The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 254 Refining the Pharmacy

Chapter 254 Refining the Pharmacy

After hearing this, the clansmen left with satisfaction.They also have to go home to prepare their own raw medicine.

After seeing off the clansmen, Chu Dashan angrily rolled his son's eyes. "What do you mean you made a blind promise? If the herbal medicine owner Changyang Guopeng refuses to accept it, I don't think you will be ashamed?"

Chu Shiluo laughed directly, and then told Chu Dashan the details of his trip to Longshan in a low voice.

"With the support of Longshanfang City, our family can let the clansmen grow all kinds of herbs. I visited the casual repair area over there, and most of the various herbs they sell are all kinds of common herbs.

Ordinary herbal medicines only need to be old for a long time, such as sealwort, Polygonum multiflorum, Salvia miltiorrhiza and other herbs are also extremely useful for low-level monks to refine various low-level elixirs and refresh the body.Besides, if ordinary herbs are planted in a place with aura, even if they are young, the effect will be excellent.

I think our Sutu Spirit Formation can be set up again in Old Chuzhuang, and our family's Spirit Formation can also be set up around the outside to bring in the hilltops of the surrounding tribes and villagers.What do you think dad? "

Listening to Dalang's enthusiastic narration, Chu Dashan pondered for a moment and said angrily, "Then have you thought about it, how will the money be calculated?"

"What money? The cost of the Sutu Spirit Formation?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

Chu Dashan said angrily, "What is the cost of the Sutu Spiritual Formation? I mean the money that the clansmen use for the Sutu Spiritual Formation."

"The people of the tribe use the money from the Sutu Spirit Formation?" Chu Shiluo was taken aback!
"Son, are you stupid? If you use the Sutu Spirit Formation for nothing, do you think the tribe will appreciate you? No, they will only think you are a fool. Your father is the leader of the tribe, but he treats the tribe people You can't give it all and don't expect anything in return. We and the Chu family must be a win-win situation. Otherwise, who will take you for the same thing?

Do you understand the combination of grace and power? "Chu Dashan patted his son on the head angrily.

Chu Dashan has been sitting in the position of the patriarch for a while, and he has seen all kinds of faces of the clan, and his growth is also obvious.From Chu Dashan's point of view, Dalang is still too immature, he is still a child.

"Have you ever thought that none of the land spirit arrays can bring much benefit to the clan. From now on, their land will become more fertile, no matter what kind of weather they can grow all kinds of spiritual plants and common medicines, and also Can speed up the ripening date of the crops grown.

Since then, they have no worries about food and drink and can make a lot of money.From then on, they can plant whatever they want, and sell the land to whomever they want to gain power.What will you do then?
Can you still dismantle the Sutu Spirit Formation?To offend the dignitaries who bought the Lingtian for a group of people who don't know how to do it? "

The expression on Chu Shiluo's face became stiff.

"Look, your clansmen are clansmen in your subconscious mind, and you have never thought about what they will become. Even if you have seen the shameless faces of some clansmen, you still subconsciously feel that clansmen are all Kind and honest people need support and help.

You are so impartial, have you ever thought about how many property and spirit stones the Chu family has enough to kill you? "Chu Dashan looked at the eldest son and said.

"Dalang, if you always think like this and always want to sacrifice yourself to be kind to others, then you will not be able to stand up to the lintel of the Chu family in the future, but you are the boss, and our Chu family's lineage cannot be moved casually, so you At that time, I can only get married as soon as possible, and give me a few more good grandchildren for me to raise myself."

Chu Shiluo suddenly had black and blue lines all over his head, "Father, I didn't think well about this matter. I will improve it. I will not reveal this matter until I have no better ideas for improvement. But the herbal medicine Our family can indeed accept it, and then we can just take it to the store and buy it directly. The purchase price over there is much higher than the purchase price given by Baicao Pavilion."

"As long as you know this well in your mind, let's discuss the matter of the Sutu Spirit Formation." Chu Dashan cast a glance at Dalang.It's been too smooth since I was a child. I haven't been beaten by the society, and I always think of human nature so well!

Chu Shiluo was speechless, and said to his heart, Dad, don't let your contemptuous eyes fall on my face, okay? !
In the afternoon, Chu Shiluo urgently found a few elderly people who could look at herbs, and from the early morning of the second day, he asked seven or eight long-term workers to cooperate with the four elderly people to start collecting herbs.I heard that the Chu family started collecting herbal medicines. Villagers who were not from the Chu family also came to ask with herbal medicines, and Chu Shiluo also asked people to collect them.

