The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 204 Since the sudden death of the eldest daughter Chu Xi

Chapter 204 Since the sudden death of the eldest daughter Chu Xi
The new settlement procedures, the land deed, house deed transfer procedures and other general affairs, as well as the general affairs such as the addition of the population atlas, were all handled by Chu Shiluo and Chu Shiyuan, the eldest grandson of Chu Changfeng's family.

Chu Dashan likes to be lazy, coughing and exercising young people, Chu Changfeng still followed suit and threw out his 16-year-old grandson to work with Chu Shiluo.

No one in Miyang Cheng Ling's mansion now knows that Chu Dashan is a person valued by Cheng Ling, so he gave Chu Shiluo the green light all the way.

As a result, the old affairs of the old Chuzhuang that had been backlogged for a year or two were also dealt with.

Chu Shiluo smiled and took his clan brother to stand in front of him, and if he didn't do anything about it, let's go to see Lord Chengling now.This is not the first time he has met!

It only took about half a day, and all the procedures were completed in a hurry. After Chu Shiluo left the Chengling Mansion with his younger brother, Zhang Zifang knew that he had instructed the low-level officials to make things difficult for Chu Shiluo and the others. Things, none of them worked out.

Zhang Zifang was so angry that she didn't want it.The key is that his little actions can't be spread to the ears of Lord Cheng Ling, otherwise, Zhang Wei will order him to be punished.

The matter of old Chuzhuang was settled.

Various conflicts in other villages and towns in the Miryang area are still in the ascendant.

The Miryang Guards were dispatched every few days.Every time I kill, my whole body is red!
In just over a month, all the thorns and careerists among the refugees were killed.By the way, it also greatly reduced the number of refugees.The entire Miryang region has a population of only about [-] after the great changes in the world.

60 of them are concentrated in Miryang City.

After the great changes in the world, the refugees from the surrounding areas continued to gather in the Miryang jurisdiction for reasons of safety and taxation.

Before the drought, the population of Miryang was close to 150 million.

Newly built villages and expansions of old villages are almost everywhere.

Even the city of Miryang expanded its population by 60 from 70 to [-].

Since the natural disaster and severe drought, countless refugees have gathered in Miryang.

This caused the population of Miryang to continue to skyrocket, and the construction of the outer city had already begun a few months ago.The population has also reached a staggering 110 million.The daily consumption of all kinds of food and fish is an astonishing figure.

Moreover, there are military barracks and refugee camps of the Miryang Guards outside Miryang City.

With Miryang guards and their families, the camp has a population of 10,000+.The refugee camp is even more ruthless, 75 is the number of the peak population before it was not diverted.You know, people die every day in this refugee camp, and new people come in every day.

Now, using some diversion strategies, in just over a month, sacrificing the population of some surrounding villages and towns, all the refugees have been successfully digested. Whether it is Miryang Ling Zhang Wei or his son Zhang Xiu, the people around The lords of the city praised the hero!
Nice job!

However, with the same move, after learning from Miryang City Order, other city lords still had some successes and some failed.

Just like when Qingyang saw Miryang start to move, they copied Miryang's plan, and smoothly cleaned out the thorns and careerists in the refugee team.As a result, resettlement of refugees went smoothly.

I have accommodated a large number of people, except that the food is not enough to eat, everything else is fine.

In the future, the formation of a new village can also add new taxes to your own city!
Moreover, Qingyang is an old city with a strong foundation. The nobles and officials in the area are more powerful than each other, so that donations of money and food will fill up several large warehouses in the city.

Well, there is no shortage of food in Cheongyang.


The foundation is great! !Many refugees came, and they also had food and drink.The problem is that we are farther away from the hinterland, so it is not easy for you to come here.

Not to mention Chengyang, I rely on great rivers and great rivers, so there is no shortage of food or drink.Don't be afraid when the refugees come, you can find a place to live by yourself by the river, and we don't care about the rest.Just don't make trouble.

It's just that we are farther and more remote than Qingyang!Refugees, if you can find us, you win!
The other cities are not good enough, either because they have few resources and food, or they are also short of water and there are many refugees.

All in all a mess!
Changyang was even more unlucky, the refugees there actually rioted and stormed the city magistrate's mansion overnight.Cheng Ling ran away, but most of his wives and children were killed by the refugees.Just his older sons ran out with their grandchildren.

Wives and concubines, daughters, and granddaughters all died in the revenge of the refugees.

The refugees stormed into the city magistrate's mansion and robbed the city magistrate's mansion, and looted and washed all the big houses of the nobles and official families in Changyang City.

The riot lasted for three days and three nights. Some people ran away, but some did not.

The Changyang Chu Clan suffered a devastating blow, and there seemed to be few elders left in the clan.Panicked, the Changyang Chu family didn't even dare to stay in the Changyang area, and the rest of the clan went directly to Miryang to settle down.

In desperation, Chu Zifei accepted these clansmen who had fled from Changyang in panic.

It's unlucky, I can't find good things, but when the whole family comes to eat and drink, they always think of me.

The uncle of the long room, it turned out that Chu Xi's own father, Chu Yuxuan, sat in the wheelchair with an apologetic face and said to Chu Zi. "Third Uncle, we will temporarily borrow from you for a few days, and we will move out immediately after we have re-purchased the house and property. As for the fact that we are not short of food, I have already asked my cronies to fetch food."

"Is Ming Daozong still working for you?" Chu Zifei asked in surprise.

Chu Yuxuan froze for a moment and nodded and said, "When he went out, he brought a group of people and a batch of my capital. Now the development is not bad. He also helped me set up some properties in Miryang. He has been working for me all these years. I store food secretly. So there is no shortage of food in our house."

"The Chu family in Changyang was robbed, and the rest are orphans and widows. I hope you can help them as much as you can."

"Third Uncle, after all, I was once the patriarch. Although the patriarch has been transferred to my second brother, I still have a duty to help the clan."

Chu Zifei took a deep look at him. "I hope you will do what you say."

Chu Yuxuan was stunned again. He remembered that his third uncle had always treated him well, even though he was paralyzed and sitting in a wheelchair, his third uncle had always treated him very well.When did the third uncle treat him coldly?

It seems that after the sudden death of the eldest daughter Chuxi! !
As if realizing something, Chu Yuxuan's face froze instantly.

"The courtyard here is temporarily lent to you. You should also send people back to collect the remaining property and property. The property is easy to talk about, and it can be transferred over. It may not be easy to deal with the property side. You can figure it out."

(End of this chapter)

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