The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 210 Stupid

Chapter 210 Stupid

When Zhang Wei and his son were talking about the Chu family, Chu Yuxuan brought Chu Da and his daughter to visit Chu Zifei again.

Chu Zifei actually hated the two of them who came to post a post to see him when they had nothing to do. He had refused their requests to see him several times before because he was busy with family affairs.Thinking of the letter from an acquaintance he received yesterday, Chu Zifei sneered a few times in his heart, and asked his servant to invite him to see him.

This was the first time since Chu Xi's accident that Chu Zifei took a serious look at Chu Da, Chu Yuxuan's adulterous son.

Chu Da looks more like her mother, with a pretty face.

"Meet the third uncle."

"Meet the third uncle."

Chu Da dignifiedly followed her father to salute.To be honest, Chu Da at this time has her own charm and dignity no matter her appearance or demeanor.

It's a pity that this was in exchange for Chu Xi. He would rather Chu Da have nothing, in exchange for Chu Xi still alive. "sit down."

"Third Uncle, the family is in crisis right now. My father and I hope that Third Uncle can step forward, gather the clansmen, reorganize our Chu family, and let our Chu family rise again." Chu Da said sincerely.

"Isn't it enough to have you?" Chu Zifei said bluntly.

Chu Da's face became very ugly in an instant. "I know third uncle doesn't like me. But..."

"Is it a sense of accomplishment to kill the eldest daughter of my father's original spouse?" Chu Zifei asked indifferently.

The smile on Chu Da's face almost froze.

"Third Uncle." Chu Yuxuan pleaded.

"You know I know she did it, why did you bring her here?" Chu Zifei sneered.

"Third Uncle." Chu Yuxuan actually didn't want to bring Chu Da over, but Chu Da refused.

"Yes, I killed my sister because she blocked my way. Why do you three uncles think that only my sister can revitalize the family, but I can't?" Chu Da asked angrily.

"Then have you revitalized the family? Family, what kind of family is there now, the family will be disbanded."

Chu Yuxuan's face turned completely dark.

Chu Da's face was not good-looking either.But she had no choice but to go this far.She also wanted to bring her family Ansheng to develop in Changyang, but the elders of the family all said one thing to the face and another behind the scenes, and they didn't take her seriously at all.Many of the decrees she made that would benefit the family in the future were resisted by them and could not be implemented at all.

She had no choice but to use the refugee army to get rid of those stumbling blocks!

She thought that losing those stumbling blocks would allow her to control and revitalize the family more smoothly in the future.Unexpectedly, those clansmen didn't think highly of her own father, Chu Yuxuan, and her, Chu Da.One by one, they are looking for their own way.Either he moved to a relative's house, or he had his own plan, planning to find a way out for himself in Miryang.

In just one or two months, more than [-] members of the younger generation of the family joined the Miryang Guards to fight for their future.Another seven or eight successfully joined the Chengling Mansion and became low-level officials under the command of Zhang's father and son.

With a way out, everyone began to ignore what their father and daughter said!One by one, they took their families and moved out of the courtyard where the Chu clan lived together.

The cohesion of the family is gone, and if this continues, the Changyang Chu Clan will be completely disbanded.

In fact, there are a lot of Chu's children among the guards, first of all, people like Chu Jinhong, who have already established a firm foothold.Secondly, Chu Changjin, who was expelled from Zhuangzi by Chu Dashan, and their former direct descendants, Chu Dazhuang even sent his second grandson, Chu Shiguan, into the army to be taken care of by Chu Jinhong.

When the Chu family in Changyang comes in, there will be more Chu family disciples in the army.Everyone is blood relatives with the same surname, even though they are separated now, there is still a little bit of face and affection in it.Therefore, the newcomers received shelter and care from their fellow clansmen one after another.

With these cares, it will naturally make it easier for them to gain a foothold, so the speed at which these tribesmen get rid of Chu Da's father and daughter is also faster.

"Then if my master can change Mi Yang Ling from Zhang Wei to you?" Chu Da said unwillingly, "Then the third uncle can come forward to win over the clan and revive the family?"

"Then I'll hand over the family to you again, so that I can be a mascot that has been emptied with peace of mind?" Chu Zifei really didn't know what this child was thinking. Did she think that everyone was stupid than her? Can't see the obvious?

Chu Da's face became completely ugly at this time.

"What relics can I get from my master, the accurate information unearthed from the Asgard Palace, and I can lead the family to rise. Why don't you always believe me." Chu Da complained sadly and aggrieved.

"So what if you know, why don't you make wedding dresses for others in the end? Do you think there is anyone in your family who can help you seize the treasures in the ruined fairy palace?" Chu Zifei asked back.

Chu Da really wanted to say yes, but she was afraid that the third uncle would ask, who is it?

"My master can send someone to help me."

"Then why should they give the treasures they worked so hard to to the Chu family?" Chu Zifei asked more sharply than the other. "What terms are you going to accept from them?"

Chu Da was short of breath when he questioned her, her face flushed.

"Even if Chuxi is alive, she may not be able to do better than me."

"If she can't do better than you, why would you kill her? You probably knew that she could lead the family to rise in the future, so you killed her without hesitation. You think you can go back to the old path of her rise, even Can do better than her.

I don't know how you know what her future will be like, anyway, you are not the only one who knows the future.But the future is not unchangeable, even Chu Xi can die.You can stand up and be the actual head of the family. There is nothing in this world that cannot be changed.

So I wouldn't find it strange that the Changyang Chu Clan rises under Chu Xi's hands and perishes under your hands. "

Hearing this, Chu Da burst into tears, feeling that all her thoughts and face had been ripped off.

"In the end, third uncle, you just don't trust me, and you think I'm not as good as Chu Xi!"

Seeing him crying, Chu Zifei sighed. "I don't want to bully a little grandniece. You can ask your father yourself, as long as he doesn't tell lies, you will know whether you are really comparable to Chu Xi."

After Chu Yuxuan heard this, he immediately became ill. Third Uncle, you are too bad. How could you dig a hole for me like this?
If I want to say that Chu Da is better than Chu Xi, then you can say that I am lying.I want to say, Chu Xi is stronger than Chu Da, why can't my daughter be so angry that she can't breathe?

"Third Uncle, do you really want to watch the clansmen scatter their things?" Chu Yuxuan asked miserably.

"Your method of killing the elders of the clan with a knife is really not very clever. Many smart people in the clan have seen through this trick you played. Who do you think is willing to respect you as the head of the clan?" Chu Zifei asked speechlessly.

People can't be stupid enough to be so stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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