The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 238 I Go To The Sky For A Circle

Chapter 238 I Go to the Sky for a Circle

"Hmph, although my man and my sons haven't detected the qualifications of monks, I have three little grandchildren, and the oldest is already four years old. I heard that they can be tested for monk qualifications at the age of six. After two years, I will The eldest grandson is old enough, so I will send him to have his qualifications checked immediately." said a white-haired old woman who looked not young.

"That's right, men can't do it, sons can't do it, we still have grandchildren. As long as we send them all to the test, maybe one of them will be qualified. Now the family can't do it without monks." Another aunt also felt sorry for her. Said.

"As long as there are monks in the family, no matter whether it is a martial monk or a law monk, then life will be much easier in the future.

Besides, not only the men in the family, but also my daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter were all sent to the test.My two sons are not up to date and have no qualifications.But my two daughters-in-law, my old daughter-in-law and one young granddaughter are all qualified, and my old daughter-in-law is also qualified as a legal monk.

Originally, his father was thinking about marrying the old girl out earlier, but since the old girl was found to be qualified as a law monk, his father immediately changed his mind and changed to recruiting a son-in-law. "Another aunt nearby said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, my family is a little granddaughter. She is also qualified as a law monk. When his grandfather heard that he has such good qualifications, he immediately decided not to let the child marry out, and directly changed it to recruiting a son-in-law." Another aunt interjected with a smile. Word.

"This girl, there used to be a lot of people who were not valued by the family at home, but now it's different. As long as you have the qualifications for cultivation, even if you have the qualifications of a martial arts monk, the family will pay special attention to it. You stay at home and wait to be recruited. Son-in-law." This daughter-in-law is only in her thirties, and she still has her charm.

"Speaking of which, our Chu family is really different. I heard that there are also villages and towns outside who have begun to teach cultivation skills. But the number of monks born in those villages and towns is far less than that of our Chu family. Many people in our Chu family have monks talent. The number of law monks born far exceeds that of the surrounding villages and towns."

"That's natural. If our Chu family's blood is not good, can we produce such a powerful husband as the master's family?"

"Yes, there are rumors that the ancestor of our Chu family was probably also an extremely powerful Lingzhi husband. Therefore, our Chu clan especially loves monks who are monks, and the proportion of Lingzhi husbands born is far higher than that of other people. many surnames."

"So, the blood from our Chu family is better."

"Hehe, I would like to thank our ancestors. I have decided to offer an extra big rooster during the annual festival this year."

"Then I will also offer more tributes during the annual festival this year, and try to let the ancestors bless my family and produce a Dharma monk."

"I'm going too."

"Me too."

The village woman gradually became distorted, and turned the topic to what sacrifices will be offered at this year's annual festival...

The people in the clan village began to harvest new herbs and food for their families!Chu Dashan also asked people to greet the long-term workers in the family, and hired a group of short-term workers to harvest the spiritual food and put it into storage.

Chu Dashan took his son and his clansmen to work in the fields, but Tao Hua took the initiative to run to Grandpa Six.

The promotion of the spiritual pulse not only benefits the spiritual plants at home, but also the poultry and the big herring in the lake.

But what Taohua cares most about is her duck.

When she found Grandpa Six, she found that the old man was also squatting near the duck shed.


The ducks are really different from before. Not to mention their size has become several times larger, they also have the ability to fly short distances.Grandpa Liu is a monk of the lineage of Beastmaster. When Peach Blossom came over, Grandpa Liu communicated with ducks and ducks while driving them to fly in the air.

He even tied some large and small packages to the backs of the ducks and let them fly on their backs.

"Sixth Grandpa, Sixth Grandpa, can you ride?" Taohua rushed over excitedly.

Grandpa Six gave her a speechless look.

"It still doesn't work. Ducks can fly short distances, and their speed is not bad. They can also carry hundreds of catties, so it's not a problem to fly with an adult. But if you want to be a regular mount, you need to continue to train for a while.

But even if ducks can be used as mounts, we have a very big problem that we can't solve.That is, even a martial artist can hardly guarantee that he can ride on the back of a duck for a long time without falling off.

Falling from a horse is not necessarily fatal, but riding a duck is in the sky, so what if you fall down? "Grandpa Six said with a sigh.

"Custom-made flying feather seats. It's the kind of chair engraved with floating formations, which are specially fixed on the backs of ducks and ducks with belts. When people sit on the chairs and fly in the air, they also use special belts to fix themselves On the chair. Even if it falls from the sky, the seat can guarantee a safe and stable landing." Taohua said.

After hearing this, Grandpa Six asked in amazement, "Is there such a seat?"

"If you don't have one, just order it. Baicao Pavilion will definitely be fine." Taohua said, it was the flying feather seat that Baicao Pavilion first made in the previous life, which made the flying monster birds shine in the future.

"Does Baicao Pavilion still know this?" Sixth Grandpa asked in surprise.

"The Baicao Pavilion is very capable." Tao Hua looked determined that they would be able to make the chair.

"Then if we can really order the kind of seat you mentioned, then our ducks and ducks will really be of great use in the future." The most important thing is that the poultry they raised in the valley all transformed into Tier [-] monster.

The populations of chickens, ducks and geese have changed, and the chickens have become fatter, and those who are overweight can no longer fly.You can only jump over a wall, a tree or something.

The geese became more irritable, not to mention fighting more, and even more like to attack the big herring in the lake in groups.

In the past, the ducks were the ones who fought with the big herring in the lake, but now the geese are gone too.

It turns out that the ducks are more obedient, of course, this may also be because he is now at the duck shed.

Sixth Grandpa rubbed the space between his brows, always feeling that there might be troubles on his side in the future.

"It's just that even with the flying feather chair, you have developed our ducks into air mounts. I guess not everyone dares to do duck riding. Have you ever thought about who will be the first to eat?" Crab people?"

"Oh, do you even need to think about it? Of course it's Lin Changge." Tao Hua insisted on him.

Grandpa Six was extremely speechless in his heart, thinking what kind of enmity you have with Lin Changge, what kind of hatred! ?

"Can Lin Changge be happy? He turns out to be Lieutenant Daliguan. What if he gets angry because of the duck riding and runs away?"

"He will definitely not run away. Besides, he has such a high level of cultivation, and he is still the captain of the guard team. If he doesn't go to the sky to be a test pilot, who will go to the sky? If the guards in our two villages are equipped with duck mounts in the future, that's not enough. It’s very convenient to point to where to call and do anything.”

Your Majesty asked me to patrol the mountains, and I will go around in the sky!Cough cough, I can't think about it any more, if Uncle Chang Hua knew what I was thinking, he would order her to be punished, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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