The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 213 Birth of 2 Children

Chapter 213

Chu Changhua gently tucked the broken hair from his temples behind his ears, his handsome face was evil and alluring.

But as the beauty finally fastened his belt, Chu Changhua's terrifying and monstrous aura was slowly receding, and in the end even his face became the handsome appearance of an ordinary human man.

"When my father was dying, he asked me to make a choice, either to be a demon and practice with my mother, or to be a human being, to return to the old Chu village and live in peace for the rest of my life. I chose the second option. My mother also knew.

You found me, followed me all the way, and persuaded me to go all the way, I can only say, I thank the clan for thinking of me!But just like my father, he chose to be a mortal all his life.My mind never changed either.

The men in our Chu family are all persistent, so you don't need to persuade me anymore, you can go back. "

The beauty looked at him speechlessly, "But King, after all, you are the only heir of the Silver Fox Empress. Your Majesty is still asleep. Is it really okay for you to abandon my Silver Fox clan and live in a small mountain village of the Human Race?"

"I still use you to teach me how to do things? If you really have an opinion, you can suggest that my mother have a second child with some other fox. With another emperor son, wouldn't your silver fox clan have a future again?" ?”

The beauty is very angry, if I can let the empress have a second child, our whole clan will send a wave of foxes to look for you to go home if there is nothing wrong?

She really didn't understand, Qishan is beautiful, water is beautiful, foxes are even more beautiful, you have so many beautiful foxes serving you, my lord, why do you think you have to come back and be a mortal?

Could it be that such a big Qishan can't hold you, a little fox, the king?

Seeing the annoyed look on her face, Chu Changhua knew that what he said was in vain.

How many times has he said that he wants to be a man, not a fox! !

His mother has been explained by him, why these foxes just can't understand?
"Okay, you guys like to stay here, so just stay here. Stay as long as you want, anyway, I won't go with you." After Chu Changhua said this, he gave the scars on his neck and arms to him. illusion out.Then he changed his complexion to pale pale, and then coughed twice, coughing, coughing, the more he coughed, the weaker he became.With an appearance of being ready to hang up at any time, he walked towards the front hall step by step.

The beauties looking at her want to go crazy! ! !

"My lord is still young!!" Another beauty with red hair quietly appeared beside her.This is a male fox who is more beautiful than a woman.

"Your Majesty shouldn't let a man raise the king, let's see how he raised the king? If the king is raised by a few sages from my clan, how can he develop such a lonely personality?" The white-haired beauty was annoyed. Said.

"That's His Majesty's will." The red-haired handsome man said speechlessly, even if His Majesty put them to sleep, no one from the Fox Clan would dare to violate His Majesty's will.Your Majesty is one of the few great existences of their fox clan who survived from ancient times.

Just when these foxes have gotten used to their majesty being lonely for a lifetime.Who the hell knows why their empress moved Fanxin and gave birth to a child with a mortal man.

As the son of the empress, the king can freely transform into the form of fox and human since he was born.

That's why the man didn't realize until his son was six years old that his own treasure was actually a half-breed half-demon! !

At that time, the Yaozu became legends, okay? !
Fortunately, his daughter-in-law still said that she was a down and out noble lady, and because she was framed by her stepmother, she was exiled to the common people.

Liar!No, it's a fraudulent marriage! !
This is definitely a fraudulent marriage!
The man was angry and annoyed, and he was about to part with their empress immediately.

But their empress begged shamelessly, well, life had to go on.But the son must not be handed over to a dead monster for upbringing.He just said how could a noble daughter have so many little vices, and every time she said that she would always make a lot of sophistry?
The daughter-in-law is already old, and besides, she is already married to herself, so if she can teach her, teach her well, if she can't teach her well, anyway...he is used to cleaning up the mess for her.

But the son must not let his wife be raised in a wrong way.

So the man kept his son by his side and raised him carefully, but the more talented a disciple of the Chu family, the less likely he would live past the age of 35.

So he died in his best years!

Of course, it's not that Her Majesty the Empress can't let him continue to live.He can become a demon and continue to live.But people are not happy!Life is a person, death is a person!

Lang Jun died, and within a few days, the silver fox empress fell into a deep sleep.

Chu Changhua, who was only in his teens, dragged his father's coffin all the way back to his family's ancestral grave in Old Chu Village.Bury his father next to the graves of his grandfather and grandmother.The whole family is neat and tidy.After he dies, let his descendants bury him here!
Both Chu Changfeng and Chu Dashan saw Chu Changhua approaching with flimsy footsteps.

Chu Dashan simply walked over to support him, and sent him to the side to hold him on the soft bed.He also dragged a quilt to surround him.

Chu Changhua: Wrap me like a baby! !What a bold nephew.

"Chang Hua, tell me what's going on." Chu Changfeng raised his head and asked.

"It's strange to say." Chu Changhua murmured in his heart when he mentioned his owner, the Changyang Chu Sect.As soon as he was reborn, he found that he and others had been secretly captured in the secret village of the secret guard.This is something that did not exist in the previous life.

There were other reasons why he left the Chu family and the old Chu village in his previous life.

He didn't know what happened to the Chu family until he asked the executioner who was in charge of torturing him with the ecstasy technique.

Chu Xi, the lucky son of their Chu family, was murdered to death.

Then there were many major changes in the Chu family, and the leaders of these changes were the uncle of the eldest family, the second master of the second family, and Chu Da, the daughter of the second family.Especially Chu Da turned out to be the mastermind who killed Chu Xi.

He also worked in Chuchu, and only then did he know why his father died without a cause at the age of 35.

They are all the ghosts of the big formation under the ancestral temple in Xifeng Mountain!

And Chu Xi gathered the Chu family's millennium family luck, intercepted the luck of such a premature genius of the Chu family, and the son of luck born by Shouyuan who can carry the family's luck! !

This made him instinctively hate and reject Chuxi.

He worked in the Chu family, but he only visited Chu Xi once in so many years. Chu Xi was only two years old, so he probably wouldn't remember him.The other times were seen from afar.

But he didn't expect that Chu Xi was gone, and he could still be implicated.

Uncle Chu Yuxuan actually believed that they controlled the secret trade routes and merchants.

Cough cough, well, indeed there is.But he wouldn't tell Chu Yuxuan either!
(End of this chapter)

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