave three hundred spirit coins a month!" Some of the farmers in Huangyaozhuang asked a little puzzled. "Maybe why does Ling Zhifu here give you 30 taels a month?"

"It's not right for you to say that. The Lingzhi husbands you have met before, they obtained the exercises by themselves, learned the spells by themselves, honed the effects of casting spells by themselves, and they themselves have problems. Looking for the master to ask for advice.

Your boss didn't pay anything, so naturally you can only give more spirit coins.

But here we are provided by our boss, you have to learn spells from our boss, you have to use our home to practice your skills, and you have to ask our boss for advice if you have any problems.You point at our boss for everything, and you still don't pay the tuition.You still expect our boss to give you so many spirit coins, do you think you are worth that price?

When will you practice your skills, and the boss will treat you badly? "Chu Shizhao said as a matter of course.

Many drug farmers couldn't help but nod along with his words.

"Then how can one become the husband of Lingzhi?" Xie Shurui, the eldest son of the old man Xie Nan's family, continued to ask.

"Work hard so that the boss doesn't think you are lazy and slippery, and then sign a long-term contract with the boss, and you can apply for practicing exercises to become Ling Zhifu. I am also Ling Zhifu, and I practice earth-type exercises. Thick Earth Jue. I have reached the first stage of Tongmai now, if you have any questions about earth-type exercises in the future, you can come and ask me." Chu Shizhao said enthusiastically to everyone. "Everyone is a monk, so it's okay to help each other."

(End of this chapter)

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