The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 205 2 Fools

Chapter 205 Two Fools

Chu Zifei took his confidant butler Chu Fuyuan back to the house where he lived. Chu Fuyuan asked Chu Zifei to wash up and eat a hot meal.

After dinner, watching Chu Zifei leisurely drinking tea while picking up a book of unofficial history to read with relish.

Chu Fuyuan thought for a while, but still asked his own question. "Master, now that the tribe is in trouble, the uncle has also taken the initiative to take the responsibility of helping the tribe. According to the situation of the uncle, it is already good that he can do what he is doing now. How do I think you are very indifferent to the uncle?"

"What can I expect from a person who can see his own daughter being killed with his own eyes?" Chu Zifei said coldly, he looked down at the book without raising his head.

Chu Fuyuan gasped, "Master, you mean, Miss Chu Xi is, is..."

"That's right, he clearly knew, but he watched Chu Xi die suddenly with his own eyes. I despise him." Chu Zifei suddenly sneered contemptuously, scoff!
On the other side, Chu Yuxuan was pushed to the stone brick floor in front of the yard.Looking up at the starry sky, the drought makes the surrounding temperature scorchingly high.But the starry sky at night is clearer and more beautiful, the stars are shining, quiet and peaceful.

But at this moment, his mind was not peaceful at all.

Even though he has already helped Chu Da finish, let the third uncle find out.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Chu Yuxuan's mouth.Yes, who is the third uncle?How could he not see how Chu Xi died.

The great elder died suddenly, and the third uncle didn't say a word.But not long after Chu Xi died, the third uncle left Changyang with his family.

At that time, he wanted to ask, third uncle, are you so disappointed in the family that you have decided to abandon it?
"Master, what are you thinking?" Chu Shinian, Chu Yuxuan's confidant, came over and asked softly.

"Second Miss, have they settled down?" Chu Yuxuan asked.

"It's all been arranged. The properties in Changyang have already been sold, but here in Miryang, it's probably impossible to buy large sums of land. The nobles and official families here are very wary of outsiders.

The same is true for the Zhang family, but for any family with more than [-] mu of land, they have made separate secret books. "

To be honest, Chu Shinian didn't think it was a good thing to move his family here at all.No matter how bad Changyang is, they have been rooted in Changyang for thousands of years.It has too many geographical advantages.There are many farms, and the fields are nearly 20 mu.

With so many fields, it is still a bit stretched to feed a large family. If it hadn't been for the riots in Changyang that killed too many clansmen this time.Otherwise, the family will fall into the predicament of making ends meet.

But now these fields and houses are sold at a low price.

What else does the Chu family have now?Just a dozen newly purchased shops and some floating money.There is also the food that Ming Daozong promised to send free of charge.But he knows Ming Daozong too well, that guy has been away from the Chu family for too long, the uncle thinks he can master Ming Daozong, but Ming Daozong has long ignored him.

It's just that the old relationship between master and servant for many years is there, and Ming Daozong people can pretend again, which created the illusion that the uncle thought he had Ming Daozong in his hands.

Hehe, it won't take long for the uncle to know who Ming Daozong is.

"Oh, the Zhang family controls Miryang too tightly." Chu Yuxuan said with emotion.

"Mi Yang Ling Zhang Wei is not someone to wait for nothing." Chu Shinian said.

Chu Yuxuan also admitted this.Compared to the dim-witted Changyang Commander Zhu Ting, Miryang Commander Zhang Wei is simply formidable and terrifying. "We will probably have a hard time in the future."

Chu Shinian paused for a moment before saying, "Master, do you really think that the second lady's master's words can be realized? She said that she can replace Zhang Wei, the order of Miryang. Do you think Zhang Wei can just wait for death?"

Chu Yuxuan immediately said sullenly, "Anyway, we have come to Miryang."

A sneer flashed across Chu Shinian's eyes, but it was wiped away immediately.

"Time is too talkative."

When Chu Yuxuan heard the other party's tone of confession, he smiled lightly and said, "How many companies can we contact for our secret business?"

Hearing this, Chu Shinian immediately said, "Small-scale shipments, you can go directly to the black market. Large-scale shipments, no one has any. Since the eldest lady died suddenly, and I used the contact method I used to contact the seller, I couldn't contact any of the sellers." on.

It is suspected that the eldest lady has other ways of contacting the other party at the same time.Once one of the contact lines is broken, the other party will completely give up contacting us.

But this is also normal, secret business, especially safety, it is normal for the young lady to keep a hand. "

I don't know who she is guarding against?In short, it is to guard against the people inside the Chu family.

Chu Yuxuan's face became stiff and black again.

He remembered that when Chu Xi was three years old, he knew how to set up dark lines to observe the troubles in the entire Chu family mansion.And she never arranged only one hidden line.He remembered that in order to punish Chu Xi for bullying his sister, he directly cleaned up all 52 clansmen and servants he thought he thought were all when Chu Xi was six years old.

As a result, she immediately activated another set of tricks, and made Chu Da fall off the rockery the next day, directly disfiguring her!In order to allow Chu Da to grow up safely, he had no choice but to compromise with his eldest daughter.

From now on, Chu Da will never provoke her again, and he will never touch the hidden thread in her hand.Chu Xi can no longer attack Chu Da. could he like such a wise and near-monster eldest daughter?

Especially when the young Chu Xi hadn't learned how to hide her eyes, she always looked at him like a fool!

As soon as Chu Moyan came back from the outside, he immediately made an appointment with Taohua.Mountain grove after midnight.

Tao Hua looked at Chu Moyan speechlessly, scratching his ears and squatting on a rock, looking anxious.

"What urgent matter do you have to call me out in the middle of the night?"

"It's not convenient for us to talk in the middle of the night. I got a particularly shocking piece of news. The remnants of the Changyang Chu family have come to Miryang today. I heard that they will live in Miryang in the future. They are still looking for houses everywhere. shops and land.

Do you know who came running with them?You are father, Chu Yuxuan.He actually came to Miryang. "

"What about my second uncle, isn't he the new patriarch?" Taohua asked.

"I heard that one of your arms was cut off when your second uncle escaped on the night of the riot. You were already in a coma, and you haven't woken up yet," Chu Mo said.

"Look, my silly second uncle will never wake up." Tao Hua said.

Chu Moyan was speechless immediately, "Your second uncle is cunning and vicious. You are the only one in the whole family who always calls him Hanhan."

"When I was more than four years old, I saw that my father had an affair with his sister-in-law and gave birth to an adulterous son Chuda. He didn't find out until Chuda was almost grown up. Several times my second uncle almost ran into him. My father's affair with his sister-in-law. He can still foolishly believe that his wife has not betrayed him. You said he is not Hanhan, who is Hanhan?"


(End of this chapter)

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