The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 206 The Concubine from the Imperial Capital

Chapter 206 The Concubine from the Imperial Capital


Chu Moyan jumped up from the boulder in horror. "You said... you said, Chu Da is Chu Yuxuan's own daughter."

"It's not his own daughter, how could he still protect her until death? If Chu Da didn't have the manpower and power he left in secret, how could she survive until we were reborn?" Chu Xi said angrily.

"But how do you know this kind of secret?" In order to preserve his status and power, Chu Yuxuan might wish to strangle everyone who knew this secret to death!Of course, except for the second sibling who had committed adultery with him.

"Chu Shinian is the person I put beside him." Chu Xi said.

Ah puff! !
Chu Moyan's eyes are about to crack, is it true?

"You're talking about that Chu Shinian who has been following Chu Yuxuan and Chu Da to pay for their lives in the previous life?"

Chu Xi nodded. "Chu Yuxuan is an idiot, and Chu Da is even stupider than him. In order to prevent them from making a big mess for me, I have no choice but to let Chu Shinian go. Is it easy for me? That is the outstanding talent I have cultivated with great difficulty." assistant.

He was the most suitable person to take over the family's secret business back then.But he has to watch a group of idiots, I have no choice but to get Zhu Chen out to manage the dark business. "

Chu Moyan rushed to Taohua's side like an ape, and then grabbed her by the collar and asked, "Tell me, tell me, who else belongs to you in the Chu family?"

Taohua rolled his eyes directly.

"Are you going to tell me?" Chu Moyan questioned as if convulsed.Damn, he said how could Chu Xi know so many secrets, as if she knew everything about everyone.It turned out that Chu Shinian, the head of the secret guard of the new generation of the Chu family, was actually Chu Xi's person.

Tao Hua said speechlessly, "How could I possibly tell you who I arranged for? Have you become a fool too? I won't talk about this kind of private matter unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Then why did you tell me about Chu Shinian?" Chu Moyan asked puzzled.

"Because I don't need to clean up the Chu family's mess anymore, and I don't need to monitor a group of idiots for making mistakes, so I have already contacted Chu Shinian and asked him to prepare to get out of the Chu family's muddy pit." Tao Hua said.

Chu Moyan looked at her responsibly, "Sure enough, you have begun to gather your former power. Have you figured out who killed you and what enemies were there? You said you dared not investigate before. How did you die!"

"How long ago was that?!" Tao Hua rolled her eyes directly. "I don't know how the enemy made the move. There are all kinds of forces. Naturally, I have to avoid them. But what happened to secretly using dark lines to investigate them? There are some things I need to know after all.

Now I know that Chuda is born again.She had an adventure, a backer, and she also practiced the Baihuatian Bible. "

After all, she, Chu Taohua, is not someone who just sits and waits to die!Xin Yinxian made some mistakes at the beginning, almost breaking her important chess pieces several times.Now that she's finally getting used to it, she's found out everything she wants to know.

"Then who shot you to death?" Chu Moyan asked curiously.

"Who else but Chu Da?" Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"What about the process?"

"What's there to say?"

"I'm curious, can't I?" Chu Moyan continued to stare and ask.

hehe!Taohua sneered, but sister didn't want to tell you.

Chu Mo said angrily that he didn't want it.

"Hey, that's not right. The Chu family has such a good foundation in Changyang. Even if Zhu Ting tossed Changyang into a decline, it is not enough to change the fact that the Chu family has a deep foundation and it is easier to rise there. How do you convince people? Chu Da asked her to take the initiative to move?
The Chu family is almost like rootless duckweed after leaving Changyang! "Chu Moyan's mind turned fast enough, and he almost reacted immediately after arguing with Taohua.

"Why did I get Chu Da here? It was she who believed that her master could change the order of Miryang in the near future, so she moved the entire Chu family here. Besides, she can use the night of riots to kill all the troubled people. The clan elders who stare at her and her nominal father who is becoming more and more obedient to her." Tao Hua said.

"How on earth did you contact the people in Changyang?" Chu Moyan felt strange the more he thought about it.Ever since he came to Old Chuzhuang, he hadn't seen Taohua leave Chu's valley, he went to Miryang once or twice and went with her father and family. "How could you have received so many secret messages from the Chu family's direct line. Chu Shinian's status is so important, and there are so many eyes around him, I don't believe he can often communicate with you."

"My sister-in-law Bai Rui is mine."

Ah poof! ! !

Chu Moyan was really shocked this time, so shocked that he was almost speechless.

"" He said you three times in a row.He couldn't believe that in his previous life, Bai Rui from the imperial capital who had a very gentle smile and later died of illness was actually Chu Xi's person.

"She faked her death and fled to the imperial capital. The dark thread over there needs her to restart it."

After hearing this, Chu Moyan suddenly said to Taohua, "Do you really hate your elder brother? Do you know that your elder brother's favorite woman is your sister-in-law?"

Taohua frowned, "Bai Rui fled to death, and to put it bluntly, it was my choice. On the night of the riot, my elder brother fled with my father, and he didn't even go back to look for my sister-in-law just a short distance away from the front and back yards. Bai Rui is also a human being. They are all fleshy.

How can I save my broken heart? "

After hearing this, Chu Moyan was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. "Looking at how good he is to your sister-in-law, and after your sister-in-law died of illness, he never married for life, and acted like he was deeply affectionate and unrepentant. I thought he was a... I found out, he is a scumbag."

Taohua frowned, she realized that Chu Moyan was just too idle.It's okay to gossip or anything.The relationship between Bai Rui and her elder brother is their own business.What does Chu Moyan pay attention to all day?
"You don't like Bai Rui, do you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Bai Rui is ten years older than me." Chu Moyan said speechlessly.

Tao Hua stared at him deeply, "Bai Rui is ten years older than Chu Muyu, but she is about the same age as Chu Moyan."

"Let me tell you, I have no such intentions." Chu Moyan said anxiously.

hehe!Taohua sneered.

"The Bairui you see is not the real Bairui. You'd better not fall in love with Anzi's forged phantom."

"Chu Xi, why did you arrange Bai Rui to be next to your elder brother?" Chu Moyan asked puzzled.

"I didn't arrange for her to go. She was originally a person who wanted to break the barrier. I just gave her strength!!" Taohua said.

"That is to say, you saw through Bai Rui's true nature and gave her the power to change herself. You made her a dark child. Her actual identity is still a concubine from the imperial capital?" Chu Moyan asked in surprise.

Peach nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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