Chapter 198
Surrounded by a group of elders, Chu Changchun was scolded for a while, and his whole body was not well.In less than half a day, his hair turned white, and he became old all of a sudden.

Chu Dazhuang looked at it very distressed.But every time he wanted to speak, his father tightly grabbed his arm.

"So many people of the same clan died in Zhuangzi this time, and I am responsible. After this matter is resolved, I will resign as the patriarch." Everyone saw Chu Changchun, whose hair was disheveled and tired and old, couldn't bear to continue. blame him.

After all, he is not willing to accept these refugees, this is the order of Miryang Commander Zhang Wei, who can not do it?

If someone else takes up the post of patriarch and patriarch, the same thing must be done, and the refugees must also be brought back.

Everyone can't let the head of the family take the blame without conscience! !
"Our fellow clansmen cannot die in vain, blood cannot be shed, and the murderer must be severely punished." The clan elders and elders left behind these words and left.They still had to help the clansmen with their funerals. There were too many dead this time.

Bodies are prone to spoilage in hot weather, so they have to be buried early!
After they all left, Chu Dazhuang helped his trembling father back home. "Father, why bother? It's not our fault. Why are you taking the responsibility on yourself? Are we still going to blame Zhang Wei? In the final analysis, what happened this time was Zhang Wei's order. bane."

Chu Changchun sighed and said, "Da Zhuang, I really regret it. If I hadn't shown my face to keep Da Shan. Our Zhuangzi didn't have to die so many people this time."

"Ah?" Chu Dazhuang looked at his father in surprise, and even reached out to touch his forehead. "Father, are you not sick and confused?"

Chu Changchun simply sat down on the chair in his study room, poured himself another bowl of tea, and said while drinking the tea, "I mean it. I woke up after so many deaths from our clan this time. This is all secret." Yangling Zhang Wei's scheme.

It's hateful, in order to cut off those who harbor evil intentions among the refugees, he actually used the lives of the people in our villages and towns as stepping stones. "

"What?" Chu Dazhuang exclaimed.

"Really, they will arrange those suspicious guys to the nearby villages and towns at the beginning. Then those people will bring other refugees who are closely related to them to settle in the surrounding villages. Wait until these people can't settle down secretly People in various villages and towns caused deaths and emerged. It happened that a large number of Miryang Guards were dispatched to directly clear up these thorns and troubles.

For Zhang Wei, it is impossible for him to kill hundreds of thousands of refugees together, and he cannot bear the infamy.But he couldn't accommodate too many refugees.So he sent these problematic refugees and a large number of old and weak women and children who were useless to him among the refugees to various villages and towns.

When conflicts broke out in various villages and towns, they would have a reason to slaughter them.

Oops, not good.Those old and weak women and children! !Dazhuang, come with me to see those old and weak women and children who are being detained. "

After Chu Changchun said this, he immediately dragged his eldest son to the ancestral hall compound where the old, weak, women and children were temporarily detained.As a result, when they got close to the courtyard, they heard the screams of dead people in the big courtyard.

"Stop, stop!!" With Dalang's support, Chu Changchun quickened his pace, but as soon as he reached the main entrance, he saw Chu Changjin stabbing a skinny, withered vagrant who was only seven or eight years old like a demon. It took a deep breath.

The other party's blood was sprayed all over his head.

"Injustice, injustice!" Chu Changchun saw the corpses of the refugees all over the yard again, and what he didn't understand, he vomited blood and fainted.

When Chu Changjin saw Chu Changchun faint, not only did he show no concern at all, but instead looked triumphant. "Brother, you are old and no longer fit to be a patriarch."

After hearing this, Chu Dazhuang just glanced at Chu Changjin quietly, without saying anything, he picked up his father and went back for treatment.

After all, Chu Changchun couldn't resist this kind of stimulation, and went there that night.

The patriarch died, and the whole clan died.Chu Dashan, Chu Changfeng and others rushed back one after another.

They came back early, the patriarch in Miryang City had the grandson, and the grandson drove back in a carriage just the night before the old patriarch's burial.

Chu Dazhuang originally hated Chu Changjin very much, so the fact that Chu Changjin brutally slaughtered the refugees, the old, the weak, women and children, angered his father to death, and immediately spread to the entire clan.Some people applauded him loudly, while others hated him deeply.

But no one thought that on the day of the patriarch's funeral, this guy would lead people to block the door of the courtyard to prevent Chu Changchun's coffin from going out.

That's it.

Chu Changfeng was so angry that he pointed to his nose and asked, "What exactly do you want?"

"Brother Chang Feng, why are you so angry. If you choose me as the new patriarch and village head, I will retire. Otherwise, let my elder brother stay at home." Chu Changjin said arrogantly.

Chu Changchun's two sons and two grandsons were so angry that they wanted to chop each other down with a knife.Everyone's face was livid.

"Don't have that sweet dream. The patriarch is pissed off by you. As a clansman, you can't see it? Who dares to choose you as the patriarch. Don't you worry that you will drag the whole clan into the abyss of death and clan extinction?" Chu Changfeng refuted him loudly.

"You are talking nonsense, who said I was the patriarch who was so angry? I was ordered by the patriarch to punish the murderer." Chu Changjin said loudly. "The patriarch is not angry at me, my good brother, he trusts me so much, entrusts me with killing the murderers who killed our clansmen, but he is worried that I will be soft-hearted and can't do it, so he came to supervise with his sick body I died unexpectedly.

The old patriarch worked hard for the clan all his life, and in the end he insisted on punishing the murderer who killed the clan with his sick body.

So I want to inherit his behest and swear here that I will spend my whole life working for the safety and well-being of my people, otherwise I will suffer a terrible death. "

After watching Chu Changjin's performance, Chu Dashan couldn't hide the astonishment in his eyes.This guy has actually grown up and is so good at talking.Or is there an expert behind him to point him out?
"No matter what you say, it's fake. You were there at the beginning of Chu Dazhuang, so you can tell everyone how he pissed your father to death?" Chu Changfeng said loudly.

"No, my father didn't die from Chu Changqi." Chu Dazhuang said suddenly.

There were bursts of panting sounds from around, which was different from what Chu Dazhuang said when Chu Changchun had just died.Just yesterday when Chu Changfeng and Chu Dashan came over to attend the funeral, Chu Dazhuang was still trembling with grief and indignation that it was Chu Changqi who killed his father! ! !
This night, he changed his mind. Does this Chu Dazhuang have any face?What prestige will he have in the clan in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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