The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 203 The old man who doesn't like to work

Chapter 203 The old man who doesn't like to work

"Of course that place has good geomantic omen." When Zhang Zifang said this, she even felt the taste. "Is there any other reason?"

"Of course, there is a severe drought in other places and nothing can be grown. Only there can grow herbs, spiritual fruits, and food. They are all Zhuangzi near Bibo Lake. Why can't the Zhuangzi near it succeed?

That's because that area has long been transformed by Chu Dashan with arrays.You still want old Chuzhuang, you are taking food from a tiger's mouth, do you think you want to come? "

Zhang Xiu said speechlessly.

He didn't pay attention to that place at first, it was the ancestor of the Zhang family who went to the old Chu village for a few times when he was free.Cough cough, in fact, I went to wander around the valley of Chu Dashan's house.

After wandering around for a long time, I faintly discovered that the circulation of the ground veins near Old Chuzhuang is different from that in other places.

The earth veins here are self-contained, independent and connected with the outside world!
This circulation of earth veins is even faintly changing the nearby landforms!
This kind of strange sign is either because there is a real spiritual vein nearby, or there is a really large spiritual land nearby to cultivate a formation.

Think about that magical formation in the valley that can attract starlight!

There is almost no need to think about the second reason, it is the ghost of the formation! !

So who built the formation, who else but Chu Dashan?
Zhang Zifang immediately asked in amazement, "How is that possible? Such a large area, besides, Chu Dashan also has its own Xiantaozhuang land, which is 18 mu. The two pieces of land add up to more than [-] mu. I don't believe that Chu Dashan can accomplish such a great thing."

Zhang Xiu was speechless, "You are really blinded by greed. Uncle, you have been working under my father for many years. You don't know my father's temperament and such an outstanding Lingzhi husband is very important to our Zhang family. the importance of the future?"

Zhang Zifang was immediately blocked.

"Don't meddle in the old Chuzhuang's affairs, don't make plans for the old Chuzhuang's land. It was specially left to Chu Dashan by our father and son, not to mention you, even other nobles in Miyang City, official families, imperial capitals, etc. The public, the nobles, and the nobles have nothing to do.

As a member of the Zhang clan, you must have a sense of the overall situation in mind and act with propriety. "Zhang Xiu beat him and said.

Zhang Zifang's face turned pale in an instant, Mr. Da Lang had never hit him with such words, it seems that this time he really pissed him off.

"It's more clear to put it directly, it's our father and son's preference for people and land."

Hearing this, Zhang Zifang's face turned completely pale, and everyone else shook.I don't know how I got home.

At his home, Chu Changjin was still waiting hard.

As soon as Zhang Zifang saw him, she said, "Go back."


"Chu Dashan has indeed won the favor of Lord Cheng Ling, and now no one can touch him, and neither can I. So you go back, and stay in the old Chuzhuang honestly in the future." After finishing speaking, let the attendant return the plan Chu Changjin, who was making a lot of noise, was thrown out of the house.

As soon as Chu Changjin was thrown out, he sat on the ground and cried bitterly. Now he is finished.

Chu Dashan said that he did it, except for those who had already moved away, he sent the rest of the villagers who participated in the massacre of the old, the weak, women and children to the Miryang city magistrate's mansion.In order to help Chu Changjin escape the misfortune of being sent to the city magistrate, Chu Changjin's family also directly sold the farm and moved out of the old Chuzhuang.

The people of the Chengling Mansion strictly interrogated the young men sent by the old Chuzhuang, and finally judged that they would be forced to do hard labor for three years.If you are instigated to kill someone in a moment of anger, that is also murder. If there were no vendettas between the two sides before, and they killed refugees, if you really want to be true to the laws of the Song Dynasty, everyone would beheaded.It's only been three years of hard labor, so it's still a light sentence.

But three years of hard labor is also painful. I get up earlier than chickens, eat less than pigs, and sleep later than dogs!
I have to do heavy hard work every day, and I can't tell if I can live past three years.

Back then when the refugees attacked their Zhuangzi, everyone in the Zhuangzi fought back against the refugees and killed so many people. Everyone praised their youth and bravery in the Zhuangzi.But since the reputation of killing weaker women and children spread, the bastards from other villages dared to laugh at their villagers face to face.

In such a comparison, some families who were sent to do hard labor were immediately isolated by the other families of Zhuangzi.

Killing the old and the weak, women and children is something only animals can do.

For a while, even if the people from Dimai and Chu Changjin moved to Miryang City, they would bring their bad reputation there.Who doesn't know what good things they do?
And those refugees who escaped and killed people did not end well.

Chu Dashan directly told the refugees outside.

"The murderer who ran away, catch one, you don't need to capture it alive, just bring the head back. If you change the family to settle down, you will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver and ten acres of forest land."

In less than two days, all 160 refugees who ran away were all lying neatly in the courtyard of the ancestral hall of Old Chuzhuang.A grand sacrificial activity was held in the clan.The murderer was finally thrown out of the village to feed wild dogs!
All that remains is the question of reward redemption.Chu Dashan directly brought Chu Changfeng to summon everyone.This is a real settlement of 160 households, more than 6000 taels of silver and more than 600 acres of forest land.

The new 160 households all looked extremely fierce.And they seem to know each other.

Chu Dashan didn't care where they all came from. After he gave everyone the household registration and money he promised, he said, "According to the agreement, you will settle in Lao Chuzhuang and Xiantaozhuang. There are 61 households in Xiantaozhuang. One hundred households.

Since there is no suitable house for you in Old Chuzhuang, you have to buy the surplus house in the village without money, or build it yourself without money. You choose the land yourself, and then ask the village head Chu Changfeng to handle the land deed and transfer of the house for you. matter. "

Chu Changfeng stood up and greeted everyone. "In the future, everyone should live in harmony. I am Chu Changfeng. If you have any difficult problems, please try to find me to solve them. If you can do it in the village, don't do it in the village.

Except for the school field, you have to go to the guard school field with your hands. "

The new heads of household all pursed their lips and smiled.

Well, at least it gave me a place where I could solve problems with my fists.

"In addition, the first 61 of you who sent the murderer's body settled in Xiantaozhuang. There are ready-made yards, which are only 15 taels per yard. If you want to live in it, you need to pay by yourself. You can go to Chu Shiluo for the transfer of the land deed and house deed." Chu Shiluo Dashan Road.

Chu Shiluo also stood up at this time and said hello to everyone, "I am Chu Shiluo. As we all know, the village chief of Xiantao Village is actually my father, but my father is lazy, so now I am doing the work of the village chief. Everyone If you have anything to do, try to find me, let's sympathize with the old man who doesn't like to work."

Chu Dashan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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