The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 211 Torch Mountain

Chapter 211 Torch Mountain

"Third Uncle" Chu Yuxuan was too embarrassed, and also too guilty to look people in the eye.

"Take Chu Da and leave quickly. Don't think that if you ask that person to write me a letter, I will let you do whatever you want. Hurry up and stop having that dream." Chu Zifei didn't even want to take a second look at the place Grandpa, go straight away.

Chu Da was so angry that her body twitched! !
She really didn't expect Chu Zifei to be so disrespectful to her! !Simply a stubborn old man!
"Let's go back first." Chu Yuxuan sighed, and left with an angry Chu Da.

As soon as they returned to the courtyard where they lived, they saw their Dalang waiting for them with an ugly face.

"What's wrong? Why is your face so ugly?" Chu Yuxuan asked.

"Chu Changhua took people and escaped from the dark guard Zhuangzi." His family's Dalang said in frustration.

"How did they escape?" Chu Yuxuan was startled, and immediately asked.

"I don't know. The Dark Guard Zhuangzi was slaughtered by them. I don't know exactly how they escaped and where they went. But I guess he probably fled back to Old Chuzhuang, which is now a spiritual place. Zhifu Chu Dashan's sphere of influence.

It is impossible for our men to hunt the past.

Dad, it's better to kill them when they were arrested just now. "

Dalang of the Chu family said with a distressed face.

"What's the use of saying this now? Not only did the important business routes and merchants not find out, but they also ran away from Chu Changhua and others who knew our secret business routes well. You trash." Facing his eldest son, Chu Yuxuan Instead of hiding the violence in his heart, he said with a ferocious expression.

Da Lang didn't dare to respond at all, only dared to bow his head silently.

"Waste, waste, waste."

"Father, it's useless for you to scold the elder brother. I'd better go to Master and ask her to hear her opinion." Chu Da said at this time, the main reason was that she was anxious, and Chu Zifei refused to agree to cooperate. them.

Then even if Miryang Ling is replaced, he cannot be replaced by Chu Zifei.

But, who will replace the Miryang Order?
I'm dying of a headache, okay?

In Chu Da's mind, so what if the leaders of a group of caravans ran away, the family has reached this time, can they continue to run those business routes?Besides, after the great changes in the world, there was a severe drought in the world.Whether those trade routes will exist is doubtful.

Chu Yuxuan became more friendly to Chu Da, and he immediately agreed to Chu Da's proposal, and told him to be steady and not to be impatient.No matter what happened, Chu Yuxuan was standing behind her, Chu Da.

Chu Yuxuan's loving father's appearance deeply disgusted Da Lang.

However, he is already 25 and six years old, and he is no longer a child. He can still bear this disgusting feeling.

After Chu Da left, Chu Yuxuan continued to bombard his eldest son.After he vented his recent depression and unhappiness, he let his eldest son Chu Junqi go.After walking out of his father's house, Chu Junqi changed his submissive appearance.The whole person became gloomy and gloomy.

When he walked to his study, there were already people waiting for him.

When Chu Junqi saw it, he asked, "Have you found your wife yet?"

The other party shook his head directly, "Maybe I can't find it. After those refugees raped and killed the female family members in the mansion, they divided their bodies and ate them. I don't know which bone is the wife's body."

Chu Junqi was so angry that he slapped his wooden table into powder.

It can be seen that his martial arts cultivation base is not weak!

"Chu Da!! One day I will chop you into meat and feed it to the dogs!"


After Chu Xi disappeared, the income of the family fell precipitously, and the income of trade routes and caravans was far from the previous annual income.It's not something that can make up for the remaining dark business.

After checking the family's real inventory books and annual income and expenditure, Chu Da and Chu Yuxuan were dumbfounded, right?
The total annual expenditure is still increasing, but the total income is suddenly [-] or [-] times worse. How can this hole be filled?
Even if the family still has some material reserves, how long can this idea last?

Chu Da was so worried that her hair would grow gray.

There was no other way, Chu Da and Chu Yuxuan secretly joined forces to instigate the clansmen to change the heads of villages, shopkeepers of shops and leaders of caravans.

It is necessary to use the people in the direct line to get back all the benefits of those branches, side branches, and servants.

In fact, there have long been loud voices within the family, implying that the elders of the family do not use the direct line, and must share those lucrative positions with those branches, side branches and servants.

Why can they live a better life than the little ladies and gentlemen of the direct line?
It shouldn't be.

So when Chu Da was in the limelight, someone helped her secretly.As a result, the Zhuangtou everywhere was replaced by Zhuangtou who signed the slave contract or someone related to the direct line.Your storekeepers and caravan leaders have also changed.

With the excuse of not dividing the Chu Clan's Millennium Grand Luck, he just kicked out some annoying ghosts with a contract of selling himself.

But ordinary shopkeepers, caravan buddies, and small bosses can be kicked out directly.

But there are some big shopkeepers in important positions, and caravan chiefs really can't be kicked out like that.

They know too many secrets of the Chu family.Besides, the income of the caravan is so different, if there is nothing weird, Chu Yuxuan and his father and daughter would not believe it.

Chu Da directly asked people to secretly arrest Chu Changhua and others, and tortured them severely, in order to force them to confess their secret business routes and merchants.But Chu Changhua and others insisted that there is no family that does not know the secret trade routes and merchants.

How could Chu Yuxuan be reconciled to this?
So Chu Changhua and a group of people were directly thrown into the dungeon of the dark guard Zhuangzi, and when they were clearly explained and when they would be released.

In fact, Chu Changhua and the others knew that they would not be released.They knew too many things, and they were either tortured to death, or slaughtered at a suitable time.

They are not allowed to die for the time being, but because my boss thinks that they may know some secret trade routes and names of merchants.

At this time, even if they know, no one will speak up.

If you don't open your mouth, you can live longer. Once you open your mouth, everyone will die together!
But no one expected that one day they would be rescued suddenly.


In the eighth year of Yuanwu, spring just started, and the weather was still so hot that the scorching earth seemed to be on fire.There have been sporadic small fires burning in Xiongshan Mountain many times.But they were all chased and wiped out by the hunters in the mountains.

Fortunately, there is no windy day yet, once there is a strong windy day, maybe Xiongshan Mountain will completely become Torch Mountain.

Because of all kinds of worries and fears, the hunters in the mountains began to relocate to Xiantao Village collectively.

(End of this chapter)

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