The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 242 Guo Peng was transferred away

Chapter 242 Guo Peng was transferred away
"In the future, you have to pay close attention to the matter of this exercise. Who knows who has ulterior motives and took away all these exercise books of yours. At that time, you will not even want to find a good place to cry. Originally, don't let them Take it out of your study, and you can’t have several kinds of exercises in one book. A small book is enough for one kind of exercise. Whoever is selected, write a copy of which one is just them.”

Chu Dashan knew that Uncle Six was doing it for his own good, so he simply nodded.

So Sanlang and Shiro were arrested again, and the previous exercises were divided into booklets.The two of them are responsible for copying the new exercises, and each exercise is copied three times.San Lang and Shi Lang's eyes turned dark immediately after hearing what their father said.

Emma, ​​I will be living a dark life of copying books in the future, and I don't know when I will be able to copy them all.

That's three times!
Taohua found out and giggled, ouch, it's good that the copying didn't fall on her head this time.

Although copying the book did not fall on her head, Taohua also took the initiative to go to Grandpa Six to help Lin Changge and his 100-member warrior team practice duck riding.

The speed of a duck's flight is actually not fast, but it is already fast for a low-level martial artist.

Everyone was a little scared at first, but after flying a few laps, they immediately fell in love with the fun of flying.He often takes his own duck mount and flies in the valley.

Only Bai Mao refused to let Lin Changge ride it, and in the end Lin Changge beat it.After being beaten up, Bai Mao, who completely surrendered to the Great Demon King, took Lin Changge to the sky very obediently.

As a result, not long after going to the sky, Baimao suddenly flew several times, trying to throw Lin Changge off his back.

It's a pity that Lin Changge is so easy to fall?So Bai Mao let out a shrill scream in the sky, and was beaten.

After getting down, Lin Changge asked it coldly, "Do you still dare to throw me?"

Bai Mao quickly shook his head.

Seeing how well-behaved it was, she shed tears, and Lin Changge said, "I'll throw you next time, and I won't beat you to death."

As it turns out, you can't expect a duck to deliver on its promises like a human.Not long after he went to heaven for the second time, Xiao Baimao repeated his old tricks.As a result, Kaka!The big duck let out another scream of being beaten, this time it lasted for a particularly long time.

Lin Changge was determined not to let it fall, while beating the duck.

This time, Bai Mao was really beaten to his knees, and he never pricked Lin Changgefei in the future.But be good, be good, and take the initiative to light up the dogleg skills.Wherever Lin Changge went, it followed Lin Changge abruptly.

Lin Changge saw that it was not pleasing to the eye, so he trained it as a dog, let it hold a handkerchief for a while, let it hold a bag of melon seeds for a while, and finally let it go down to the lake and bring up the cub of a big herring with an arm length.

Grandpa Six's eyes looked strange, and he thought that this is the skill of the beast master who has been enlightened by self-taught?

"How about Chang Ge, you can learn the skills of the Beast Master, the Heart Sutra of Beast Mastery I practice is very good." Sixth Grandpa said.

"I don't have the spiritual root of a monk." Lin Changge said apologetically.He was also a martial artist in his previous life!Don't look at his harmless appearance now, it's actually because Peach Blossom is here, he has no shortage of food and clothing, no shortage of fights, and he can go to Xiongshan to fight with the monsters in the mountain if he has nothing to do.There is no shortage of money, once the monsters die, no money can be earned back.

He is not short of cultivation resources, and he can prepare any peach blossoms he needs.

A well-fed tiger is actually more lazy than a big cat.

"The Heart Sutra of Beast Control can be practiced by both Dharma cultivators and martial cultivators." Sixth Grandfather smiled and said, "I see that you like training small animals, so you should have the talent for controlling beasts."

Lin Changge was stiff.

Lin Changge said in his heart that he took care of the white hair definitely not because he liked small animals, but because it was not pleasing to the eye.

"You can try it, but forget it if it doesn't work." Tao Hua laughed.

"I originally wanted to study wine making as well." Lin Changge said hesitantly.

"Practicing a beast-controlling technique does not prevent you from also studying wine making. Winemakers don't need you to also study exercises. Isn't winemakers just researching wine-making recipes and consuming materials for brewing." Taohua said.Among the supplementary arts of cultivation, wine making and spiritual food do not need to practice skills. If you have talent and recipes, you can get started with more materials and practice.

"Okay, then I'll try."

On the third day after Chu Dashan returned to his home, Song Guo, Guo Peng's confidant, personally escorted the seat and other accessories.Then tell Chu Dashan a bad news.Guo Peng was transferred back to Changyang Baicao Pavilion again.

The new treasurer, Fu Luyi, heard that the master of Chu Da, the daughter of the Chu family in Changyang.Chu Da worshiped Fu Luyi as her teacher when she was in Changyang.

Because the new shopkeeper came very suddenly, Guo Peng left very hastily.In the end, he didn't even have time to say goodbye to new and old customers.However, Guo Peng left, but Song Guo was left by Guo Peng to bid farewell to all new and old customers.

Especially Chu Dashan's family, Song Guo delivered the goods himself, and even brought a letter back to Chu Dashan.

The letter said that Guo Peng knew that Chu Dashan had a bad relationship with the people of Chu in Changyang. Trade with Guo Peng.

Guo Peng can still protect Chu Dashan.

But Chu Dashan felt that this statement was not necessarily reliable.If Guo Peng could continue to protect Chu Dashan, he wouldn't be transferred away just because he said he would.

Moreover, Guo Peng was transferred away, so it is uncertain what his relationship with Miryang Zhang Wei will be.

Chu Dashan said in his heart that I had to prepare for the worst, and if it didn't work out, I would move out.

The more Chu Dashan thought about it, the more he felt that the situation was not good. He quickly recruited the whole family, and then told them about Guo Peng's transfer.

"Originally, Guo Peng had been protecting us. Zhang Wei actually followed to protect us for Guo Peng's face. In addition, we had winks and sold a lot of food to him. But when Guo Peng left, Zhang Wei Wei's attitude is unpredictable.

If Zhang Wei no longer protects us, but divides up our elixir and spiritual fruit trees like those noble and official families in Miryang, then what shall we do?
Moreover, the Earth Fire Cave Mansion has just been built.

I wonder if we should prepare for the worst.If it doesn't work, just sell the elixir and the spiritual fruit tree directly to Miryang Zhang Wei? "

Chu Dashan's words immediately caused Chu Shiluo and Chu Qingmei to think deeply.

"Is there no other better way?" Qingmei said.

"I think it would be a great loss for the whole family to move away." Chu Shiluo said, "If anyone reaches out, we will ask the people from the Northwest Building to kill them." After several years of training and experience, Chu Shiluo also started Kill and cut decisively.

Tao Hua also nodded and said, "There are a lot of martial arts monks in the Northwest Tower, and it's quite easy to do this kind of business. Besides, the person who tested us at the beginning is not Zhang Wei, then it will be other nobles and official families. After massacring a few people in the family, I honestly dare not move again. Besides, Zhang Wei will also be afraid of the relationship behind us, so he will weigh whether to do it or not to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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