The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 197 Murder

Chapter 197 Murder

"You have to ask me to check the specific condition of your body. If your foundation is flawed, the effect of using the base transfer pill will be much worse, and it will even affect your newly formed real martial arts foundation." Lin Changge looked serious Said, his words completely stunned Yuan Feihu.

"I won't lie to you, the most suitable person to use the Jidan is a warrior who has a deep martial arts foundation, but the martial arts foundation cannot be flawed. After all, the Jidan is not a panacea. If your martial arts foundation is flawed, or completely If you are damaged, then I suggest that you re-repair your San Gong and start from the beginning." Lin Changge emphasized again.

In his previous life, he had seen people with flawed foundations, or those who took transgenic pills after their foundations were damaged.It didn't end well in the end.

After hearing Lin Changge's words, Yuan Feihu really couldn't help the toothache.He is so old, how can it be so easy to start again.

"Okay, you can help me take a look. The doctor who saw me at the beginning said that my martial arts foundation has not been damaged." Yuan Feihu emphasized again, and wanted to save himself.

"Wait until I read it." Lin Changge stretched out his hand, and Yuan Feihu just stretched out his arm to let him feel his pulse.Lin Changge felt Yuan Feihu's pulse with his right hand, and asked him to stretch out his left hand.It took a while before he said, "Your foundation is cracked."

Even though he vaguely guessed the result in his heart, Yuan Feihu's face was still ugly when he heard it from Lin Changge's mouth. "Can you make up for it?"

Lin Changge shook his head, "I suggest that you just start from the beginning. If you are worried that you will be slow to practice from the beginning, you can discuss it with Lao Chu. His family has a lot of spiritual ginseng and spiritual fruits. You are free to get some food. The speed of cultivation has increased."

Yuan Feihu felt that his heart was on fire in an instant. "Is there no other way to make up for it?" He said very unwillingly.

"Unless you are willing to accept a flawed real martial arts foundation. If your foundation is flawed, then it is almost impossible for you to break through to the next great realm, the god stage realm. You should think clearly."

Lin Changge has made his words so clear, what else can Yuan Feihu do?
He went back with a dark face.

Not long after Yuan Feihu went back, he immediately gave up his kung fu. After all, he is also a warrior, and he does not lack the courage to break the boat. He is just starting from the beginning, what can't he do?
But in this way, Yuan Feihu, who was originally a middle-aged man, suddenly aged a lot, and many deep wrinkles appeared on his face, not only that, his hair was completely white as snow.

All of a sudden, he changed from a middle-aged man to an old man.Chu Qi saw him once in a while, and knew the reason for his white hair, besides the accident of his San Gong modification, and the fatal injury he suffered back then.When she came back, she beat her husband and told him to pay attention to his own safety when he went out in the future.You can't take the risk of being fatally injured! !
The group of refugees received by Xiantao Village quickly integrated into the daily life of the villa, which has a lot to do with the fact that most of them are carefully selected by Chu Dashan by officials of Miryang Guard.But Chu Dashan didn't go there in person, so he didn't know the specific situation.

Zheng Maolin and Chu Changjie did not expect that the people recommended to them by Mi Yangwei were all carefully selected.They picked it up when it looked right.

Here he is peaceful and excessive, but in other places, conflicts explode one after another.Bloody conflicts in various parts of Miryang followed one another.

The latest conflict happened in Old Chuzhuang.

In the past, when everyone had conflicts, they beat each other a lot, and those who lost naturally gave in and bowed their heads.But the contradictions these few times are directly deadly.And most of the villagers in Old Chuzhuang died.Otherwise, the villagers surnamed Chu and the well-trained guards who came back from outside were also very ruthless, and they would kill people if they made a move. I am afraid that more villagers surnamed Chu in Old Chuzhuang would die.

In fact, since these refugees were brought into the old Chu village, the cause of the outbreak was buried.

One is that there is no food for them to eat, not even coarse grains.No matter how the patriarch mobilized everyone to donate, there was not a catty of food.

The big grain households in the village, Chu Dashan and Chu Changfeng, left Xiantao Village one after another.The year is not good, and there is a severe drought every year, so that everyone's land cannot grow food.Not even whole grains.Everyone sees that the food in their hands is getting less and less, and there is no new food to grow. Who doesn't worry about starving in the future?

The rice tank at home has bottomed out, and I can't live anymore, so I don't have the mood to help others.

What can Chu Changchun say, he no longer has the reputation of making Chu Dashan the food leader.After all, Chu Dashan is already the head of the village next door.

Second, there is no house to live in.

Even if everyone has an empty house in their hands, who is willing to receive a group of dirty beggars.These are not the tribesmen who fled back? !

Besides, the eyes of these newcomers are vicious, especially some of them have eaten human flesh. When they saw the chubby children in the village, they all drool.Who is not afraid of such a monster.

So these refugees can only get some dead tree branches and build some low shacks to live in.

But the question is what to do if there is no food?
These refugees are shameless if they have nothing to eat, and go to other people in the village to beg for food every day.I was knocked on the door every day to beg for food, and I only begged from morning to night.I can't even sleep at night, and I can't live through this day.

At this time, after a little boy in the village went missing, the conflict broke out.

The men in the village found the huts built by the refugees, and found some delicate bones.Someone screaming uncontrollably is the bones of a child.

It's over, this voice made the children's relatives rush up to beat the refugees like crazy, and accidentally killed one of them.How about that?The refugees also went crazy, and both sides dealt with it ruthlessly, and almost all those who died in the end were young and strong with the surname Chu.

It's not bad that he was killed and lost. Chu Changjin, who was jumping up and down, immediately organized a group of young people who were close to him, and went to the place where the refugees gathered to fight them.

This time the number of refugees suddenly increased, and they also fought with the young and strong in the village.

When Chu Changchun brought the village elders to stop them, a small group of young people with the surname Chu died.

Chu Changchun had no choice but to call Zhuangzili's guards trained by Lin Changge.When this group of well-trained guys who had seen blood and killed bandits came, those refugees who were stubbornly resisting were either killed or scared away. In the end, the old and weak children were caught.

More than 60 people died one after another, and they were all men, and they were all the pillars of the family. This is a big deal.

The older elders of the family surnamed Chu put on their clothes and stood up one after another, and surrounded Chu Changchun forcefully, telling him to punish the murderer severely and drive these refugees out of Zhuangzi.

(End of this chapter)

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