Chapter 202

"No, it's okay to go to the Yamen in Miryang?"

"I don't agree. If anyone wants my son to go to Miryang, I will hang him in front of his house."

"Quiet!" Chu Dashan shouted loudly, suppressing the noise of the clansmen. "I have to go, if I don't go, my family will get out of Old Chu Village."

"Why?" a middle-aged clansman said in a dark voice.

"Just because I'm the patriarch. I can take your entire Chu family!! If you don't like it, you can get out."

"Back then, Changyang Di Chu was not as domineering as you, Chu Dashan!" the middle-aged clansman asked angrily.

"Then you can take the whole family to Changyang Dichu and ask to join the clan." Chu Dashan sneered, "Go."

The middle-aged man's chest rose and fell. "Let's go. I will take the whole family and leave now. But what about my house and land in Old Chuzhuang?"

"Sell it to me at a reduced price. The first-class field is 40 taels per mu, and the forest slope is 60 taels per mu. The house, your old yard is worth 70 taels at most, and I'll give you [-] taels. How about it?" Chu Dashan looked at him coldly Said.

The eyes of the middle-aged people are shining brightly. The grain has been rising fiercely in recent years, but everyone knows that once the severe drought is over, the price of grain will inevitably drop.The price of land has also increased a bit in the past two years, but it has never doubled to the point where the first-class field is 40 taels per mu.If he sold both the house and the land, he could reap a lot of money.At that time, whether to bring the family to do business in Miryang, or go to Changyang to buy another piece of land, you can be a small landlord.

"Okay, just follow this price. But my family's first-class farmland has [-] mu, and my family's other middle-class farmland, lower-class farmland, and forest land add up to [-] mu? That's tens of thousands of taels."

"Fourth, let him go through the transfer procedures of the land deed and house deed, and then you immediately give him the bank note. Tell him to get out today. If anyone else wants to leave, tell me quickly, I won't make such a price again in the future."

"Me." Chu Dazhuang suddenly raised his hand and said, "My family has 7000 acres of first-class farmland alone, and more than [-] acres of forest land. I don't plan to sell the ancestral house, and the others include two vacant lands. I will sell you the big yard."

"Okay, then you can also go through the transfer procedures with my fourth child." Chu Dashan didn't intend to keep him at all.

As soon as they saw Chu Dazhuang leaving, the members of the direct clan began to panic. Before, they thought that even without the positions of patriarch and village head, they would still have Chu Dazhuang, who was very prestigious in the clan on weekdays.But Chu Dazhuang was leaving at this time, so what should they do?
Who else can shelter them and help them?

"Chu Dashan, if our family leaves the old Chu village, can we not send my son to the Miyang city magistrate's mansion?" asked an old lady who was usually very fierce in the clan.


"Then my family will move out within three days, you give us three days." The old lady said to Chu Dashan viciously.

"it is good."

This is how Master Chu put on the attitude of those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish. If you are not convinced, you have to bear with it, or you will move out with your family.But even if Chu Dashan gave double the money, some people were very reluctant to move it away.

But after everyone had dinner, the dozens of young men who slaughtered the old, weak, women and children among the refugees were all arrested by the village guards one by one from their homes and thrown into the empty houses in the guards' compound.Someone will take care of it!It is said that it will be sent to Miryang the next day! !
All the families involved in the matter are now fried.Chu Chang went in to find his big backer, but he couldn't come back for a long time, and couldn't make decisions for them.And after Chu Dashan tore his face this time, he was completely shameless!
If you don't obey me, you will move my family away! !

Otherwise, I have enough tricks to hit you!
Who can bear this?
Before the morning of the second day, Chu Changfeng received requests from 22 descendants to settle their farms overnight, and the whole family asked to move out.

In Zhuangzi, the direct lineage is powerful, but it doesn't mean that the direct lineage has a particularly large number of people, but that there are a lot of people attached to the direct lineage.In fact, there are actually 25 households in Zhuangzi in total. In addition to the two families that left before, plus these 22 households, now Chumai is left in the village with only Chu Changjin's family.

The question is, can Chu Changjin insist on not leaving?
In Miyang City Commander's Mansion, Chu Changjin anxiously found the main courtyard of Master Zhang from the guest courtyard early in the morning.As a result, master Zhang didn't have a good breakfast.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Master Zhang put down his chopsticks angrily. "I'm so frizzy about doing things, what big things do I dare to entrust to you in the future?"

Chu Changjin hurriedly bowed his head obediently and admitted his mistake.

"Didn't I receive another urgent message from the clansman in Zhuangzi? Chu Dashan's family is the only one, and they have cleared out all the people in their direct lineage from Zhuangzi."

"What?" Master Zhang was secretly surprised. "There are dozens of households in your direct lineage, at least hundreds of people. Why did you clean it up when he said it would be cleared?"

"Because Chu Dashan is rich and powerful. Chu Dashan directly doubled the purchase of the fields and houses in their hands. He told everyone to move out in three days. He also said that he would not give you face, even if the city order is not good. It has been almost a day, and there is no response from your end. How dare the clansmen of the direct line not sell their fields and houses, and how dare they not move with their families."

Master Zhang's face turned black, he snorted heavily, and shouted, "Arrogance!"

"Then Master, can we use the Miyang Guards..." According to Chu Changjin's idea, it would be great to use the Miryang Guards to kill Chu Dashan directly, at least give him a big prison and let him Even if you don't die, you will peel off your skin!
At that time, I can return to my hometown with honor.

But Master Zhang directly shook his head and said, "No."

In today's world, Zhang Wei and his son's control over the army is almost to the point of being harsh.How could he allow a cousin Zhang Wei of the same race to easily mobilize the Miryang Guards.

"How can the guards be easily mobilized. It's up to me to figure out a way. Hmph, a little farmer still wants to challenge Zhang Zifang with me. I'm so tired of it."

Zhang Zifang thought about it, Zhang Wei has been the dominant family in Miryang for the past two years, and his prestige has grown, he is not as easy to talk to as before.Even Dalangjun Zhang Xiu is very friendly, and he is quite protective of his clansmen.

So he found Zhang Xiu, the Dalang Lord in the Miryang Guard Army.

Or after he expressed his intention, Zhang Xiu looked at him in astonishment and said, "You mean you want Old Chuzhuang?"

"That's right, the geomantic omen over there, the land is good, the water is good, the food produced is abundant every year, and the herbal spiritual fruit can also be grown."

Zhang Xiu hurriedly interrupted Zhang Zifang's dream that she seemed to have grasped the old Chuzhuang in her palm. "Do you know where that is?"

"I know, old Chu Zhuang."

"Do you know why that place has good geomantic omen? Can crops grow in drought? Can herbs grow?" Zhang Xiu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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