Chapter 226
This day can't be passed, if it's not for the old man's face, if it's not for remembering someone's earnest advice to him, he would throw up his sleeves and leave.

Chu Dachuan thought angrily.

"Dachuan, it's dad who dragged you down, why don't you let dad go. Dad went to find other old brothers in the clan to squeeze first, and then let them give me some food, so I can survive first. I can't think of you The husband and wife are at odds. It's time for your Dalang and Erlang to get married." Chu Changyuan cried pitifully as he came out and pulled Chu Dachuan's sleeve and said.

Chu Qiaoshi: In the past, I was the one who acted like this.

Now let the father-in-law's tricks be robbed! !

"Lang Jun, I don't want to drive dad away. We are the long-term house, so it's not normal for dad to take care of the elderly. But it's fine to raise a family with a younger brother-in-law who is underage. Do we still have to raise the third uncle, the fourth uncle who is already grown up?" Uncle's family can't do it?" Chu Qiao said to Chu Dachuan sadly with red eyes.

Chu Dachuan shook off her hand directly.

It doesn't matter how old I am, but I still hold his hand in front of everyone, and I don't feel ashamed.After all, Chu Dachuan swallowed the disgust that came to his lips.He can't break up with Chu Qiao for the time being.

He had to deal with the marriage of the two sons first.

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and behave yourself. You don't want to be a man, but my sons still have to be men." The main reason is that Chu Qi, who is already in his 30s, is no longer as fresh and beautiful as before.

Everyone in Chu Qiao's family was stunned.

I don't know if it's because my man has been doing business in other places in recent years.She always felt that her man was not close to her.The two of them seemed to have nothing to say except for the money.It wasn't like this before.

"If our family hadn't been framed by Di Chu's people, father, third brother and fourth brother's family are still living well, how could they become the shabby state they are now." Chu Dachuan said as a matter of course.In fact, the family of his third and fourth brothers were not much better in the past than they are now.

It's just that in the past, poor people didn't need to work, but now they are poor and some people work fiercely.But ever since I came to Chujiazhuang with my eldest brother, everyone has made up their minds.

No matter how shameful the boss is, he can't let them starve to death.

Chu Dachuan looked at his father, and then at the earnest eyes of his brothers. No matter the house or the field, he could pay for it.The problem is that Chu Dashan has to agree with them to settle down.

"Father, you sit at home first. I'll go to Dashan first, and I'll be back later."

"Da Chuan, I know Da Shan doesn't like me. He complained that I didn't treat him well when I was a child. Tell him well, and if it doesn't work, I'll leave." Chu Changyuan said crying.

Chu Dachuan ran away in fright, and he couldn't do anything if he was dragged by his father.

When Chu Dashan heard that Chu Dachuan was here to see him, he couldn't help but sneer. "The ancestors he got back by himself should be carried around by himself." Without telling him in advance, he got the father and the others back. If you have the ability to get them back, you can continue to have the ability to arrange them.

It was Chu Qi who pulled his husband's sleeve and said, "Hurry up and talk to your elder brother. It's best not to let Dad settle in Lao Chuzhuang and Xiantaozhuang. The fragrance is far away, and the smell is smelly near. Let them settle down nearby. With our family's prestige, dad and the others can live a good life. But if they are settled in a place where the tribe gathers, dad might use your name to do some bad things."

Chu Dashan felt that his wife was thinking too much, as long as Chu Changyuan carried the name of his own father, even if he didn't want to make trouble, someone would be willing to encourage him to do bad things.

But like what the lady said, no one would dare to bully them with his father's mouth and his name.Besides, if something serious happens again, he can clean up the responsibility, after all, he really has a good relationship, and he can let his father go outside.

The more Chu Dashan thought about it, the more he felt that the method given by the lady was right.

"Okay, leave this to me."

When Chu Dachuan saw Chu Dashan, his eyes were a little blank.

"Brother, why did you come to see me?" Chu Dashan pretended to be like I didn't know that his father and the others came here.

Chu Dachuan groaned for a while before gritting his teeth and said, "I'll lend my father out while Yichu has an accident."

"Then you are a filial and good son, you will take care of him when you pick him up." Chu Dashan said speechlessly.

"I'm raising a business, but you need to agree to the settlement, the house and the land. Otherwise, I can't do this even if I have money." Chu Dachuan hurriedly said.

"As long as you don't settle them in Old Chuzhuang and Xiantaozhuang, I have nothing to do with them," Chu Dashan said.

"Ah, if we don't settle down in Old Chuzhuang and Xiantaozhuang, what will we do if someone bullies our father?" Chu Dachuan asked in surprise.

"Just because he is my own father of Chu Dashan, who would dare to make things difficult for him? If he wants to do something himself, I believe he can do it." Chu Dashan said quietly.

Chu Dachuan really didn't expect that Chu Dashan didn't plan to let his father and son settle in the old Chu village.

"Then where do you plan to let him settle down?"

"Of course it's Old Qizhuang. I'll give you 1 taels. When you go to buy property for Dad and the others, you can also use my share. You also do business in Miryang all the year round. Old Qizhuang How close is it to Miryang, they settled down in Lao Qizhuang, and you can take care of them nearby.”

Chu Dachuan thought about it, let alone, the second child's method is quite good.Although he can also buy some small houses and fields for his father and the others, with the 1 taels of the second child, they can buy more land and larger houses.I can also get two shops for my father in Miryang, and renting them out is also an income.

"Then listen to you."

"As long as he lives in peace and doesn't make any fools, I'll be thankful." Chu Dashan said angrily.

Chu Dachuan was embarrassed.

Finally, he left happily with 1 taels of silver bills.

Chu Dashan finally sent away this guy's hot potato!Throwing some money is nothing, as long as he doesn't get angry with that old man every day.

When Chu Changyuan heard that Chu Dashan did not allow them to settle in the old Chuzhuang, he still complained in his heart, but he dared not show it.After all, he still has to rely on these two eldest sons to survive.Only then can Xiao Wu survive.

"What the second child means is, I want you to settle down in Laoqizhuang, which is close to Miryang. Firstly, I do business in Miryang all year round, so that I can take care of you when I have nothing to do. Secondly, the house and fields over there They are cheaper than here, you can buy a bigger house and buy more land. The second child gave me 1 taels and asked me to buy you the land for the house and shops in Miryang."

Chu Changyuan suddenly stood up and said happily, "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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