Chapter 225 Rage

The carriage returned to Old Chuzhuang without entering the village, turned in one direction and walked directly onto the mountain road leading to Xiongshan.At the end of the mountain road, Chu Moyan was wearing simple wear-resistant linen trousers and had a big pannier on his back, and he had been waiting for a long time.

Next to his legs, there were two empty backpacks, one large and one small.There are water bags, dry food bags and medicine hoe in the back basket.

Brother and sister Taohua got out of the carriage and put on wear-resistant sackcloth over the muslin clothes, tied up the trouser legs and sleeves, and tidied up the attire of a herb picker.Then the three of them put their backs on their backs and went into the mountain.

The carriage was driven by his own coachman and returned to Xiantao Village.

After walking into the mountains on the Xiongshan Mountain, where there were few villagers walking near and far, Chu Shiluo angrily complained to Chu Mo who was walking beside him, "Did you think my sister is so talkative and easy to take advantage of, so you just talked to her?" Discuss about spiritual veins?"

"I know you're jealous that I treat Taohua better than you. But in fact, if I tell you about the little spirit vein first, you will never lend me a ground fire cave for free. I am a person Eat everything, just don't like to suffer.

A spiritual vein of fire attribute, if this spiritual vein is sold to those powerful forces, who wouldn't give me a sky-high price?Maybe it can promise me a good future, or give me a good inheritance.Let me tell you, it's not because everyone is of the same clan, why do I have to sell you the news of the spiritual veins.

And who are you, Chu Shiluo?He is stingy and stingy, but he still wants to pretend to be poor and generous.I have already seen through you. "

As soon as Chu Moyan heard what he said, he roughly figured out what Taohua told him.Immediately complained about him.

Chu Shiluo: "..."

"Let me tell you Chu Shiluo, don't think that my parents are dead, so you always want to take advantage of me. If you push me, I'll go directly to your father to complain." Chu Moyan threatened him as he walked.

"Hmph, tell me, let's see if my father favors you or me." Chu Shiluo said confidently.

"Then I'll tell the whole village that you bullied me. Let the whole clan see your ugly face." Chu Moyan immediately thought of another trick.

Chu Shiluo: "..."

"I said Chu Shiluo, why do you always target me? I sold you the fire spirit veins, and you gave me the free earth fire cave, which is obviously a win-win thing." Chu Moyan said I am in the end With the expression of doing something wrong, he looked at Chu Shiluo questioningly.

"It's because you don't like it!"

Chu Moyan was speechless, it was too difficult for him, even if Chu Shiluo didn't like it, what should he do?

Taohua was bent over by the teasing smile of the two of them.

"Okay, let's speed up and try to walk half of the mountain road before dark." Chu Moyan patted Taohua's little head angrily.Chu Shiluo hurriedly pulled his sister away, and Chu Moyan, that owed kid, knew how to bully his sister.

Chu Moyan was given a defensive look by Chu Shiluo, and he rolled his eyes to the sky.Alas, he is really too difficult.

The three of them walked quickly through the majestic mountains, and even if they occasionally saw some good-sized prey, they directly bypassed them.

While the three of them were moving in the Xiongshan Mountains, Chu Dachuan really took his father's family, the third child, and the fourth child back to the old Chuzhuang with five big bullock carts.This was dozens of people, and they were dressed in rags, and they hadn't bathed or combed their hair for a long time. The smell directly made Chu Dachuan's daughter-in-law, Chu Qiaoshi, scream.

"Chu Dachuan, let them get out, this is my home."

As soon as Chu Dachuan heard this, he immediately became unhappy. He rarely said stiffly, "This is my home, and this is my father. If you want to get out, you have to get out." Chu Changyuan walked into the main room with his bones, and offered him to sit on the main seat.

"Dalang, Erlang, come out and see your father, he brought a group of beggars to the house." Chu Qiao was reprimanded loudly by Chu Dachuan, and she didn't stop. She also called out two sons loudly, wanting them to give up Brace yourself.It's a pity that her two sons are two thin and big boys with pale faces and extremely thin arms and legs.When I saw so many adult and semi-adult men coming to the house.No one dared to leave the house even if he was so scared!
This made Chu Qiao furious, she rushed into the house of her sons, yelling and cursing.

Chu Dachuan listened to her pointing and scolding voice in boredom, and directly asked the third and fourth younger siblings to bring a few girls to boil water for everyone to wash up.He also unwrapped all kinds of coarse clothes brought back from Miryang and gave them to everyone to change into.

He also went to the house of his uncles of the same family next door to bring a meal of porridge and side dishes that he had asked them to help make in advance, so that everyone could have a full meal after washing up.

After everyone finished eating, Chu Dachuan realized that he had asked Chu Shiluo to come over a long time ago, but they all took a bath and Chu Shiluo didn't come after eating, which was wrong. "Dachuan, is Dashan not happy to see us?" Chu Changyuan's eyes turned red and tears flowed.

Chu Dachuan looked at his poor father, feeling complicated and sad. "I'll go and see, he can't."

After Chu Dachuan left his yard, he asked his clansmen to inquire.You have to know that Chu Shiluo went to Miryang with his younger sister early in the morning, and he hasn't come back yet.Just some claws.He knew the relationship between Chu Dashan and the old man.That is extremely bad.

He got the old man back without any notice. If he went directly to Chu Dashan now, maybe Chu Dashan would just spray him out regardless of his brotherhood.

He thought well before, thinking about throwing the troublesome things to Chu Shiluo, and letting Chu Shiluo, the eldest grandson of the second family, place his grandfather, how could he not care?
As long as he takes care of it, can Chu Dashan really drive the old man away?

But what to do now?
Chu Dachuan returned to his yard anxiously, only to find that his wife was fighting with his third sibling.He stood at the door and listened carefully, and he knew that it was because of the lack of four eggs at home.My wife insisted that the third sibling stole the family's eggs.The third sibling said no.She just kept cursing.The third brother and sister are also ruthless, but we can't scold you, we don't know how to get started, and beat you to death, the cheapest woman.

So the two women started pinching each other in the yard, and when he came back, they were still rolling on the ground pinching each other.

My two sons looked around stupidly.

My two silly brothers were also squatting on the other side and watching.

My father was crying in the main room, and Xiao Wu was persuading him there.

The others also hid far away, and none of them came up to fight!
"Stop it! Get out if you don't." Chu Dachuan yelled angrily, his face extremely ferocious.

Both Chu Qiao's family and the third daughter-in-law were startled by Chu Dachuan's ferocious face, and they all let go in desperation, not daring to fight anymore.

 Continue to speak for my son "Lord of Dan Palace", hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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