Chapter 218
"Naturally, it was obtained by robbing a ruins of Canglanshui Mansion." Taohua said.

"Does anyone know that place? Can we go in and raid a second time?" Chu Moyan asked.

Chu Moyan's words made Taohua think about it seriously. "It's okay to go again. But the yellow disc chasing the dragon is said to come from outside the territory, and I got it in the previous life. If we go to that water mansion in the future, there will be no second one."

"I know this. After we are reborn, all the treasures we get will stay in our hands only if they come from outside the territory and we got them alone. Everything else is gone. I guess they all returned to their original places." Chu Moyan sarcastically laughed.

Things that go back in this way may not be acquired by their previous owners the second time.

The two returned to the carriage again, and the surrounding guards quietly dispersed into the surrounding wilderness.The guards that came out this time were all sent by Feng Er.After going back, Feng Er dealt with the memory of this mission.

"But you are really willing to do so. I heard that the Yellow Disc Chasing Dragon Stake can only be used once. For a small wood spirit vein, you actually used such an ancient treasure." Chu Moyan said regretfully.From Chu Moyan's point of view, Huang Die Chasing the Dragon Stake is really not worth it, it's just a small spiritual vein.

Which time the yellow disc chasing the dragon pile was dispatched to transfer a super-large spiritual vein?
"What is the difference between a perfectly migrated small-scale attribute spirit vein at this time and a super-large attribute spirit vein that will be migrated in the future? It will be more difficult to migrate when it grows into a super-large-scale spirit vein. If it grows to that extent, it will know how to play various tricks. Kind of a trick to resist."

Taohua angrily patted the pony who was stepping on her skirt and wanted to climb out.I got the pony's angry stare!

Chu Moyan covered his face, don't say it, it will be even more difficult to deal with it when the time comes.

However, it was so simple to snatch away a small attribute spirit vein, which really surprised him. "I have never seen you transfer your spiritual veins in your previous life."

"Is there any spiritual vein in the previous life that I should transfer? I can't keep it if I transfer it." Tao Hua thought with a toothache.

Chu Moyan could tell by looking at her expression that she remembered the water spirit veins of Bibo Lake and Xifeng Lake that the Yaozu had taken over, especially those two water spirit veins were still at the door of the house.He felt that if he were Chu Xi, he would probably be driven mad by Yu Zu every day.

As soon as the two people's carriage entered the range of Old Chuzhuang, the guards retreated one after another.

Chu Moyan also bid farewell to Taohua, and he was responsible for handling the carriage.

Taohua bid farewell to Chu Moyan, and immediately ran to the place between the Xiangen Zhaotian peach and Xueyu peach trees.

There is the burial place of the skeleton of the spring dragon.

Moo! !

A hasty low cry sounded like a bull or a dragon from under Taohua's feet.

The pony in Taohua's arms immediately trembled.

Its big eyes were now frightened.

Chunlong who innately controls the power of Yimu! !If you want to chew it, chew it, isn't that similar to chewing jelly beans?

Hey, the pony is struggling desperately to run?

"Now you want to run away? Did you run away?" Tao Hua said angrily. "Little Fatty, Little Fatty, are you there?"

Hearing Xiao Taohua's call, the little fat worm came out from the ground.It jumped directly onto Taohua's shoulder with a few inversions in the air. "This is a small wood spirit vein, is it for me to store food?" The little fat insect asked in surprise.

Moo! !

The guy on the ground also hurriedly moved on the ground.

"It's up to you. I'll give it to you directly." Taohua directly shattered the yellow disc chasing the dragon pile!Once the yellow disc chasing the dragon pile is broken, it will directly turn into a little yellow light and scatter.Even if this treasure has completely completed its mission.

The green pony, which was restrained by the yellow disc chasing the dragon stake, immediately turned into a ball of green light and escaped into the ground.It escaped so fast!

In the blink of an eye, there is no shadow.

"Haha, you still want to run after you get into my mouth." The chubby burrowed into the ground happily.Thanks to Miss Taohua for catching a small ration for it.

Moo, moo!
Unexpectedly, a cut-off man also ran out from the ground.

"Bastard, put your mouth on me, put your mouth on me. Did I let you bite me?" After a while, the voice of the little fat bug came up from the ground.

Moo, moo, moo!
"Stinky Xiaolong, you bastard, give me back my pony. That's the ration Taohua gave me."

The ground under Taohua's feet kept churning.Twisting and rolling away, the dust almost drowned the peach blossoms.

Seeing Xiao Taohua flying up to the side of the snow jade fairy root tree speechlessly.

"It's fighting." The girl said happily.This is Xueyu peach celestial root.

"Chunlong can't beat the little fat bug." The boy's voice, this is the fairy root of Zhaotian peach, why is there a gloating tone in your voice.

"But Chunlong is very resistant to beatings. No matter how the little fat bug hits it, it just bites the pony and won't let it go. The pony is going to die." The girl narrated fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"Mu Lingmai has the strongest vitality. It's not going to be killed. It's pretending to be dead. It wants to make Chunlong let go and slip away quickly." The male doll explained to Taohua in the posture of a commentator.

Taohua: I don't want you two to broadcast live for me at all!

"Both of you, don't let that pony get away. We have a yellow disc chasing dragon stake. It's already been used, and there is no other thing that can catch it."

After Taohua said this, she left. This is the area of ​​the Five Elements Paradise, and there is a little fat bug underground, so she felt that the pony would never escape.

What she didn't know was that the resuscitated Chunlong mummy had bitten the sharp dragon teeth deeper into the pony's ass, and the biting pony screamed.A large amount of wood-attribute spiritual energy flowed into Chunlong's mummy along the wound on the pony's buttocks.

And the chubby worm also turned into a white snake and entangled the other half of the pony's front body that was not bitten, and then opened its mouth to the boss, bit the pony's head, and swallowed it.


The strength of the pony's struggle became weaker and weaker!
In the end, it was torn apart by two bastards, who tore away half of the pony.

Even the spirituality and spiritual energy were devoured, and the two of them were still full of food, and even licked up the surrounding soil.Make sure there is no spirituality or aura left behind.

After eating the pony, the little fat bug kicked the mummy of Chunlong beside him.Heck, he actually grew two hind legs.The two meat buns on the head also have two sharp, tender horns.

The situation of Chunlong's mummy is even better. After eating half a pony, a thin layer of flesh actually grew on its dry bones.

It's not completely skinny anymore.

But it's still ugly, little fat bug, ahem, it can't be called a little fat bug now, it's more vivid to call it a little lizard.

Anyway, it became a bit weird, but at this time, Xiaopang was a little lazy and wanted to sleep, so he didn't care about any changes in his appearance, and soon went back to his ball space to sleep.

Chunlong's mummy also crawled back to the place where Taohua buried it and began to sleep.

That place was also confirmed by it as the old den.

(End of this chapter)

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