Chapter 212
Don't worry, it's impossible not to be afraid, if the mountain fire really burns, the whole family will be burned to ashes.

So Xiantao Village ushered in more than 600 new households, and more than [-] villagers settled down.

The wave of house repairs set off again, and Chu Dashan, who loves to join in the fun, simply built another two hundred small houses.Just behind the newly built small house, there are still four rows.If no one lives there, it will be empty first. Anyway, the single long-term workers at home always bring their families.

However, when Chu Dashan was repairing the mansion, Wei Ping and his newly recruited martial arts monks also began to follow suit and build the mansion.They moved directly out of the small house.Isn't it stupid to not build a big house when you have money?

Not only them, those hunters who often go up the mountain, but also the guards have rebuilt their houses.The one that was too small bought the original one directly, and found a bigger place to build a big house.

Not only did everyone return the small house built by Chu Dashan to Chu Dashan, but also some small houses that had been built earlier and needed to be rebuilt. The original houses that could not be sold for a while were also sold directly to Chu Dashan. Mountain.

Chu Dashan: "..."

Since Chu Shiluo received the first set of villagers' self-built houses, he has successively acquired many houses.After careful calculation, it didn't take long to collect thirty or forty sets.

They are all small houses.

Chu Shiluo took the initiative to look at some small houses.Some of them were really not good, so he simply tore down a few small houses around them, and then asked people to build a big one.After remodeling one side in this way, I still have twelve empty houses in my hand.This is not counting the two hundred new small houses that Chu Dashan built, and the small houses returned to Chu Dashan by others.

Just when Chu Shiluo was thinking about whether to let his father recruit some more refugees, urgent news came from the old Chuzhuang.

A super large convoy, with a total of 800 people, carrying luggage and heavy goods, returned to Old Chuzhuang in the middle of the night.

Village head Chu Changfeng personally led the elite guards to welcome them out.

Just behind the big convoy, another large convoy parted ways with them and slowly walked towards the official road in the distance.

That big convoy also had 800 people, also carrying luggage and heavy cargo.

Chu Changfeng was a little nervous because he didn't know who these guys were?Why did you come to Old Chuzhuang!
As a result, after the large convoy blocked Zhuangzi's gate, the carriages and mule carts stopped slowly one after another.From a carriage specially used to carry people, a young man who looked only 27 or [-] years old got off.

He was wearing a navy blue cotton robe, and his face was a little pale.

"Brother Chang Feng, it's me. Chang Hua." After saying this, he coughed weakly twice.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Chu Changfeng took a closer look, and it was indeed his brother, Chu Changhua.In addition to him, Chang Hua also walked out of weak figures one by one.And every face is so familiar.

Among them is Chang Jin's elder brother.

These people are all the clansmen of Old Chuzhuang who hold important positions in Changyang Dichu's shops and caravans.

"You... what's wrong with you?"

Chu Changhua looked at it with a wry smile.

"Brother Changfeng, something happened to us. For some reason, the people in Chuchu insisted on cleaning up the managers of the shops and caravans. We were all secretly arrested by them. They tortured us and insisted on telling us about the secret trade routes and secrets. Merchants!

You said that the business routes and merchants that their direct descendants don't know, how can we workers know? "

"Then you are...?" Chu Changfeng had a vague guess.

"We escaped. We moved all our family business back. If you don't take us in, we can only continue to flee." Chu Changhua said bitterly.

"Let's go, let's enter Zhuangzi. It's just a Changyang Chu family. Others are afraid of them, but we are not afraid. But now the patriarch of our branch is Chu Dashan. You still have to pay a visit to him after you come back." Chu Changfeng took the initiative Go up and grab Chu Changhua.

As soon as he took his hand, Chu Changfeng immediately discovered all kinds of terrible scars on his arm!
"Those bastards are too vicious."

Instead, Chu Changhua comforted him and said, "At least we survived."

Although those fellow clansmen behind Chu Changhua did not speak, they all acquiesced to Chu Changhua's statement.

The carriage and horse team slowly entered the old Chu village. Before Chu Changhua and others entered the village, they saw Chu Dashan bringing Lin Changge, Chu Shiluo and others over.

Chu Dashan first looked at Chu Changhua, and saw that although his face was a little pale, he was still spirited after all.Besides, he still has a cultivation base, and this Chu Changhua is actually a martial artist.

"Uncle Chang Hua."

Looking at Chu Dashan who was actively welcoming him, Chu Changhua looked a little dazed.

He still had some impressions of Chu Dashan. He remembered that this kid died in a hunt for the monster clan a few years later.

But the original martial monk, but now he has become a law monk.

He also became a Lingzhi husband with extraordinary strength! !
"Dashan." Dashan: What happened to you?
"Uncle Chang Hua."

"Senior Chu."

Chu Shiluo and Lin Changge greeted Chu Changhua one after the other.

Chu Changhua looked at the two of them speechlessly.Lin Changge, Lieutenant of Daliguan, and Chu Shiluo, the soul devourer, why can these two guys who often killed people in the previous life stay together so harmoniously?
"Uncle Chang Hua, let's go to your house first, and we'll talk about it when we get to your house." Chu Dashan said.

"Some of my confidantes came with me. None of them are members of the Chu clan." Chu Changhua hurriedly explained.

"It's okay. We now have two villages. There are many houses. It depends on where they choose to live. Whether they live temporarily or buy a house directly, let the juniors in the village do it.

Shi Luo, you take Shi Yuan to do this matter. "Chu Dashan ordered.

"Okay." Chu Shiluo took the initiative to take the order and retreated.

"And the old houses of the clansmen who followed me back to the village may not be able to live in, and they need to move a lot of things." Chu Changhua said again.

"Changge, thank you for your hard work. Give Shiluo a hand and help us resettle with the same clan when we come back this time?" Chu Dashan said to Lin Changge beside him.

"Don't worry." Then Lin Changge also retreated.

Chu Changhua's mouth curled into a faint smile.interesting!
When Chu Changhua returned home, he naturally had to wash and change his clothes before coming out to talk with Chu Changfeng and Chu Dashan.So both of them were drinking tea in the lobby and waiting for him.Chu Dashan complained in his heart to his family uncle: hypocritical!
And Chu Changhua, who just had a simple bath and wash, was putting on new clothes under the service of a white-haired and enchanting beauty.

"Why does Your Majesty have to hang out with a group of mortals?" the beauty asked Chu Changhua puzzled while retying her hair and wearing a crown.

(End of this chapter)

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