The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 241 Rebirth Pill

Chapter 241 Rebirth Pill

Chu Dashan was chased by his little girl and went to Baicao Pavilion in Miyang again.However, on the way to Baicao Pavilion, his carriage stopped several times halfway, either suddenly attracted by some delicious herbs on both sides of the road, or frightened by something on both sides of the road.Finally, when I entered Miryang, I also fell in love with a charming mare, no matter how much the driver dragged it, it would firmly chase after the mare's buttocks.Let's love freely!
He was almost delayed going to Baicao Pavilion! !
Chu Dashan, who had witnessed the mutation of his own poultry and livestock and the big herring raised in the lake, really understood why his little girl was so determined to ask him to come and buy things.

Horses have changed, not to mention other cows, donkeys, and mules?

If the horses, oxen, donkeys and mules pulling the carts stopped working, would they all be carried back to Miryang?

Hey, if you have that ability, don't do it!

When Guo Peng saw him, he was very happy.

Recently, due to the rapid sales of various spiritual fruits and spiritual food, not only has Guo Peng received more and more attention from the elders in the family, but he has also gained the attention and favor of the upper echelons of Baicao Pavilion.

A few days ago, he even took the initiative to give him a bodiless pill, which allowed him to easily advance to the god stage.

"Chu Dashan, the spring plowing is not over yet, what kind of seeds are you here to buy?"

Chu Dashan was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he still smiled and said, "It's really hit by shopkeeper Guo, but I don't know what good seeds you have here?"

"I recently got a kind of upland rice seed called black pearl. A catty of seeds only costs one tael of silver."

Chu Dashanxin said that this is not expensive, the rouge yellow you sold me is not at this price.But recently everything has increased in price, even Guo Peng received his spiritual fruit and spiritual food at the price after the price increase.

Otherwise, it can be worth the price of [-] spirit stones and buy all the formations in the Earth Fire Cave Mansion at home?

Chu Dashan said in his heart that anyway, there is no shortage of small silver at home now, so let's increase the price as much as possible.

"Then give me a thousand acres of land and seeds for 1 taels of silver."

"Okay, okay, let the buddy install it for you." Guo Pengke was polite. "Among the seeds I got recently, except for this batch of good-quality black pearl upland rice, there is only one batch of giant rhizome. The underground rhizome of giant rhizome is three times that of ordinary sealwort, but its medicinal effect is five times that of ordinary sealwort. It is called a very good mutant sealwort."

"Then how do you sell the sealwort seeds?" Chu Dashan asked with interest.

"This seed is cheap, five taels of silver per hundred catties. The price was not high when I received it. But if this batch of Huang Jing mutated into a spiritual plant, I will pay [-] spirit coins for each finished Huang Jing."

The difference in price was so big that Chu Dashan suddenly regained his spirits.

"That's fine, this one will also give me a thousand acres, not two thousand acres of seeds."

"Then I have a batch of white Polygonum multiflorum here, would you like it? The grade of this batch of seeds is a bit low, but after a few generations of cultivation, the possibility of mutating into spiritual roots is quite high. I only have [-] catties of seeds in my hand, about About [-] acres were planted.

Uncle Dashan, if you make a round package, I will give you a cheap price, 800 taels for you to take away. "

When Chu Dashan heard it, yes, yes.

"Okay, I'll make it round. By the way, shopkeeper Guo, I want to ask, do you have a monk's exercise book for refining weapons and alchemy?"

"There are a few, but they are all only at the altar level. Last time I gave you the Beastmaster Cultivation Technique, but I got the cultivation technique at the altar level later. Do you need it?"

"I need it, I need it. Can I choose?"

Guo Peng also immediately recruited his buddies to fetch it.

"In addition, I also want to buy some beast circles, seal jade tokens and blueprints for refining beast circles and seal jade tokens."

"If it's just the beast circle and the seal jade token, I can give you a cheap price, Uncle Dashan, but if it's the refining blueprint for the beast circle and seal jade token, it will be expensive. Whether it's the beast circle It's still the blueprint of the sealed jade tablet, each with a 1000-yuan spirit stone."

After hearing Guo Peng's words, Chu Dashan was speechless.My heart said it was so expensive, it was just two drawings.

"Actually, Uncle Dashan doesn't need to buy it separately at all. Don't you want to refine weapons, alchemy, and the practice of beast control? There are several blueprints for low-level weapon refining. To seal the jade tablet and the animal circle.

Those sets of books are all copies I obtained myself. If you want them, I will sell them to you for 100 taels of silver. "

"Yes." The Chu family just spent [-] spirit stones to build ten Earth Fire Cave Mansions, but now there are no spirit stones left.Chu Dashan was naturally very grateful to Guo Peng for his care. "Xiao Guo, thank you so much."

"It should be, let's take care of each other." Gu Peng smiled and said something that made Chu Dashan feel at ease.

In the end, Guo Peng also used his authority to give Chu Dashan a hundred imperial animal rings and sealed jade tokens for nothing.Otherwise, just these things, a set of three hundred spirit coins, no bargaining.

Chu Dashan was stunned at that moment.

Emma, ​​his little girl said that there are at most a hundred spirit coins in a set.Who knows why it's so expensive now!

"Then I plan to order something from you." Chu Dashan took out the flying feather seat that his daughter had painted.

Guo Peng was delighted when he saw it.Although there are some changes in this drawing, it looks like the seat of a flying mount at first glance.Possesses small formations such as floating, weight reduction, wind breathing, and constant temperature.

"This thing is easy to make, and an apprentice who has just started making weapons can do it. A set of belts and seats costs 30 taels of silver. Uncle Dashan, you want to buy a few sets. If you don't make many of this thing, I can make it in a few days." Send it to you."

"Then give me a set of three hundred first." It was not expensive, so Chu Dashan paid for it without hesitation.

After ordering the seats, Chu Dashan asked to buy more ink materials for engraving formations.A large number of special leathers have also been purchased.Guo Peng smiled and watched Chu Dashan make the purchases. In fact, he also saw that Chu Dashan also planned to let the craftsmen trained by himself make the seats in the future.

But what does that matter? Compared with the Chu family's large amount of spiritual fruit income, he would not hesitate to earn this kind of ordinary small money.

Chu Dashan brought back the books, materials, and seeds, and naturally used the storage bags he bought at home.In fact, storage rings can also be bought by the Chu family, but there are cheaper and more cost-effective storage bags, who would like to buy a storage ring that will not be used for a few days a year?
That is definitely sick!

Chu Dalang immediately took away the two sets of alchemy books, Sanlang and Shiro took away the weapon refining books, and Chu Dashan handed over the alchemy skills of the beast master to the sixth grandfather and asked him to copy a copy first and then give him the original. send it back.

Who knew that Sixth Grandpa copied the set of exercises that he used at home, and copied it in Chu Dashan's study, and left the original for Chu Dashan after copying.

(End of this chapter)

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