The result was disastrous, except for Old Chu Village and Xiantao Village, people in the nearby mountains and nearby farmers who grow herbs also brought their own herbs to Chu's for sale.

Taohuayan watched the herbal medicines in the house increase more and more, and the raw medicines would be destroyed if they were not disposed of in time.You can't just watch the herbs you just harvested go bad, right?So Taohua hurriedly found a long-term worker to move out a house on the first floor and began to process all kinds of fresh herbs, making them into various slices, pieces, powders and other usable medicinal materials.

This is simply forming a refining pharmacy.She also brought out pharmaceutical equipment of various sizes, and ordered them to be delivered in large quantities.

The processed medicinal materials were finally packaged in some sealed jade barrels that her elder brother bought urgently.

In this way, the family has accumulated more than 5 catties of herbs in just ten days.And this number is still increasing every day at an extremely fast rate.Even the long-term workers who are responsible for baking and disposing of fresh herbs every day have changed from the original seven or eight people to 30 people.

I built four pieces of fire kang alone.

A group of workers who don't have any foundation in refining medicine, it would be very difficult to train a group of skilled workers who are proficient in handling various herbs.All kinds of bad situations happen frequently every day, and the peach blossoms are simply embarrassing.

It was Chu Qi who was pleasantly surprised, "Peach Blossom, I didn't expect you to be able to do this?"

"It's not difficult, just read more books. Just give me some guidance and let everyone know how to do it. Oh, it's just that some people always make things happen to me because of my carelessness." Tao Hua said annoyed.In the past ten days, she has kicked out a dozen long-term workers.

All the long-term workers left now trembled when they saw her, as if she was an evil big devil.

Even her fifth brother slipped away to avoid her when he saw her recently.

However, after ten days of training, these thirty long-term workers were finally trained by her.At least they know how to get these common herbs collected at home.

"My family's peach blossoms are amazing! Do whatever you want." Chu Qi greatly praised his daughter.Chu Qi didn't know that her daughter was fooling her. The reason why Chu Xi was the head of the family for so many years in the previous life and was not eliminated was actually a lot to do with her having learned everything and being able to teach everything.

In the eyes of the Chu clan back then, their patriarch was omniscient and omnipotent!
"By the way, mother, you increase the wages of these thirty long-term workers by ten times, and then let them sign a three-year long-term contract."

"It's so easy to cultivate into a successful one, isn't it too short to sign for three years?" Chu Qi asked a little hesitantly.It's no problem to increase the wages by ten times, after all, it is a technical job.

"They're all of the same clan, so it's enough to sign for three years. If you sign too many, it's hard for father and elder brother to be good people." Tao Hua said.

"I heard that Changyang Dichu trained this type of work for 30 years at a time." Chu Qi said with a curled lip.

"That's because they start cultivating people from seven or eight-year-old children. It takes ten years to raise an adult. Bai Yanghuo also teaches various skills. When they meet clever people, they will send them out to apprentice Learning art. It costs so much, if you don’t sign for 30 years, you can’t even get back the cost.” Taohua said to her mother speechlessly.

"You can inquire clearly." Chu Qi said, "But I see that you taught them all kinds of skills in processing herbs to make medicinal materials. Those people have learned the technology for nothing, and they are not grateful for the gratitude. Our family has been working for several years, so who is willing to continue to teach them?

Don't worry, it's only ten years, look at your mother. "

"Okay. Mother is the best." Peach Blossom Dogleg complimented his own mother.

Sure enough, when the ten-year contract was mentioned, some people said that they would not do it.If they don’t do it, they don’t do it. The next day they will be transferred to do other work, such as following up the mountain to harvest fruit, weeding fruit trees, catching insects and so on.

And some long-term workers who were clever and willing to sign long-term contracts were transferred to do the work of baking and refining medicine.

Now Chu Qi's reputation has spread far and wide, but it is not a reputation of virtuousness and generosity, but a reputation of a tigress.

Chu Qi said: Hehe.

After hearing this, Chu Dashan was very unhappy, and he even found someone to arrest some people who like to spread rumors, and punished them directly.The ancestral hall was closed for three days without food or drink.

But his tricky hands didn't suppress this unhealthy trend, and it stopped spreading on the surface, but it spread even more secretly.

