The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 250 The value of the first-order spiritual fruit

Chapter 250 The Value of Tier [-] Spiritual Fruit

"Can we use spiritual fruit and spiritual food to turn into spiritual stones to buy shares?" Chu Shiluo asked after thinking about it.

"Of course you can. However, converting spiritual fruit and spiritual food into spiritual stones is a huge sum. And we can't convert it to you at the current market price. This kind of spiritual fruit and spiritual food that is not easy to digest and is easy to break, only It can be converted into Lingshi at [-]% off the normal market price." Zhu Kangnian said.

Chu Shiluo nodded after hearing this.At the beginning, Guo Peng also converted according to this method.But at the beginning, Guo Peng calculated it at a [-]% discount.

But Longshanfang City doesn't know their Chu family, so it's not bad if they can give [-]% off for the first time.

"A first-order spirit fruit, what counts as a spirit stone?"

After hearing his words, Zhu Kangnian was taken aback, "Your family has already started to cultivate a large number of first-order spiritual fruits?"

"Ahem, luck, luck." Chu Shiluo said.The spiritual fruit trees and spiritual ginseng at home have transformed into first-order in large quantities. This is a good thing and a bad thing.The bad thing is that it is too garish.

He didn't dare to sell spiritual ginseng in large quantities.

The good thing is that the fruit produced by the spiritual fruit tree this time is destined to be more expensive than the previous spiritual fruit.

"If it's a first-order spiritual fruit, it depends on what kind of fruit it is, but no matter what kind of fruit it is, the first-order spiritual fruit must be settled according to the spirit stone." Zhu Kangnian said.

Chu Shiluo directly took out a Qingyang Lingtao and placed it on the table between the two of them.

Zhu Kangnian took Lingtao and dragged it in the palm of his hand.Immediately said pleasantly, "Qingyang Lingtao, first rank. This is a top-grade spiritual root. I can make decisions about this kind of good thing, and one is counted as five spirit stones."

When Chu Shiluo heard it, he was immediately surprised and said, "It's so expensive? The unqualified Qingyang Lingtao is only 300 yuan in spirit coins per catty."

"That's the purchase price of Baicao Pavilion, Xiancaotang or Dancaolou. They actually took the fruit and transported it away. We don't know the specific place. But the designation is not to sell it in our own mainland. But our own mainland Are there no monks left?
Yes, and many of them.

Everyone desperately needs all kinds of spiritual fruits and spiritual food.

Because they took advantage of the store's deep background and seized the opportunity, they withheld a large amount of spiritual fruit and spiritual food for transfer.This has caused the price of our local spiritual fruit and spiritual food to remain high.

You are a high-grade spiritual root, and the market price of a catty is at least nine hundred to one thousand taels of Bailing coins.

Even the buyer, I can give you seven hundred spirit coins per catty.

First-grade spiritual fruits are even rarer. Let me tell you, they are all for sale. I buy one for five spirit stones. When I sell it, I can sell it for eight to ten yuan. price.

If you buy it yourself and sell it here, it will take longer for the spirit stones to gather.Anyway, the first-order spirit fruit won't break down so quickly.

Sealed in a jade box, it will be fine for at least three years. "

Chu Shiluo and Chu Moyan looked at each other in blank dismay. Didn't they expect Xiuzhenfang to make so much money? !
Especially Chu Shiluo, he originally thought that he had made a lot of money by doing business with Guo Peng.But he didn't expect that he could make more money in Xiuzhenfang City.

One fruit has five spirit stones, and only thirty spirit stones need [-] fruits.

The fruit of their family is not small, and it looks like it weighs half a catty.The fruit of the first-order fruit trees has also become less.It turns out that a tree can bear one or two hundred fruits.But now the fruit has grown a bit bigger, and only seventy or eighty fruits will be produced.

But 750 or 4000 fruits are already a lot, and 190 fruits only account for 960 trees.You must know that his family has more than [-] first-order fruit trees, which can bear [-] million fruit and earn [-] million Lingshi.

This is not counting the spiritual ginseng at home! !

My God, Chu Shiluo's heart was pounding with excitement.

Wait, let him calm down first.

"I also want to ask, if my family buys shares, will there be any changes in the dividend distribution method and future management methods of your Fangshi? After all, I have also seen it. Just now, there is a big princess who also wants to buy shares. You Fangshi, control the right to speak?"

Zhu Kangnian hurriedly said, "She was delusional. You see, her father, King Yishan County, has now become the Prime Minister of our Northwest Myitzhi Mansion, but now there is no Myitzhi Mansion. His father wants to continue to stay in Myitzhi Mansion. You have to pay your own money to build a new city.

But Xiufu City is not money, is it?Both of their father and daughter want to occupy our Longshanfang City and give them money for nothing, and they don't even look at who is the major shareholder behind us?That was the year of Chu in Changyang.Old Chu, in the end, would rather burn the ashes of Longshanfang City than bring any outsiders with him. "

When Zhu Kangnian said this, he immediately dispelled Chu Shiluo's idea of ​​buying more shops and caves.

It's still three shops, ten caves, and it's good to get into three stocks at the end.

Chu Shiluo had an idea in his mind, so he had a good discussion with Zhu Kangnian and bought three big shops.One specializes in spiritual fruits, one specializes in spiritual food, and the other sells groceries.What monster meat or something, delicious pate, jam or something.

The other ten caves will be empty first, and when people are selected to come and operate them, they will be allowed to start leasing business.Three strands of [-] Qingyang Spirit Fruits.This Chu Shiluo happened to take it with him, directly invested in the shares, and made several paperwork contracts.

These [-] Qingyang spiritual fruits shocked Zhu Kangnian again.It's really a big deal, I can only say that that guy deserves to be a big guy.

When they go through formalities and discuss business.

Sure enough, Zhu Yongnian was caught by the princess again.Everyone hugged his arms, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.But if he stayed where he was, he would be beaten again at night.

Zhu Yongnian felt so bitter that tears were about to flow into rivers.

He didn't know what evil he had done, but he was caught by the big princess who came to talk about buying shares.He is an outstanding disciple secretly cultivated by the Chu family, a land master, and the master of Longshan Fang City.The problem is that if he really dares to marry the great princess, it is equivalent to becoming the son-in-law of the Gaoshan County King, and it is equivalent to abandoning the Chu family.

Not to mention others, a certain boss would never let him go.

Zhu Yongnian didn't know that the reason why he married the big princess without hesitation in his previous life was that besides seeing that his big brother was being held back by the clan, he also truly became the master of Longshanfang City himself.With power, he is not willing to contribute to the family in obscurity.

But he didn't dare to betray the Chu family completely, because he would die so badly that he couldn't die anymore.

But in this life, he has dominated Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian is not a good-tempered person. He was born as a secret guard commander, so he naturally pays attention to all kinds of secret information work.Zhu Yongnian is like a grasshopper jumping in his hand, which can be crushed to death at any time.

If Taohua hadn't told him that this guy was still useful, Chu Shinian would have killed him long ago.

Didn't he see the surprise in Zhu Yongnian's eyes when he saw the princess for the first time?

(End of this chapter)

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