Chapter 187

Chu Shizhao actually started practicing with Chu Changjie. He found out that Chu Changjie had started to practice, and the sixth uncle was also a beast master, so he hurriedly went to Chu Dashan and said that he also wanted to practice.

Chu Dashan simply brought him into the small secret room and chose the exercises.Go back and practice by yourself.

Then came Chu Dalong.Since everyone else has cultivated, how can you leave me alone?

So all the stewards in the Chu family valley have embarked on the road of cultivation!

After the drug farmers heard Chu Shizhao's words, everyone looked at him differently.

This is also a monk, it turns out that becoming a monk is so easy!

Doesn't that mean that each of them can easily become a monk?
Chu Shizhao seemed to have guessed what they were thinking, and said with a sneer, "Although it is easy for us to start practicing, it does not mean that anyone can become a monk and be able to practice."

"What do you say?" Xie Nan asked.

"Because monks also look at talents. Some people have cultivation talents, and some people don't. Among us mortals, about one out of five or six people can practice. That is to say, talent. Talent is also divided into martial arts talent." And Dharma cultivation talent, on average, there is only one Dharma cultivation talent among five or six talented monks.

The talents of practitioners are generally inherited by blood.

The Chu family produced a Lingzhi husband like Chu Dashan.That is to say, all the descendants of the entire Chu family's bloodline may be people with Ling Zhifu's talent.

So any member of their family can practice Ling Zhifu's skills. "

Zheng Maolin, an outsider, stepped forward this time and answered Xie Nan's question for Chu Shizhao.

When he said this, all he had to do was cast his scorching eyes on Chu Changjie and Chu Shizhao.These people are all surnamed Chu!
"Then how do we know if we have cultivation talent?" Xie Nan asked again.

His words can always ask everyone's heart.

"Choosing a kung fu depends on whether the kung fu you are destined for is martial arts or dharma. If you choose something and practice it, then congratulations, you are the talent corresponding to the kung fu. Of course, the kung fu is also It is impossible for you to choose for nothing. If you want to choose a practice method to become a monk, I agree with you to choose a practice method to become a monk!
There is no reason in the world to reap without giving.You must first successfully sign a long-term contract with the owner, and the long-term contract must be at least 100 years.

So you must be careful when you choose to sign a long-term contract.If you have obtained the qualifications to choose exercises, but in the end you have not even started to practice a book of exercises.Then you have no talent.If he signed a long-term contract without talent, he would be working for his boss for the rest of his life. "

Chu Shizhao's words immediately calmed down some hot-headed guys.

Settled in Xiantaozhuang, with a house and fields.Working for the village head Chu Dashan for a few months, you can save money in a few years and be a happy self-cultivator yourself.There is no shortage of water here, and the whole family can live happily.

But if you choose to become a monk, you must first try to sign a long-term contract with Chu Dashan. The long-term contract is at least 100 years.Only after signing a long-term contract can one choose to practice exercises, and one has a sense of aura to be considered talented and able to become a monk.

But even if you become a monk, you may not be able to become a Lingzhifu. What if you are a martial monk?Is it worthwhile to sign a long contract with Chu Dashan?
Not to mention the possibility that he has no talent and signed a long contract for nothing.

So many people hesitated.

Many birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. Who wants to be a long-term laborer for others when he can be a self-cultivator?

While everyone was thinking, Chu Shizhao arranged for four single young drug farmers. The oldest one looked to be in his twenties, and he was the only one left in the family, so he was arranged to be young people. He was quite grateful to the work academy.

The other three also liked the environment of Qingongyuan.

The other [-] or so households were arranged in the small yard at the back, one yard for each household.How you live is up to you to arrange.

Then Chu Shizhao continued to hang the seal and went to each family to register a new household registration one by one. Tomorrow he will go to Miryang to go through the formalities for them.When registering a new household registration, I signed a one-year short-term contract for everyone.hired long-term workers.

After the long-term contract is signed, the coarse grains are distributed to the couple's home by the long-term workers.

Those with family members had [-] catties of coarse grains, while those without family members ate at the Qingongyuan on the other side of Chu Dashan.For lunch, long-term workers and short-term workers can go to the work yard to eat.If you have family members, you will eat breakfast and dinner with your own family.If you don't have enough coarse grains, you can borrow money from your boss.Wait until you have wages and then deduct it.

Xie Nan and the others lay down in the new room and had a good night's sleep. The exhaustion of long-term exile seemed to have been driven away. They all ate breakfast refreshed and went out to find their respective foremen to work.

Before going to bed last night, the little foremen went to find their assigned newcomers, and then told the newcomers where to gather, where to work, and so on.

In the early morning, the Chu Family Valley was bustling with activity.

After communicating with the old long-term workers, the new long-term workers learned that there is a kind of ice lotus planted in the valley. If you feel that your home is too hot, you can pick one and put it at home. It can cool itself, and the ice lotus is a herbal medicine , As long as it is not placed by the fire and baked for a month, it will not wither.

While the old and new long-term workers were communicating and working, Chu Dashan was sitting in his study with his son and daughter, each holding a few booklets, choosing.

"If you want me to read it, I will teach this little cloud and rain art. It comes with a little cloud and rain technique. In the future, I will practice exercises and learn spells." Chu Qi said loudly holding a booklet.

"Mom, I still think this book is good, it comes with a little water polo technique, it's easy to learn." Qingmei also chose one.

"I think this book is good for Wanmu Shengfa. As long as it is a plant, it can be used. It also comes with a small magic spell, Wanmu Shengfa." Taohua also looked at the booklet in her hand and said.

"Yeah, I also think that Wanmu Shengfa Jue is good and easy to practice." Chu Shiluo also agreed with Xiao Taohua's decision. This Wanmu Shengfa Jue is much easier to practice than Mizuki Jue.

"I chose this Yuyue Jue, because I think it's suitable for me to practice concurrently because of its own body skills." Xiao Sanlang said.

"Then I'll choose the Strong Demon Bear, I think this should suit me." Xiao Shiro said.

"I think Tiger Fight is pretty good, I want to learn it." Xiao Wu also picked out a book and said.

"Okay then, let's release these few books. Little Cloud and Rain Jue, Shui Yuan Jue, Wan Mu Shengfa Jue, Yuyue Jue, Vigorous Demon Bear Jue, and Tiger Jue."

"Shui Yuan Jue is crossed out, it has the same attributes as Xiao Yun Yu Jue." Tao Hua said immediately.

"Why didn't you say to cross out Xiao Yunyujue?" Qingmei said angrily.

Tao Hua asked speechlessly, "Is the small water polo technique as useful as the small cloud rain technique? Sister, what do you think, do you expect everyone to be able to practice? Let's give those who can practice a chance. Most of the people who can practice are Literate and hyphenated, people are also smart. Although Shuiyuan Jue is simpler, Xiaoyunyujue is not too difficult. Besides, Xiaoyunyujutsu is more useful. As long as three or five people learn Xiaoyunyujutsu, it will solve our problem. It's a big problem."

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(End of this chapter)

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