The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 188 The Four Commanders of the Northwest Refugee Army Part 4

Chapter 188 One of the Four Commanders of the Northwest Refugee Army
"Only three or five people?" Qingmei was a little disappointed.Obviously she still wants to cultivate a group of capable people.

"Sister, if you need manpower, I suggest you follow Lin Changge to learn how to train those young men, and then try to train them into martial monks. After all, martial monks have rough skin and thick flesh, and can fight and resist. Even if you want to hunt down The refugee army, those [-] well-trained warriors chased and killed the [-] refugee army, that's nothing.

If you equip them with iron armor and horse monsters with full vests, then you can kill a million refugee troops without leaving any armor, seven in and seven out. "Taohua smiled and gave her advice.

Her sister has been very concerned about youth, training, martial arts, weapons and the like recently.So Taohua guessed that her sister might want to organize a team of monks by herself.

Qingmei's eyes brightened, "Really?"

Chu Dashan immediately realized that something was wrong, "Qingmei, what do you want to do?"

This baby was delicate and tender before, so I didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

Qing Mei immediately pouted and said, "Brother is going to be the head of the family. Usually, he has to share all kinds of work on Dad, supervise the work of the long-term workers, and take care of all kinds of spiritual plants in the valley. Sanlang Shilang is still young. I don't want to think about it." Form a monk guard team to protect our family's Zhuangzi, so as to relieve father's worries."

Chu Shiluo: I didn't realize how busy I am usually?

Saburo Shiro: We are still young?This year is Yuanwu's seventh year, and Taohua and Xiaowu are both eleven.We are six years older than Taohua and Xiao, and we are both seventeen this year.

After hearing what his daughter said, Chu Dashan was very happy at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. "Couldn't you be the captain of the monk guard?"

Taohua immediately showed a look of dad, how did you just find out.

Cough, cough, Chu Shiluo looked at his fellow sister in shock.It's as if he never really knew her.

"Brother, why do you look at me like this? Brother, you need to sit in our old nest and take charge of everything in our family. But with so many belongings in our family, we must have the power to keep them safe. Lin Changge is an outsider after all. He If he is in charge of the military force in the valley for a long time, who knows if he will have other thoughts in the future. Therefore, our family must have a member of the guard team to control the entire guard team."

"Second Sister is right." Tao Hua immediately applauded her.

If the Chu family wants to develop stably in the future, someone must control the guards, not Qingmei, but Saburo and Shiro.But her second sister is obviously more interested and more proactive.

This reminds Taohua of a person she admired very much in her previous life.One of the commanders of the four refugee armies who were active in the Northwest and the nearby Great Northwest Wilderness, as well as the Wanji Mountain Range and the Heiman Mountain Range was a woman.The other party often likes to wear a half peach blossom mask.

Think of yourself as Peach Blossom.Then who this woman is is almost ready to be revealed.

After all, she is so smart and decisive, and has the power of a commander. It is said that she is very beautiful and wears a peach blossom mask.

With so many clues gathered together, it is obvious that the commander of the refugee army in the previous life was Chu Qingmei.It's just how did her second sister run to become the commander of the refugee army?Even if Peach Blossom passed away in the previous life, there are still Chu Dashan and his wife and several children at home, how could Qingmei be the commander of the refugee army.

"What's the matter? A girl goes out to be the captain of the guard. Is that what you should do as the captain of the guard?" Chu Qi was the first to shake his head in disagreement. "If you really think Lin Changge is unsafe, you can let Sanlang and Shiro go."

"Sanlang and Shilang are young and so stupid. How can they be the opponents of Lin Changge? If he hadn't offended the crown prince, he would have been in court by now." Qingmei said in a solemn tone.

Taohua raised her eyebrows in surprise, she didn't expect Lin Changge, a martial artist, to have such a high evaluation in her sister's mind? !
"Lin Changge is just pretending to be stupid without evil intentions. That guy hides his secrets, he is very talented and scheming." Qingmei commented on Lin Changge. "But we have to think in the long run, Lin Changge is an outsider after all, what if one day he is bewitched by someone, or his mind is moved.

So I still think that someone in our family needs to directly control the power of the guards. "

Chu Dashan and Chu Shiluo nodded repeatedly.

"Then Qingmei, let's try it." Chu Dashan said.

"No." Chu Qi stopped again. "No, Qingmei is from a girl's family. She hasn't married yet. Why is she the captain of a group of men? If she does this, who will dare to marry her in the future?"

"Go to our house and marry. Let the second sister find someone she likes and marry her back home." Taohua advised her mother.

Ahhh, Chu Shiluo burst out laughing. "That's called marriage."

"Why don't we build a small yard outside our house, let the second sister and his wife move there, and we don't need to change the child's surname, or it will be over." Sanlang also offered advice.

"Shut up." Chu Qi stood up and pointed at Sanlang's nose and yelled. "If your second sister really becomes the captain of the guard in the future, then all kinds of rumors will attack our family in the future."

"What are you afraid of? Who's guilty, let the second sister lead the team to kill him, and immediately beat him to the point of crying." Xiao Wu also opened his mouth and came.

"You bastard Xiaowu, get out immediately." Chu Qi chased him angrily and wanted to pinch him.

Little Five escaped like a monkey from his mother's pinching method. "Father help, Second Sister help."

"Mother, I came up with the idea, why are you hitting Xiaowu?" Qingmei said to Chu Qishi dissatisfied.

"Qingmei, do you know how shocking the world you are doing? If you really become the captain of the guard, you will have to spend the rest of your life without getting married and let your parents raise you. Are your parents not willing to raise you? You, I'm worried that when your eldest brother gets married in the future, your sister-in-law and your nephews and nieces will dislike you and speak ill of you. I'm worried that you will regret it later." Chu Qi said to the child with red eyes.

"Sister, why don't you live with me, I won't get married anymore, and then we will live alone." Tao Hua said again.

"Damn girl, get the hell out of here." Chu Qi burst out angrily.It's because Chu Dashan loves the sisters too much, so much so that he raises green plums and peach blossoms so much that he doesn't know how high the heavens are.

"Qingmei, don't listen to Taohua. She is still young and thinks short-term. What if she grows up and wants to get married, and she leaves you alone?"

Qingmei smiled after hearing what her mother cared about her.

"Mother, I'm not stupid. Earlier, Taohua said that she wanted to find a suitable person to marry her to."

After Taohua heard this, she immediately muttered, "Isn't that the past? Now I've changed my mind again."

Qing Mei sneered, "You change your mind so quickly!"

Peach Blossom: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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