The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 249 Ten Thousand Spirit Stones Into 1 Share

Chapter 249

"Why do you think you are looking for Chu Shinian in Xiufang City? Isn't it all over if you look for my father?" The woman in red pointed at him angrily.

"My brother and I only know a rich man, who else should we look for?" Zhu Kangnian said helplessly.In fact, Chu Shinian came when his brother proposed to build Fangshi.I don't know what the two of them said, the square city was built in Longshan, and the one who paid for it was Chu Shinian.He saw that his brother was stupid at the time.

In fact, Zhu Kangnian didn't know, his brother was also a baby, and he felt bitter, but he couldn't help it, the arrangement was just like this.

"If you drive him away, my royal father can pay you to build Fangshi." The woman in red said proudly.

Zhu Kangnian said helplessly, "Don't dare. Our two brothers have small arms and legs, how can we drive Chu Shinian? Why don't you ask the prince to take him away?"

The king of Yaoshan County can't drive him away, who is Chu Shinian, the local tyrant of Changyang!

Not even his father could remove that hob meat!
The woman in red hated her teeth itching.

The woman in red is also Zhao Ru, the eldest princess of the Yaoshan County King, who was lucky enough to be reborn just like Chu Da.

Not long after she was reborn, she helped her father eliminate traitors, consolidated her foundation, and won further trust from His Majesty the Emperor.Transferred her father to the Northwest several years in advance.

It's a pity that she came a bit late, and the changes in Myitkyi Prefecture are a bit big.Zhang Wei, father and son, and Miyang City, who disappeared in the depths of the Great Wasteland in their previous lives, did not move to the Great Wasteland, but were moved to the edge of Bibo Lake instead.

The originally developed Myitzhifu in the previous life, together with her Uncle Wang, died young in the depths of the wilderness.

Her uncle Wang died of illness in his previous life, but in this life he was directly killed by the mobs in the wilderness along with his family.This caused his father to come over and there was no prefecture for him to use.

There are only a few decent cities in Mizhifu, Zhang Wei in Miyang is eyeing, Chen Dazhi in Qingyang is unpredictable, and Chengyang has been oppressed by Jiangyang City on the other side all the year round.

The remaining Changyang, Yuyang, and Fengyang are all weak.

Changyang was recently destroyed by the refugee army, and the city wall has not been completely repaired until now.There is no sense of security in the city wall with broken teeth everywhere, anyway, his father and king will not live there.

Fengyang and Yuyang are too small, they are a little bigger than Zhenzi.

There are only two vacancies in the six northwestern prefectures. If his father does not choose Zhang Yu, he can only choose Myitzhifu.

But the one from Zhang Yu's mansion was chosen, and his father couldn't pry his position at all.

There was no other way, his father had no choice but to wrong him and live in Chengyang City temporarily.Although he decided to live in Chengyang for the time being, the Duke of Gaoshan was still very unwilling.He wanted to build a mansion city for himself to live in later.

The question is, don't you need to spend money to repair Fucheng?
So where does the money come from?
It happened that Zhao Ru found out that her husband from the previous life was planning to start building Longshanfang City again.Zhao Ru hurried to look for him, thinking about reminding that stupid man not to get so many shareholders this time, just ask her father to pay for it, and Zhu Yongnian can bring people to repair Fangshi.

At that time, the entire Longshanfang City will be filled with their family's money bags. How many cities can't her father build?
But she didn't expect that she was one step too late.The newly-emerged local tyrant of Changyang, Chu Shinian, who didn't even have a bird with her father, insisted on cutting her beard, and dominated Longshanfang City's biggest say in the future.

This is simply outrageous!

"You trash, I'll go find your brother." The princess stomped her feet fiercely, and took someone to find Zhu Yongnian again.

Zhu Kangnian waved directly at her back, saying to himself, hurry up, hurry up, he is impatient with you.Anyway, if you go to see my brother, my brother will not dare to see you, he is afraid that Chu Shinian will beat him again.

"Who is that?" Chu Moyan asked, pretending not to know the woman in red.In fact, he had long recognized that the red-clothed woman just now was Zhao Ru, the wife of Wanji Youlong Zhu Yongnian in his previous life, the great princess of Yishan County King.

"That's the princess of the Wang family of Yishan County. He said he wanted to take a stake in our Longshan Fangshi. He wanted to intervene in our Fangshi's affairs before the money was paid. How could this be possible. The major shareholder of our Fangshi is Changyang Chu Shinian.

Besides, it is not our Longshanfang City that was selected by the king of Yishan County and has already invested in shares.

I don't even know what the princess is thinking about? ! "Zhu Kangnian said contemptuously. That guy was still chasing his brother every day, and he didn't think that the tighter she chased, the stricter Chu Shinian's supervision of his brother would be.

His brother is sick of this woman now.

When they arrived at Zhu Kangnian's living room, all three of them sat down.Zhu Kangnian brought up the previous topic again. "Are you two planning to simply sell things, or are you planning to buy a store, or are you planning to buy a Dongfu, or are you planning to invest in Fangshi?"

"Can you give us a detailed introduction?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"Our Fangshi has only been open for half a month. It can be said that there is a lot of waste waiting to be done. Therefore, in order to start the Fangshi, the major shareholders have given a lot of profit concessions. For example, before selling various spiritual fruits and spiritual food here There will be no tax for three months. After three months, it will be one thousand taxes."

When Chu Shiluo and Chu Moyan heard this, they immediately cheered up.

"The shops here are divided into large, medium and small ones. The small ones cost 3000 taels, the medium ones cost 1 taels, and the large ones cost 3 taels. There is a purchase limit. A family can only buy three rooms." Zhu Kangnian said.

"Are large, medium and small shops counted together as three?" Chu Moyan asked.

Zhu Kangnian nodded.

This is a little different from the situation here in the previous life.Chu Moyan thought about it, then went to see Chu Shiluo.Chu Shiluo was very calm, and continued to ask, "What about the Dongfu and the shares?"

"The Dongfu is like this." Zhu Kangnian directly moved out a miniature model of Longshan from the back of the living room.On the sunny slope are shops with various signboards, and behind them are various caves with different auras.

"The caves are all located in the shade of the mountain, but you are absolutely satisfied with the various layouts in the caves. You can retreat and live. The monks who are willing to live can live in these caves. We rent out and sell caves.

The upper limit of Dongfu is ten. "

Chu Shiluo carefully looked at the various shops and caves on Xiaolong Mountain that were not much bigger than an ant's head.I am amazed in my heart, the person who designed this is simply ingenious, if this market is well managed, it is simply not enough for it to swallow.

"What about investing in shares?"

"One share for every 30 spirit stones occupies one-thousandth of the entire share capital. A shareholder can only buy three shares at most, which is [-] spirit stones."

After hearing Zhu Kangnian's words, Chu Shiluo asked with a toothache, "How about the dividend?"

"The dividends are distributed at the end of each year. In the first few years, it is estimated that each share can be divided into a few thousand spirit stones. After all, most of them will be invested in the construction of Longshanfang City."

(End of this chapter)

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