The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 201 Majesty

Chapter 201 Majesty
Chu Changfeng simply stared at Chu Dazhuang taking things, he took out one, and Chu Changfeng went up to have a look, if it was for Chu Dashan's use, he would put it elsewhere, if it was for himself, he would give it to a big man who carried it by his side. Basket young and strong.

Chu Dazhuang looked at him speechlessly.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you're done here, I have other things to do!" Chu Changfeng urged him.

"Then what about my father's funeral?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't participate!" Chu Changfeng said angrily, "Your family has a funeral for another day!"

"I still have a meal when I come back."

"Don't eat."

"Uncle Chang Feng, I'm sorry about Chang Jin." Chu Dazhuang said while taking things.

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and you can handle your own affairs." That's what Chu Changfeng said, but Chu Changfeng thought that Chu Dazhuang probably wouldn't stay in the old Chuzhuang.He lost all his prestige and hated Chu Dashan.

Otherwise, Chu Dashan would not let him, the son raised by the former patriarch himself, use it, and push himself out.

Besides, Dimai is very powerful in the village, and he will definitely attack them after he takes office. Chu Dazhuang knows that, in order not to continue to blame Chu Changjin and Dimai, he has to leave.

Otherwise, the person who is forced to take the lead will appoint him!
"After my father's funeral, I will take my old wife to the city." Chu Dazhuang didn't say that he is dependent on his son, what is there to depend on, he has a shop, a house, and money!

"Take care of yourself," Chu Changfeng said.

Chu Dazhuang took out the last item, then nodded silently.

He originally thought that he would take over his father's position, become the head of the clan, become the head of the village, and then avenge his revenge, but now it seems that he has to wait.But it was better than before when he listened to what Da Lang said, knew that Chu Changjin had found a new backer, and the other party supported him to become the head of the clan. The despair he felt when he became the head of the village was much better.

"Master Zhang of Miryang has taken a fancy to the land of our old Chuzhuang. Even if he fails to reach in this time, he will in the future." Chu Dazhuang said in a low voice.

"If it's just a small amount of land, no one cares. If it's too much, do you think Dashan is living for nothing?"

Chu Changfeng said in his heart, whether it is Old Chu Village or Xiantao Village, it is Chu Dashan's own private land, and no one will succeed if he comes.Zhang Wei would not fight Chu Dashan for the sake of location.

Besides, with him stuck here, as long as Chu Dashan doesn't nod his head, it's useless for anyone to buy the land.

Chu Dazhuang reminded Chu Changfeng of several important things that need to be done every year. "Others, if you have any questions, you can come to me. The most important thing in December is to hand in the new population booklet before the big festival.

The low-level officials in the Chengling Mansion are also more difficult to deal with, and they have to subtract part of the new population in our village every time.The money was delivered and the name was not recorded.Now there are still little guys who are more than two years old and whose names are on the booklet.

There is no name on the roster, and they will not even be able to buy land in the future. Those petty officials who don't have girls have to subtract males.In this way, we can receive our contribution money every year. "

"It's okay, let Shiluo hand it over, it's definitely okay." Chu Changfeng sneered, picking up the soft persimmons and pinching them. Since Xiantaozhuang was established, it has never been embarrassed by the Chengling Mansion.

"Okay, as long as you know what's in your mind."

Chu Dazhuang didn't say any more, after closing the study here, he went directly to continue to carry out the funeral for his father.

Chu Changchun's burial was also more beautiful, the whole clan even Chu Jinhong and others who were far away in the guards of Miyang rushed over, this was the burial of the patriarch!
As a result, as soon as he came back, he was secretly told by the tribe about the previous big show.

Chu Dashan's domineering side leaked, suppressed the whole clan, became the patriarch himself, and let Chu Changfeng be the village head of the old Chu village.

Chu Changjin and the people in the Yimai had no choice but to slap their claws directly. In the end, they could only compromise and let Chu Dashan be the patriarch.

"I saw that the elders of the direct lineage were trembling with anger, but no one dared to stand up and refute. The coffin of the old patriarch Chu Changjin went to Miryang before he left the village, and he didn't attend the burial. "It was an uncle with a disabled arm who told Chu Jinhong what happened before.He is also of the same family as Chu Jinhong's father who returned here.

"Uncle Dashan is really amazing." Chu Jinhong laughed, how about Chu Changjin, who cares about him at this time.

The uncle also laughed, "In this world, a strong and domineering patriarch can make us live better. Just like our previous entrepreneurial patriarch. It is also good to have less patriarchs. After more experience, we can be like our entrepreneurial patriarchs." sharp."

Chu Jinhong said speechlessly, "Why don't you say I'm as good as Uncle Dashan?"

"That can't be, young patriarch, you are not husband Ling Zhi." The uncle laughed.There is such a powerful husband Ling Zhi in the family, what worries about food and clothing in the future?
That is to say, people in the direct line hold on to the tablets of the patriarch and village chief.

Otherwise, they would have lived a good life like the clansmen who went to Xiantaozhuang.

But it's not bad now, with Chu Dashan, they can be regarded as standing up.

Chu Jinhong gave him an angry look.

"However, young patriarch, you will be counted on in the army in the future. Our new patriarch is not an ordinary person." The uncle laughed.

In the future, there will be a big event and a small love in the village, I am afraid that more and more people will come to congratulate and visit.

"I know." A smile flashed in Chu Jinhong's eyes, Chu Changfeng being the patriarch and Chu Dashan being the patriarch are definitely two different things.From now on, the generals and civil servants in the battalion will no longer dare to bully them easily.

After the funeral was over, the Chu family from the direct line gathered together again, and they found Chu Dashan who had just come down from the graveyard.

"Patriarch, the blood of our Chu family can't die in vain, you have to avenge the dead clansman."

The old and the young of the Dimai looked resolute and stood around Chu Dashan without moving.

"In the end, you don't know where the child went? Did it really get eaten, so you went up and beat the refugees to death. If this kind of thing happens again in the future, death will be for nothing. Who will kill innocent old and weak women and children for you? Revenge?" Chu Dashan said angrily
The surrounding crowd fell silent.

"That little child was abducted and sold by his aunt who married Zhuangzi. Now he has been found and is being sent back. As for you, you went up to fight with the refugees regardless of your care, and ended up killing so many of your relatives. You are also doing it on your own.”

Chu Dashan's words made many people cry uncontrollably.

"In any case, killing women and children is wrong. For those who died and participated in the first and second private fights with the refugees, since you are outraged for a moment, and this is the first time such a thing has happened, I forgive you You. I will avenge the dead, and the living will not ask whether you killed someone.

But those who followed Chu Changjin to kill such as the old and the weak, women and children had to be tied up and sent to Miyang city magistrate for their disposal. "Chu Dashan said majesticly.

 Continue to endorse my "Lord of the Dan Palace" hehehe
(End of this chapter)

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