Chu Dashan was so angry that he grabbed Chu Dalang's arm and said, "Look, look. Your father and I are not soft-hearted people."

Chu Dalang's face was ugly.

Knowing that her husband was angry because of the reputation of her tigress, Chu Qi turned to comfort Chu Dashan, "What is there to be angry about? What happened to the tigress? As long as you and the children are doing well, I will be a tigress again." What can I do?"

"I know you are doing it for our family's pharmacy. Taohua has taught many long-term workers how to make medicine, and they really can't let them go. Although they all work for our family, but farming and caring for fruit trees, how can you learn how to make medicine? On the same level? Those pharmacies in Miyang City, didn’t those kids who signed a 30-year work contract or a death contract learn this kind of skill?” Chu Dashan said angrily for his wife.

"Speaking of which, my lady, you are so kind. The green plums and peach blossoms you gave birth to are too smart, and you can learn a set of skills by just reading a book." After Chu Dashan said this, he glanced at his son Dalang contemptuously.

Chu Shiluo was speechless, a daughter is good, but a son is a scumbag?
"Lang Jun, don't talk about it. I'm sorry for you. Our daughters are all too capable, and the sons are a little bit worse. It's all my fault."

When Chu Shiluo heard this, his heart became even more sour.Dare to love my mother also thinks that their brothers are all scumbags.

Looking back, Chu Shiluo complained to Taohua depressedly, "My parents said that our brothers are scumbags, and you two are good daughters of my parents."

"Isn't this normal? No matter how scumbag your son is, it's your own. It doesn't matter how you say it. A good girl belongs to someone else's family. Naturally, she should praise her well, so as not to be treated like a cow or horse when she goes to someone else's house." Tao Hua said as a matter of course.

Ah puff! !
Chu Shiluo was shocked directly.He looked at Taohua in disbelief, "Is that what it means?"

"Of course, big brother, think about it, my sister and I are praised by our parents every day, and the mother-in-law who married into my husband's family will say me: You useless woman! Then what do you think I will think: Then Could it be that the old woman is blind?!"

Puff puff! !

Chu Shiluo hadn't laughed yet, but the Xiao Wu who was eavesdropping was so teased that he flung himself back and forth with laughter!
At night the whole family knew the joke.

Qing Mei's stomach hurts from laughing, Chu Qi's also laughed and leaned on her husband's shoulder.

Where is Taohua innocently eating meat with chopsticks, Chu Dashan looked at his little girl with strange eyes.He didn't say anything about Qingmei, he was speechless because of his maverick, but Peach Blossom, Peach Blossom also made him dumbfounded.

"When we get married in the future, although we can't suffer, we can't take the initiative to provoke you, you know?" Chu Qi finally warned Taohua.

"I didn't intend to be provocative either. I'm trying to explain the facts to my brother." Tao Hua said innocently.

"Yes, didn't we just give an example!" Qingmei immediately said in support of her little sister.

"Qingmei, don't tease Huo Miaozi over there." Chu Qi gave her an angry look, then pulled Taohua over to teach her a lesson before letting her go back to sleep.

Qingmei has become more and more methodical in doing things. With Lin Changge's active cooperation, Qingmei is very effective in cultivating law monks and martial monks.Every few days, a new cultivator who sensed the aura embarks on the road of cultivation.

The members of the guards also respected Qing Mei more and more, which led to Qing Mei's control over the entire guard team getting stronger.The [-] guards who are gradually filling up are transforming in her hands.

There are still nearly four months before the bulk goods trading zone in Longshanfang City will open.During this period of time, Chu Shiluo didn't intend to continue spending large sums of money on his own spiritual food and fruit.The herbal medicines were not sold, and they were all hoarded. When the three major shops opened, they would be just in time to deal with the newly arrived merchants.

Chu Shiluo was very concerned about the three new shops he had acquired, so he ran over to see how the construction was going if he had nothing to do.The Dongfu area was built last, so the rental business there will start later.

The restaurant and inn area in Longshanfang City has been completed.Just after the completion of the construction, Longshanfang City has received many new guests to stay.

I heard from Zhu Kangnian that many of the new arrivals were from backgrounds, and they might complete a few big deals after staying here.Zhu Kangnian also asked Chu Shiluo if he needed a small yard in the inn area to live in?

Chu Shiluo shook his head directly, his family is not a background force, let's wait until the store opens.

(End of this chapter)

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