The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 237 Lingzhi Great Advancement

Chapter 237 Lingzhi Great Advancement

As soon as a large amount of Good Fortune Qi entered the world space controlled by Xiaopang, it was swept away by the power of Xiaopang. Only the remaining thin Good Fortune Qi would directly fall to the ground in the Lingmai Domain.

For the creatures in the small world of the Five Elements Spirit Vessel, although that is also a lot of good luck, compared with the benefits that Xiaopang himself got, it seems a bit thin.

Fatty not only snatched a large amount of qi of good fortune, but also robbed the aura of good fortune for the millions of elixir and spiritual fruit trees in his domain.After snatching the aura of good fortune, he sent it to various elixir and spiritual fruit trees on the ground.

The elixir and spiritual fruit trees have transformed and grown hair one after another.

The young seedlings that had just been planted turned into big trees one after another, and the earth-colored hills were covered by lush green fruit forests.

The mother trees, which were originally extremely weak due to a large number of branches being cut off, have also been rejuvenated under the nourishment of good fortune, and are steadily moving towards their former peak period little by little.The elixir and fruit trees that had already reached the point of transformation took advantage of this good fortune to jump up, crossing the level that seemed to be almost impossible to cross, and transformed into a first-level spiritual fruit tree, a first-level spiritual ginseng, and a first-level spiritual tree. Plant and so on.

Spirit fruit tree and first-order spirit fruit tree, that is a huge transformation between a baby and an adult.The simplest change is that almost all spiritual fruits that are not advanced are sold by catty, and they are sold in spirit coins, while first-level spiritual fruits are sold by one, and only spirit stones are sold.

Of course, compared to the spirit fruit tree without advanced level, the fruit of the first-level spirit fruit tree is also starting to be scarce.Ordinary spirit fruit trees can bear more than one hundred at a time, but first-order spirit fruit trees can usually bear sixty, even if the fruit trees are cultivated well.

Ahem, of course, this is without Mrs. Lingzhi taking care of her.

The first-order spiritual fruit tree that is also taken care of by Ling Zhifu will have a certain amount of spiritual fruit increase each time according to Ling Zhifu's own ability.

Of course, it's not just the fruit trees growing up and changing.

In just one night, the elixir and spiritual fruit trees not only grew up, but also blossomed and bore fruit.Numerous fruit trees in and out of the Chu Family Valley are in bloom and bearing fruit. At dawn, the changes will come to an end, and the spiritual fruits are ripening one after another, and the forest is full of fragrance.

In addition to the elixir and spiritual fruit trees, the original red phoenix tree, a special product of Fudi, also broke through the ground from 3000 trees to more than [-] trees. A small hill nearby.

This is simply the rhythm of making people harvest one more season!

When Chu Dashan was called up by the panicked family members and stewards, he found that the whole valley, no, ahem, the whole old Chuzhuang, Xiantaozhuang and the surrounding areas had changed drastically.The most conspicuous thing is that many hills are not only green, but also completely covered by lush vegetation.

Lingzhi don't grow too well!

The weak and small branches that were once cut have grown into huge fruit trees with luxuriant branches and leaves, and they are still full of fruit forests full of fruits.

The spiritual food that had just emerged and was less than an inch high has grown plump, golden-yellow, and fragrant when the grain is ripe!

All kinds of spiritual ginseng, which were a little sluggish due to the scorching sun, have also changed from the decadence of the past, and each of them has grown a lot taller.It's still blooming.Emma, ​​the Chu family has been growing spiritual ginseng for several years, and this is the first time that the family's spiritual ginseng has blossomed and produced fruit.

With the fruit, the ginseng at home can accumulate seeds by itself.

It was such a joy.But when he was happy, Chu Shiluo immediately thought that outsiders should not know about the advancement of his own spiritual veins. He hurried to find his father, thought of a countermeasure, and immediately found someone to publicize it to the outside world.

In fact, the common medicines planted in the homes of other villagers in the surrounding villages have also been harvested, and the small trees have grown into big trees, saving years of hard work in cultivation.Originally, it was a mature plant, and it also blossomed and bore fruit one after another.The tree is full of ripe fruit, and the yield is greatly increased.There are a lot of tree-shaped herbal medicines that grow wild jujube and wolfberry, and people are happy from ear to ear.They're going to make a fortune this time.

Some people saw that Chu Dashan's family planted grain, and they also planted grain, and the grain they planted ushered in a bumper harvest.The grain harvested per mu is more than one tael higher than when it was the highest.

In such a severe drought, what is the people's favorite thing?Food!

Regardless of whether it is coarse grain or fine grain, only with grain can everyone be qualified to live.With food, there is hope for the whole family to survive the disaster!
In short, apart from the annoyance of the people who did not grow anything before, the other people who have harvested are immersed in the joy of harvest.

"What the hell is going on? Why did God suddenly give us Xiantao Village and Old Chu Village a bumper harvest?" Many tribesmen and villagers asked each other while starting to harvest various crops in their fields.

"I know this. I just heard from my family. It turns out that last night our master's special formation for cultivating spiritual lands was advanced. From now on, our entire valley will be spiritual lands. With our valley as the center, The spiritual land is still spreading around.

In the future, we can grow anything on our land.Drought is not afraid. "A young lady who should have just gotten married said happily to the people around her.

It turned out that such a big change happened overnight last night, and it was all caused by advanced formations!The villagers, who had never seen such a strange change before, were stunned in shock early in the morning.

"Yeah, I also heard from my family that we can grow food even if there is a drought in the future, and the food can germinate and grow. But it is not enough to not water at all. My family said that if we want to To grow food, it is best to go back to the old Chuzhuang to buy some flat land and the original paddy fields.

Paddy fields cannot grow rice now, but we can grow millet or wheat.It is also possible to buy some low-grade fields and grow some coarse grains.The most important thing is that the family needs to spend more money to buy some waterwheels.Otherwise, it would be too difficult for some plots to carry water to irrigate the land.

Alas, who made my man not a law monk?If he is a law monk, he can learn small spells in the future and water the ground by himself. "Another aunt said regretfully and melancholy.

"Your man is a martial monk. This martial monk is not good. He will get you some meat every now and then, and he often sells wild game to earn money for you! I heard that your husband gave you money just for selling wild game last month. You earned more than 100 taels of silver.

Having such a good husband is not enough, what else do you want? "Another fat-faced lady who was about the same age as the previous lady teased her angrily.

"She just likes to show off and wants to impress us." Another big lady in a floral dress also joined the ranks of jokes.

(End of this chapter)

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