The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 217 The Yellow Disc Chasing the Dragon Pile

Chapter 217 The Yellow Disc Chasing the Dragon Pile

After Chu Moyan heard this, he immediately stared at Tao Hua, who looked back at him speechlessly.

"This is too irritating, Xifengshan, how much the Chu family paid, and how many versatile seniors died young, to have a small spiritual vein, which has no attributes. What about you, you just got a small Zhuangzi, and you actually have it underground? There is a small wood spirit vein. Do you know how enviable and jealous you are? I can't bear it anymore."

"Don't mention to me that thing under the Xifengshan Ancestral Temple." Taohua said a little depressed and irritated. "I'm afraid there are other secrets there. I hate that I am also a descendant of the Chu family. If I want to pry open that place, I have to find a suitable person to help."

"Wait, you said that the Xifengshan Ancestral Temple is underground, isn't there only spiritual veins and formations? What else?" Chu Moyan asked puzzled.

"There's something else."

"What?" Chu Moyan asked in astonishment.

"It's just something, something I don't know." The little expression on Taohua's face was very serious.

"What the hell is that? Do you want me to take a look?" Chu Moyan also became serious at this time.

"It's free for you to go. When I was the strongest, I didn't even think about prying that thing out. Of course, if I don't pry it out, it won't be so easy for it to come out by itself." Taohua said gloomily.

"Taohua, what exactly is that?" Chu Moyan asked in surprise.

"do not know."

I don't know how to be so afraid! !
Chu Moyan looked up at the sky. In fact, he couldn't see anything except the car shed, but he seemed to be looking at the sky.When Taohua was still Chuxi, she had an extraordinary intuition!

Compared with those monks who see through the future through calculation, Taohua's prediction is more like an instinct!
But that's more terrifying, isn't it?

"Then if there is really a wood spirit vein underground in Qingtaozhuang, what do you plan to do? Develop it into a second old Chuzhuang?" Chu Moyan asked.

"I want to turn it into the second old Chuzhuang, can you keep that Zhuangzi?" Taohua asked back.

Chu Moyan was left speechless by her question.No, he can't keep it!
"But we can find some allies and let them guard Qingtaozhuang."

"Then, will Qingtaozhuang be theirs or mine?" Taohua asked again.

Chu Moyan: "..."

"I'm fed up with Bibo Lake and Xifeng Lake being dominated by others, and they can continue to grow and threaten me. I'm also fed up with making wedding dresses for others, but I can only hold back the bitterness! If I can't fully grasp It, then I would rather destroy it. A wood spirit vein that has been solidified now is very likely to grow into a super large wood spirit vein in the future.

For the monster race, this is the capital of the great emperor, and for the human race, it is also the ancestral home of the sect.I'm not crazy, why should I stock this terrible existence at my door? "Peach Blossom said angrily.

Chu Moyan finally came to his senses.

"Are you planning to move it away and move it to Xiantaozhuang?"

Tao Hua just kept silent, but Chu Moyan had already seen what the other party was thinking.

The carriage arrived at Qingtaozhuang in the middle of the night, and Taohua and Chu Moyan took a few people and went directly to the back mountain of Qingtaozhuang with tools.It is the place where a large number of green mountain peaches were once planted.

The entire mountain was searched up and down, but nothing unusual was found.

Seeing the sky brighten, dawn is coming.

Tao Hua gritted her teeth and took out topaz butterflies from her sleeve.

The little butterfly was only the size of a baby's fist, and after being dripped with a drop of blood by the peach blossom, it seemed to come back to life.Youyou flew up, and flew towards a bush with Taohua and others.

When Taohua and the others arrived at the edge of a low bush, they saw the topaz butterfly flying around the bush, sometimes flying east and sometimes west, without even thinking about stopping for a moment.

"Has spiritual wisdom already been born?" Chu Moyan frowned and said, "I also know how to run around in a small area, so that it will not be easy to be locked by monks."

"If it's so easy to find, the people from Chuchu have come here many times and scraped this mountain several times, but why haven't they found it?" It can revive the fairy root Zhaotian peach, this wood spirit vein, hehe, It really cannot be underestimated!Taohua secretly smiled in her heart, and immediately made up her mind.

She drew another topaz stick from her sleeve.

No, it looks like a stick.

"What is this?" Chu Moyan looked at the thing in Taohua's hand and asked in surprise.

"You can see it when you see it." After Taohua finished speaking, she threw the topaz stick towards the butterfly.

The stick whizzed away, and became bigger and bigger in mid-air, from a small topaz stick to a topaz obelisk immediately.The obelisk plunged into the ground with a slam.

There was an extremely shrill and sharp cry from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the topaz butterfly turned into a bright yellow and fell into the ground.

cracking! !

There was another desperate scream from the ground.

The topaz obelisk buzzed and lifted up little by little.

The ground also trembled.

The whole mountain trembled.

In the Qingtao Village at the foot of the mountain, whenever there is well water, the well water gushes out, spraying out a column of water more than ten feet high.Three to five breaths slowly dissipated.

"Yellow disc chasing the dragon pile!" Chu Moyan gasped.

Everyone saw the thick green light being absorbed into the tip of the topaz obelisk.

Then the green light gradually condensed into the shape of a little green horse in the belly of the topaz obelisk.After the pony was formed, it was alive and struggling in the abdomen of the obelisk. It bumped around and wanted to run out.The eyes looking at Peach Blossom are also full of anger and hatred.

When the topaz obelisk stopped absorbing the green color from the ground, Taohua made a move, and the obelisk fell into Taohua's hands, directly turning into a thin yellow chain. Come tall little green horse.

The little green horse growled and yelled, as if it was not tame.

Taohua grabbed the chain with one hand, while looking down at the little green horse solemnly.

"Be obedient, I will take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the future. If you are not obedient, I will feed you to my family's spiritual veins as rations."

The little green horse didn't listen to her threats at all, and was still struggling hard,

Xiao Taohua simply bent down and picked up the struggling little green horse, holding it in her arms.


"Wait, how can you take it away? Is this a small wood spirit vein?" Chu Moyan looked at Taohua speechlessly.This is a wood spirit vein, no matter how small it is, it is as heavy as a mountain range, okay?

"The Yellow Disc Chasing the Dragon Stake was refined by me." Taohua looked at him speechlessly, her hand was still shaking with the chain that was still tied to the pony.

"Strange, where did you get this yellow dish chasing the dragon stake? I heard that this kind of ancient treasure is very rare, and it is only occasionally found in the ruins of some great sects." Chu Moyan asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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