The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 199 Who is in favor and who is against

Chapter 199 Who is in favor and who is against

"I support Chu Changjin to take over the position of patriarch and village head." Chu Dazhuang said again in shock.

"" Chu Changfeng was completely stunned by him.

Chu Dashan, who came with Chu Changfeng, turned dark immediately!
As soon as Chu Dazhuang said this, his younger brother, son, and nephew also expressed their support for Chu Changjin to take over the positions of patriarch and village head.Moreover, the descendants of the patriarch's line also made appointments to express their support in the same way.

One clansman after another stood up to support Chu Changjin, which caused the surrounding clansmen and villagers with other surnames to look at each other in dismay.

Moreover, the large number of people was shocked. When did Chu Changjin become so popular?Do those people in the direct line really approve of Chu Changjin?
The family members of the direct line occupy a large part of the voice of the old Chu village. Now they all express their support for Chu Changjin's superiority. What else in the village dares to compete with Chu Changjin? Does Chu Changjin really want to become the new patriarch? And the village head?
Many people couldn't help but think to themselves, it seems that the position of patriarch is about to be settled this time.

"I don't agree with Chu Changjin becoming the new patriarch. He can be the new village head of the old Chuzhuang! It's up to you to choose who the new village head is. Whoever dares to support Chu Changjin as the new patriarch, I will go out of the clan. Establish your own genealogy and establish a new ancestral hall." Chu Dashan suddenly stood up and threatened loudly.

The surrounding clansmen and villagers gasped again in unison.

"Hey, anyway, our old Chuzhuang branch has just been divided into sects, so what does it matter if we divide again?" Chu Dashan sneered.

There is a relationship, a big relationship.

Chu Dashan is now on the family tree, and any family in the old Chu village who is short of food can go to Xiantao village to buy low-priced coarse and fine grains.

If Chu Dashan is no longer on the genealogy, everyone is not a member of the same clan, who cares about you.

"I support Chu Dashan to take over as the new patriarch." A tribe who came back from the Great Northwest Wilderness immediately stood up to support Chu Dashan.Now nothing is more important than food! !Uncle Dashan must support it! !
"I also support Chu Dashan as the patriarch. I will not admit it to others. If the people in the direct line insist on supporting Chu Changjin, then I request that my house be expelled, and I will move my family to Xiantao." Go to Zhuang." A member of the Pangzhi tribe stood up and said, Uncle Dashan's resolution must be strongly supported.

"That's right, I also support Chu Dashan. I don't agree with you wanting Chu Chang to be in the top position."

In addition to the clansmen who came back from outside, the other Pangzhi clansmen also stood up one after another.Many of these races are members of the Guard.They, Lintou, are hiding in the guards of Xiantao Village. They live a happy life and earn a lot of money.

Chu Dashan became popular for a while!Has many backing supporters!
If these people did not support Chu Changjin as the patriarch, then Chu Changjin would be finished.

"You bastards, you dare to oppose me, are you tired of working?" Chu Changjin's face immediately became violent.

"You try to kill me? Brother, let's move out tonight, can we use your yard first?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. You can sign a long-term contract early tomorrow morning, and then you can move into your own small yard." Another burly young man laughed. "The small yard over there is only 15 taels. If you are not willing to deduct the money every month, you can just hand over the 15 taels directly. Then the yard will be directly transferred to your name. To be honest, it is more dilapidated than our house. The yard is much more spacious, and there are still brick houses."

"I also support our boss to become the new patriarch." A long-time worker surnamed Chu stood up and said with a smile.The owner must support it! !

"I also support our boss..." The long-term workers who worked for the Chu family stood up one after another.The club must support plus two!
For a while, the momentum created by those who supported Chu Dashan was not weaker than that of Chu Changjin before, and the two people started to confront each other faintly.

The Chu family of the old Chuzhuang actually has two shares at this moment, and the members of the direct line all gasped and panicked.Is this an attempt to seize power?
"The patriarch must be me. You can choose the village chief yourself. As long as you don't ask me about the old Chuzhuang's affairs, I will not ask." Chu Dashan said domineeringly.

People from the original lineage of the patriarch in Old Chuzhuang looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering if they should promise him or not.

"If you don't agree to me, then divide the sect." Chu Dashan continued to threaten.

"Promise him." A white-haired old man walked over with the support of his family. "He Yumingchang, the great world is only Yang. Dashan, I am your uncle, Chu Mingqiao. I am so old. I planned to wait to die of old age under the service of my children and grandchildren. But who would have thought that, An accident happened in Changchun. Our lineage is about to split into two sects for the position of the new patriarch.

Dashan, you are an uncle after all. "

In the end, it was just someone who favored Chu Changjin in the name of making peace.

Chu Dashan wasn't in the mood to take care of him now, as soon as he finished speaking, he snorted coldly, and didn't even give the old man a good look.

The white-haired old man's expression froze instantly.

"Dashan, I know you are angry..."

"Don't talk about those useless things. Let's talk about who will take over as the patriarch now. If it's Chu Changjin, then I'll go out of the clan. If it's me, then we'll have a smooth funeral for the old patriarch."

Everyone present held their breaths in unison, shocked: "..."

As soon as Chu Changchun left, the fun started right in time for the funeral.

First, Chu Changjin blocked the door, trying to force everyone to recognize him as the new patriarch and village head.Now it was Chu Dashan who spoke harshly again.Either give me the position of patriarch, or we will split up and I will go out directly.

"Okay, patriarch, you do it." The old man gritted his teeth and said immediately and decisively. "Chang Jin get out of the way and let your elder brother attend the funeral."

"Old uncle..." Chu Changjin was really anxious, "The position of patriarch cannot be given up to him!"

The old man looked at him, then at Chu Dashan who had been keeping a cold face, and asked angrily, "Can you provide the whole village with food to survive the drought and food shortage? If you can't, just shut up."

It seems that Chu Dashan is suspected of oppressing his fellow clan.

"I..." Chang Jin got stuck. Although his family had food, it really couldn't supply the whole family.

Brother Ling Zhifu is definitely a special case for freaks like Chu Dashan.

"From then on, Chu Dashan will be the new patriarch of our branch. He will preside over any important actions of the family in the future, and the heads of each family must obey the arrangements of the new patriarch."

"It's okay if you don't support it. Don't buy food from my house in the future." Chu Dashan answered directly after hearing the old man's words.

He spoke more bluntly than the old man, causing the old man's expression to change several times.

Yes, I just threaten you with food, if you have the ability, you will tie your neck and refuse to eat.

Chu Dashan sneered in his heart, since you alluded to me threatening to oppress the tribe with food.Then I'll play a big one for you.

"I originally wanted to let you choose the village chief and manage the old Chuzhuang by yourself. As long as you don't mess with me, I don't bother to talk to you. But now I don't think so, the village chief of the old Chuzhuang, I propose Chu Changfeng Serve. Who is for and who is against?"

Chu Dashan stood in front of the old patriarch's coffin with a big horse and a golden knife, and looked coldly at the clansmen and villagers around him.

He really wants to see who is his opponent in the Chu family! !

(End of this chapter)

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