The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 248 The Iron Man Chu Shinian

Chapter 248 The Iron Man Chu Shinian

That can only show that both the ring and the skeleton of the giant beast came from outside the territory.

I don't know what's going on in this continent, how can there be so many things from outside the territory!

Even if it has been refined into a teleportation array set, it is not so easy to arrange a high-level ultra-long-distance teleportation array.By the time the arrangement was finally completed, it was already late at night.

Chu Shiluo took Chu Moyan back to his half-floor room in disgrace, washed and changed clothes, and ate a supper.Only then did they arrive at the teleportation array when the sky was slightly brighter.

Although it is only a small teleportation array, it also consists of a personal teleportation array and four object teleportation arrays of different sizes.

Teleporting items saves more spirit stones than teleporting people.

Chu Shiluo was blocked by Zhang Dalang yesterday, and was misunderstood by Zhang Dalang that the Chu family was going to escape, so how dare he exchange spirit stones with him, so now there are not many spirit stones on Chu Shiluo, only a few hundred yuan.

This is still urgently needed by the Chu family.

Eight spirit stones sent out a note, and it didn't take long for another note to be sent back.People have written it clearly, the opposite is Longshanfang City which has just opened.Chu Shiluo put 64 pieces of Lingshi on without much hesitation, and teleported himself and Chu Moyan over at once.

The other end of the teleportation array is located on a sunny slope.There is a beautiful stone corridor built around it.Extending in all directions towards the entire Longshan.The warm sunshine illuminates the tranquility and beauty of the entire Longshanfang City.

In fact, this is definitely not a peaceful place.

The aura is recovering, and things in the Wanji Mountains will gradually recover and wake up.

All kinds of weird things on the ground and groups of terrifying monsters underground have to participate in the normal feast of heaven and earth.

Longshanfang City chose to build it during this short period of peace, which is considered very far-sighted.Later, even if someone has the manpower and financial resources to build a city in the Wanji Mountains, there will be no chance for them to build a Xiuzhen Square City in the strange Wanji Mountains.

Besides, the position of Longshan was not chosen randomly.

At the beginning, Zhu Yongnian surveyed 32 suitable positions, and only this one was selected by Chu Xi.Even Zhu Yongnian, a geologist himself, didn't understand why Chu Xi chose Longshan as the site for the construction of Fang City.

This place is already the periphery of the Wanji Mountain Range, and it is not on the main line of the underground channel. It is on the branch route of the underground channel. The only advantage here is that there is a vast underground lake port area with very gentle groundwater.

In fact, when Taohua contacted Zhu Yongnian again, the kid even wrote several letters suggesting that Taohua change Fangshi to the current position occupied by the three companies.

But Taohua did not agree.

As long as no one is robbing her, she is certain of Longshan. Of course, if someone is robbing her, then Chu Shinian is not worthless.Even if she gets rid of Changyang's background, she will snatch Longshan back.

Simply those guys rely on the masters, rely on the masters, rely on the advocacy of the previous life Zhu Yongnian, rely on the advocacy of the previous life Zhu Yongnian.

The best place to build a square city is not Longshan, what is the best place to build a square city, and where is the best place to build a square city.By the way, Chu Xi had people help Zhu Yongnian spread these words in a small area.

So, sometimes, even if you have the memory of rebirth, you can be one step ahead without seeing it.

But these peach blossoms were not told to Chu Moyan and her eldest brother.

As soon as Chu Moyan and Chu Shiluo arrived, they were warmly received by Zhu Kangnian.

"You are from the Chu family of Ling Zhifu's family, right?" Zhu Kangnian looked at the two with scorching eyes.

The two nodded quickly.Especially Chu Moyan's face was full of astonishment, obviously he recognized Zhu Kangnian.

But Zhu Kangnian doesn't know him now.

The sudden death of Chu Xi almost frightened him to death when it first reached him.But he thought about it later, is Chu Xi someone so easy to die?The answer was obvious to him, Chu Xi didn't die so easily.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to receive news from Chu Xi again. It was obvious that Chu Xi changed places and continued to lead the Chu family again.There are countless bloodlines of the Chu family, why must they stay firmly in the Changyang Chu family?
With another identity, our husband Lingzhi's family is also very good.It's exciting to listen to.

Anyway, as long as the backbone is the backbone, the leader is still there, so Chu Xi has the final say on which branch to support?
Ahem, anyway, they dare not have any objections. If they can get the clansmen, they will get them, and if they can't, they will see you again.

"My name is Zhu Kangnian, and my brother's name is Zhu Yongnian. The two of us are responsible for the construction of this square city. Are you here to sell things, buy a shop or participate in shares?" Zhu Kangnian asked.

"Ah? What do you mean by selling things? What about buying a shop? And what does that mean by participating in shares?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

Zhu Kangnian has a smile on his face, and he moves forward and retreats freely.

"Why don't you two come to my place to talk?"

Before Chu Moyan could say anything, Chu Shiluo nodded.

Chu Moyan: "..."

But he could also see that Zhu Kangnian was probably the other hand of Taohua's arrangement, but he was worried that the two of them would screw up here.

Chu Moyan was speechless and complained in his heart: Is it true that I am so unreliable? !

Who knew that the three of them hadn't walked a few steps, when a group of guards with knives rushed over and blocked all three of them.Then a gorgeous woman in red came over carelessly. "Zhu Kangnian, what do you mean? I said that I want to participate in the shares, but you must not let me?"

"Great princess, it's not that I don't let you participate, but that Chu Shinian doesn't let you participate. What can I do? You say I've beaten Chu Shinian, but can you still say that I'm better than Chu Shinian?"

When the woman heard this, her face turned red with anger.

"I said you used Chu Shinian as a shield, didn't you?"

Judging from her appearance, it seemed that she could not wait to pounce on Zhu Kangnian and beat him up.

It seems that Zhu Kangnian is her old enemy, right? !

Zhu Kangnian said aggrievedly, "How dare I? The point is that I can't be the master. At the beginning we didn't have the money to build Fangshi. It was Chu Shinian who took the lead. He said that in the future he would take [-]% of the entire Fangshi, and the rest of the shares Then absorb other shareholders. And other shareholders can only occupy a dry share, just get money and don't do anything.

Princess, you want [-]% of the shares when you come up, you also want to be the master, and you insist on marrying my brother, what do you think I should do?Why don't you ask the county prince to talk to Chu Shinian?

If Chu Shinian wants to agree, then I have no opinion at all, and I will do it for you directly. "

Zhu Kangnian shrugged helplessly, what could he do?He couldn't be Chu Shinian's master.Ever since his brother was beaten up by Chu Shinian because he said a few more words to the princess, now his brother would run away whenever he saw Chu Shinian.

(End of this chapter)

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