The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 239 White Hair

Chapter 239 White Hair
Lin Changge was actually called in the afternoon.

The villagers in the two villages were busy picking up the harvest in their own fields. Except for the guards who needed to patrol every day, the rest of the guards were called back to work by their families.Therefore, Lin Changge has no other companions to accompany him into Xiongshan.

If he doesn't enter Xiongshan, he can only lie down and rest at home alone.

Lin Changge never expected that Taohua would find him a job of riding a duck!

Lin Changge, who was told exactly what to do, was stunned for a moment, and immediately said in shock, "What, riding a duck? Not riding a wild goose, riding a goose or something?"

In the previous life, the Chu family also had flying mounts. Keke, the mutation caused by aura later spread to all kinds of poultry and livestock.The cows and horses have become extremely large, violent and unruly. Except for the monks, the common people have found it difficult to control them since the mutation began, and there have been incidents of biting people.

Besides, the food intake of the mutated cows and horses has skyrocketed, and ordinary monks' families can't afford it.

A mutant first-order horse monster that can eat up a haystack like a hill at a meal, who raised it?
Later, more and more beast masters tamed birds as flying mounts for poor monks who pursued low prices.Hit here to start flying mounts on fire up.Later, it developed to the point where people also raised flying birds in their homes!
However, what everyone tamed were birds, not ducks, and wild geese, not geese.Lin Changge didn't understand. There are so many birds suitable for flying mounts, why do you have to use ducks?

"Ducks are too common. It's a bit embarrassing for everyone to fly in the sky on ducks. Besides, ducks fly too slowly. From our place to Miryang, it may take a quarter of an hour for the ducks to fly at their fastest speed. At this speed, the farthest they can fly is Miryang, and they have to rest and eat for a long time.

They were full in less than half an hour, and they couldn't recover and couldn't fly back. "

This is also the reason why the duck was not selected as a flying mount in the previous life. Its flying speed is slow and it has no stamina. After flying for a short period of time, it has to come down to rest and eat.

This is far from the various special bird flying mounts cultivated by the beast master.

Tao Hua immediately rolled her eyes when she heard his words and said, "What's the matter? Ducks fly slowly, but no matter low-level monks or ordinary people can ride them to run in the sky. Don't worry about the speed of the mount being too fast, making them suffocate.

Ducks can't fly far enough, but why use flying mounts for long-distance running, and don't know how to use weapons?There are so many airships, spaceships, and flying cars, and there is no need to feed them.There are also carriages and cabins where you can live without being exposed to wind and rain. "

"But riding a duck, why does this sound so strange? Can everyone accept it?" Lin Changge quickly transformed stiffly.

"A fish can ride, let alone a duck?" Taohua said speechlessly.

Lin Changge was even more speechless than him.In the previous life, I rode fish along the river and in the coastal areas. That was because there was no water mount that could reproduce faster and be easier to catch and reproduce than the advanced monster fish.And if you wear a water-proof suit, even a mortal can ride a fish and dive underwater.

Wait, multiply fast...

Lin Changge looked at some ducks not far away who were trained to fly in formation by Chu Changrui, the sixth grandfather, and took a deep breath.

"You don't want to popularize flying mounts in ordinary people's homes, do you?"

Taohua shook her head, "It's not that far yet."

So you have this plan in the future? !The corners of Lin Changge's mouth twitched helplessly.

"Lin Changge, ducks have one advantage over other flying mounts of birds, that is, they are easy to feed. Give them some food, or let them go to nearby lakeside ponds to find food for themselves, and it can live. And it's big Domesticating ducks on a large scale can also completely bring down the price of flying mounts."

Lin Changge asked very speechlessly, "What does it matter to you that the price of flying mounts is higher, why do you have to lower their prices?"

"If you don't understand, don't ask." Taohua gave him an angry look. "In short, you will train with Grandpa Six from today. You are the first duck test pilot."

Isn't this rushing ducks to the shelves?Ahem, are you driving Lin Changge to ride a duck?

"Ahem, cough, do you really want to ride?" Lin Changge asked helplessly.

"Of course you have to ride. If you feel ashamed to ride a duck alone, you can call all the martial arts monks in the escort team to ride together. At first, as long as you don't fly too high, you will fall at most. It hurts."

"What about the chair, what about the belt, you won't let us ride hard?" Lin Changge looked at Chu Taohua in disbelief.

"I don't have any chairs yet, they need to be made to order. The belts have already been rushed to work, and they will be brought in a while. Here is an opportunity to practice your flying skills. Work hard."

As soon as Tao Hua finished speaking, Lin Changge's thoughts were all over.

"Chang Ge, have you really come here? The kid Tao Hua insisted that this duck can be used as a mount. Before the ducks hadn't mutated into a first-order monster, no matter how I trained them, it was difficult for them to be used as a mount. But since they mutated into a High-level monsters, I found that their intelligence has increased a bit. They can understand simple human language and commands.

I thought that I could try it when I came here, so I asked someone to call you here to help me experiment and see if it would work.Cough, Changge, don't be angry, let's try, if it doesn't work, forget it. "

Mr. Chu Changrui had no intention of shifting the responsibility to Taohua at all, he even covered up the truth that Taohua made the idea to call Lin Changge for Taohua.

The old man smiled and walked over from a distance, followed behind him in a crooked row, but in the end it was two rows of big green-feathered ducks.


Ducks like Grandpa Six, because Grandpa Six always feeds them.Taohua has a special aura, which is also liked by ducks.But Lin Changge couldn't do it, he was full of evil spirits, and the ducks wanted to run away as soon as they saw him.

Those who were timid did not dare to approach him.

"These eight ducks are the strongest and the best flying ducks I have picked out. If you are willing to try Changge, then choose one to try." The old man asked with a guilty conscience.

Lin Changge smiled.

He secretly laughed in his heart: old man, what are you guilty of, Chu Taohua brought me here, if I don't try to fly on a duck, she will definitely come up with some kind of moth to punish me.When I was reincarnated for the second time, I was scared by her, okay?

"Then I'll choose it." Lin Changge chose a big duck with a small white feather on its head. "come here."

When Bai Mao saw Lin Changge pointing at it, he was so frightened that he flapped his wings and flew away.

It was as fast as lightning.

Cough cough cough, Tao Hua looked surprised.

Ahem, Lin Changge was shocked, thinking how could he fly so fast, is this really a duck?
(End of this chapter)

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