The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 200 Forced Repression

Chapter 200 Forced Repression
Yes, I just threaten you with food, if you have the ability, you will tie your neck and refuse to eat.

Chu Dashan sneered in his heart, since you alluded to me threatening to oppress the tribe with food.Then I'll play a big one for you.

"I originally wanted to let you choose the village chief and manage the old Chuzhuang by yourself. As long as you don't mess with me, I don't bother to talk to you. But now I don't think so, the village chief of the old Chuzhuang, I propose Chu Changfeng Serve. Who is for and who is against?"

Chu Dashan stood in front of the old patriarch's coffin with a big horse and a golden knife, and looked coldly at the clansmen and villagers around him.

He really wants to see who is his opponent in the Chu family! !

Who dares to object?Who dares to have trouble with food?
You must know that the person who was rejected was not one person, but a family!

"I object." Chu Changjin was the first to say angrily.

"Who else?" Chu Dashan asked sharply. "Shiluo, remember all those who oppose me today and their families, all their immediate relatives, our family will no longer sell them food."

"Okay, father." Chu Shiluo leisurely took out a small notebook from his pocket, first added Chu Changjin's name, and by the way wrote about his family's brothers and sisters, as well as his son and grandson's family to the list.I didn't write enough on a single page, and used up a full page and a half.Of course, the small book is too small is also the point! !

In addition to the small book, the writing brush is also small, Chu Shiluo has to hold the pen carefully, and the ink is hanging in the bottle on his waist, dipping some when needed.

Saburo took the initiative to hold the bottle cap for his brother! !

Except for Chu Changjin, there is no other person in the village who dares to stand out.

After all, if he is on the blacklist, his immediate blood relatives will suffer. Didn't sister Chu Changjin faint when Chu Shiluo started to write his name?
Chu Changjin looked around, and found that he was not willing to be alone, so he tried his best to give the relatives and confidantes around him a look, so that they would also stand up.But the relatives and confidantes who talked so well and supported him all bowed their heads at this moment, not daring to look at him.

Every time they noticed that Chu Changjie was looking over, they lowered their heads as hard as they could, as if there were some beautiful pictures of flowers on the ground that they needed to study.

Chu Changjin's face turned pale with anger.

"Then if there is no objection, of course I will not be allowed to be the village head of Old Chu Village." Chu Changfeng smiled, he knew there would be such a day.

Is Chu Dashan someone who can be suppressed?
Judging by the speed with which he holds spiritual food, spiritual fruit, and rises like a comet, this person is not one who will wrong himself.

"Wait, I have something to say to Uncle Da Shan in private." Chu Shiqing said suddenly.

Let’s talk about it again, no one pays attention to you after two talks.

"I won't tell you, or you should say it in front of everyone, or you will never say it. Anyway, I will just talk here. Who dares to oppose me? Whoever opposes me, get out of here Old Chuzhuang." Chu Dashan said sharply, and he stood on the ground and said domineeringly.

Chu Shiqing's face turned dark and ugly in an instant.

But if he doesn't oppose him at this moment, then he will succeed.But when he thought about what the master Zhang said when he came out, he couldn't help but continue to say loudly, "I have something to say about the master Zhang."

"Then you stand there and say it. Let everyone hear it. Tell me what he has to say now. I'll stand here and tell you, don't say he is the master Zhang, even if Zhang Chengling comes in person, this I am also the patriarch of the Chu family, and Chu Changfeng is also the village chief of Old Chu Village. If you don’t believe in evil, you can go back to Miryang now to find Zhang Wei and see if he will help you.”

hell help! !
Just because he continued to provide Zhang Wei with food, Zhang Wei would never slap him in the face in public, prevent him from being the head of the clan, or let someone he arranges be the head of the village.This is impossible.

With more and more resources in his hands, Chu Dashan is no longer the original Chu Dashan.He has now gradually learned the comparison of strength and power.As his power grows, so does his power.

Now even Zhang Wei has to be polite when he sees him.

Chu Shiqing's face turned pale at what he said, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

Chu Dashan, who grows herbs, even said that even Zhang Wei could not change his decision in Miryang!Is he courting death?

"Okay, since Chu Dashan said so, then after I give grandpa the funeral, I will return to Miryang immediately and tell Master Zhang exactly what you said."

"Go ahead and tell me, it's his ability to take me down." Chu Dashan said loudly, so that the surrounding clansmen could hear it clearly.These words are too arrogant and domineering, is he courting death?

Is Miryang Commander Zhang Wei a good friend?
"Uncle Chang Feng, from now on, everything in Old Chuzhuang will be under your control. If someone finds trouble for you in private, you will kick his family out of Old Chuzhuang. If someone opposes you openly, you will Let the guards throw the whole family out of the old Chuzhuang, and get rid of the family.

Chu Dazhuang, you immediately show me all the things that the patriarch regulated, including some historical documents of the old Chuzhuang.If you dare to lose one copy, I will wipe out your family! "

After hearing his words, Chu Dazhuang turned pale. He put down the spirit banner in his hand, turned around and went to get his father's relics of the patriarch.

"Father." Chu Shiqing called out unwillingly behind him.

Hearing his cry, Chu Dazhuang turned his head and said, "Shiqing, I not only have your son, but also two daughters, a younger brother, and a nephew. I'm sorry."

After Chu Dashan's domineering declaration, at this time Chu Dazhuang has already figured out what is the most important thing in this troubled world?

Not relatives, not treasures and antiques, but food and soldiers.

If Zhang Wei wanted to raise soldiers, he would definitely not be able to get around Chu Dashan, let alone a master Zhang who wanted to meddle in the general affairs of their Chu family village and the position of village head and patriarch. Even if his son was against Chu Dashan, Zhang Wei would take care of his own son first and then I apologize to Chu Dashan.

Chu Dashan is no longer an existence that blood relatives can match.

He is the cornerstone of Zhang Wei's foothold in the future!

It's a pity that he never thought that Chu Dashan had abandoned the old Chu village and built his own Xiantao village. After becoming the patriarch, he would turn around and forcibly suppress all the opposing forces in the old Chu village. .

Chu Changfeng, can this scheming and cunning old boy be a good village chief?

As it turns out, you can.

When Chu Dazhuang turned around to find things for Chu Dashan, Chu Changfeng had already called a group of young people in the guards to help him fetch the village chief's things and help Chu Dashan move things.

 Let me speak for my own "Lord of the Dan Palace", a 400 million-word fantasy.

(End of this chapter)

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