The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 247 Super Long Distance Teleportation Array

Chapter 247 Super Long Distance Teleportation Array
"Then we also go there as casual cultivators?" Chu Shiluo asked.

Chu Moyan shook his head, "No, we went there as husband Lingzhi's cultivation family. If we went there as casual cultivators, how can we buy a suitable shop if we see it? At that time, it will be difficult for us to explain what a casual cultivator is How come such a large sum of money to buy a shop.

It would be bad if people misunderstood that it was obtained by killing people.Then maybe someone will also want to kill us and rob us.

On the contrary, if we go there in the name of a family of cultivators, you should bring more good things, we rely on the family, and it will be logical to buy shops and sell spiritual fruits and spiritual food, and we are family monks, at least some scattered people over there Xiu won't take our minds lightly.What if our family takes revenge? "

After hearing what he said, Chu Shiluo immediately understood. "You mean to say that we can save a lot of unnecessary troubles if we go out as a family of cultivators."

"Yes, don't let people think we are a piece of fat. Otherwise, our store over there won't last long."

After listening to Chu Moyan's words, Chu Shiluo pondered carefully before saying, "Okay, I'll go to Miryang tomorrow to deal with some of my property. I'll exchange some spirit stones, and when I come back, we'll make a teleportation formation. "

Chu Moyan nodded in agreement.

On the second day, Chu Shiluo went to Miryang. He went to Baicao Pavilion first, mainly to find out how to exchange spirit stones.Unexpectedly, he was told that Baicao Pavilion only buys and sells spiritual fruits and spiritual food from now on, and does not do any miscellaneous business such as exchanging spiritual stones.

I heard it was a strong request from the new shopkeeper.

Chu Shiluo also asked by the way, the current purchase price of Lingguo Lingliang.It was only one-third of the original size before it arrived first.

Not only spiritual fruit and spiritual food, but also the purchase price of herbs is even lower, only one-tenth of the original price.

The snake salivary grass is so cheap that two coppers a catty, Chu Shiluo wonders if everyone will be willing to plant it in the future?

However, Chu Shiluo didn't feel much uncomfortable after returning from Baicao Pavilion without success, after all, he still had other ways.So he found Xun Shi frame.

"What are you talking about, you want to sell all the shops and houses of the Chen family in your hand? Those shops and houses are all Wangpu mansions. If you can't get 10 taels, are you sure you want to sell them?" Xun Shi asked puzzledly.

Chu Shiluo nodded.

"I heard that Baicao Pavilion has a new shopkeeper. If you are bullied by her, you can come to me or Lord Chengling." Xun Shijiao said thoughtfully.

"It's okay, she can do whatever she likes. Master Xun Xiao, can you help me sell these houses and shops? When I took over these properties, the shopkeeper of the Chen family said that it took a lot of money to buy these properties at the beginning. Thirty-five thousand taels. But that was back then, and now the Chen family has renovated and rebuilt these properties. I think it must be more than 5000 taels."

After hearing what he said, Xun Shijia knew that he was determined to sell it, so he said, "It's worth at least 10 taels."

"Then can you help me contact a buyer? I'll sell it for 8 taels." Chu Shiluo said bluntly.

Not to mention, this price is too favorable, this is a real [-]% discount.Not to mention others, even Xun Shijiao himself was moved. "Why don't you sell it to me."

"It's better to sell it to you. It's more convenient for me, but I need a lot of bank notes right now." Chu Shiluo said seriously.

"It's okay, I'll ask someone to borrow some, just wait for me a moment." After Xun Shizhu finished speaking, he threw Chu Shiluo into his study, but he turned and left.In less than a quarter of an hour, Xun Shijia came back again, not only gave the banknote to Chu Shiluo, but also took Chu Shiluo to directly handle the transfer procedures of these properties.

Chu Shiluo, who finished the transfer, wanted to return home quickly, but was unexpectedly grabbed by the arm by Xun Shijiao. "Someone wants to see you."

"Who? Can't you not go?"

"No, no, come with me."

Xun Shizhu pulled Chu Shiluo on and walked out of the city magistrate's mansion not far away. When he walked to a restaurant, he pulled Chu Shiluo directly to the private room on the second floor.

In the private room, Mr. Zhang family has been waiting for a long time.

"Shi Luo, there is no other reason to invite you here today. I just want to tell you something. As long as the land of Miryang still belongs to my father and son Zhang, no one will dare to touch you. The world is in turmoil, so you don't have to think about it." It's the same wherever you move.

At least in Miryang, there are our Zhang family father and son who can protect you.After leaving Miryang, who else can you rely on? "

As soon as Chu Shiluo heard it, he immediately understood the purpose of Mr. Zhang's family.He hurriedly said respectfully, "Mr. Dalang, I don't sell the property that the Chen family compensated to my family. It's not for the purpose of moving. My family has already opened up tens of thousands of acres of spiritual fields. It doesn't make sense to change the shopkeeper of Baicao Pavilion. We have to do it." Move out?"

When Mr. Zhang Dalang heard this, he immediately pursed his lips and smiled.

"I sell the property of the Chen family. One is that my family is really not good at doing these businesses. The other is that my family is short of money recently. My father means that I will not sell spiritual fruits and spiritual food for the time being, and sell these unneeded properties first. gone."

Zhang Dalang knew about the change of the purchase price of Baicao Pavilion, and he guessed that Chu Dashan would not compromise easily.Save it first, anyway, the spiritual fruit and spiritual food are not so easy to spoil.As for the lack of money, it happens that there are a bunch of industries that no one is running, and it is normal to spend some money.

Knowing that the Chu family had no plans to escape, Zhang Dalang was relieved.He enthusiastically invited Chu Shiluo to have a big meal, and let Chu Shiluo go away after drinking until he was dizzy.

After Chu Shiluo came back, he didn't even bother to take a bath, so he called Chu Moyan again, and the two of them ran to the Dihuo Cave Mansion where a teleportation array was specially arranged to install a super long-distance teleportation array.This formation is actually a small formation, and it can only transmit up to five people at a time.

No more than one.

But this formation can't help people bring all kinds of space items.Chu Shiluo still doesn't understand how precious this kind of teleportation array that does not prohibit or restrict people from carrying space items together is so precious.But Chu Moyan knew it!However, he could only be greedy in his heart, saying that it was indeed Chu Taohua, or Hao, and he could get any of these things.

In fact, Taohua asked someone to buy this kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation array disk set, so it's strange to be able to buy it.This was when she accidentally strayed into an underground cave in her previous life, and picked up a storage ring from a giant beast skeleton.

It's just such a small storage ring, but the space inside is very large.And there are multiple sets of ultra-long-distance transmission array disk sets.I don't know whether it was the giant beast or the owner of the giant beast. Anyway, she picked up the ring, and the contents inside belong to her.

After being reborn, Taohua discovered that the ring had not disappeared, and remained in her Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

(End of this chapter)

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