Chapter 255
The Chu family's affairs are gradually settled, but Fu Luyi, the new shopkeeper of Baicao Pavilion in Miyang, can't sit still.

Whether it is Miyang Baicao Pavilion, Changyang Baicao Pavilion, or the entire Song Dynasty Baicao Pavilion, if you want to secure the position of shopkeeper, you need to speak with performance.Since Fu Luyi took charge of Baicao Pavilion in Miyang, the performance of Baicao Pavilion in Miyang has been declining every day.

It only took less than a month for Miryang Baicao Pavilion to go from being prosperous at the beginning to being empty now.

She was so surprised that the shopkeeper of Baicao Pavilion in the northwest wrote to her to inquire about the situation. Fu Luyi said that she was in control, but she was actually a little nervous.Chu Dashan's bones were unexpectedly hard. Since she revised the purchase price, Chu Dashan has never visited the door once.

If he didn't come, the hunters who had come to sell monster meat also didn't come because she didn't let Baicao Pavilion accept all kinds of miscellaneous things.

Originally, when the hunters came to deliver meat, they would also trade some of the wild herbs they picked, spiritual fruits, and spiritual medicines to the Baicao Pavilion. Now they sell all the monster meat and wild animal meat to the meat shop in the Chengling Mansion. Sold it there by the way.

Although the price is slightly lower than the purchase price offered by Guo Peng at the beginning, it is also much higher than the price offered by Baicao Pavilion now.

Although Chu Dashan's house also collects all kinds of monster meat and wild animal meat, but the herbal medicine, the wild spiritual fruit and the elixir, but the villages and towns close to his home are fine, and they are not willing to go to him if they are farther away.Anyway, the shop that was sold to Chengling was only a little less profitable.

Fu Luyi really didn't expect that Zhang Wei's butcher's shop would be cheaper by making such a change. It is said that the few shops are overcrowded recently, and there is no place for the crowded people to stand.

In fact, Zhang Wei’s butcher shop that collects monster meat and wild beast meat has opened a long time ago, but because of the small cost, the price he gives is really not as good as what Guo Peng can offer, so the beast meat is not bad, and the monster meat is really good. It's not as much as Guo Peng's shop.

Guo Peng was once responsible for the purchase of Miryang monster meat!
But Fu Luyi messed around as soon as she came up, she stopped accepting monster meat, and specially collected spirit grass and spirit fruit.

Emma, ​​Zhang Wei suddenly smiled, it couldn't be better.From now on, my butcher shop will be the butcher shop in Miryang, and all kinds of monster meat will be sent to me.

Although the business came, but because Xiancaotang and Dancaolou also accept monster meat, Zhang Wei's shop has slightly increased the purchase price!
His price-increased purchases instead drove groups of hunters from all directions to rush to his shop to sell all kinds of game monster meat.

Fu Luyi didn't think that much at first, she mainly miscalculated the market.

The original monster meat in Changyang was not a big business, because there were not many hunters hunting monsters.She knew she had made a wrong decision when she saw that Xiancaotang and Dancaolou also accepted monster meat, and Zhang Wei's butcher's business was in a mess.

Miryang is not Changyang, Miryang has a huge market for monster meat.

The hunters went into the mountains to hunt monsters, and went down to the lake to fish for monsters. Even Zhang Wei himself ordered Miryang Wei to sail a boat down the lake to catch fish. The daily throughput of monster meat in Miryang exceeded ten thousand catties.Accumulated over a month, seven to eight million catties of monster meat, how much spiritual coins is this worth?
Originally, Zhang Wei accounted for half of the purchase of Miryang monster meat and Guo Peng half.What Xiancaotang and Dancaolou can only follow along and drink soup.

Now that Baicao Pavilion no longer does this, the monster meat business of Xiancaotang and Dancaolou will naturally start to flourish.Zhang Wei even devoured the large market that Baicao Pavilion gave up.

On the contrary, Baicao Pavilion lost Chu Dashan's terrifying spiritual fruit and spiritual food business, and lost the monster meat business that was making money every day.

Fu Luyi was very angry, but she couldn't pull herself together to admit that she was wrong, and restarted the business of buying monster meat.So I could only vent my anger and open all the clerks and accountants that Guo Peng recruited.

Then asked Chu Da to recruit some members of the Chu clan to support her.

The problem is that if you don't have a slight advantage in the purchase price, no matter how you change people, you won't be able to raise the business.

Moreover, it was the original shopkeeper Guo Peng who raised the price to buy it. After Guo Peng left, Fu Luyi lowered the price to buy it. Both Xiancaotang and Dancaolou wished that your purchase price would drop every month.

Anyway, I can't receive it, and neither can you.

As long as you can't receive the goods, even if I can't receive the goods myself, I will be so happy.

In fact, everyone is waiting for Chu Dashan to compromise, as long as Chu Dashan compromises, then the purchase price of the spirit grass and spirit fruit in the future will not be able to be raised.Because none of the three of them would allow it.The lower the purchase price of spirit fruit and spirit grass, the greater profits they can earn from their respective talents.

But the problem is that Chu Dashan doesn't compromise!
All this insists that his family has stockpiled all the new season's harvest brought by the promotion of the Spring Festival Spirit Formation, and they will not go to Miyang Baicao Pavilion to buy spiritual fruits and spiritual food.Other noble and official families in Miryang bought spiritual fruits and spiritual food from him, not only did they not lower the price, but increased it slightly.

The most severe price increase is the Qingyang Lingtao. Originally, there were three hundred spirit coins per catty, but now there are three spirit stones per catty.This is still a friendly price, whether you like it or not.Although one of the three spirit stones is really expensive, when everyone found out that the current Qingyang spirit peach has advanced to a first-order spirit fruit, they all paid for it.

Eating a first-order spiritual fruit when breaking through the realm is comparable to a realm-breaking pill.

How much is a Breakthrough Pill? There is still no price for 30 yuan Lingshi.

With such piecemeal sales, the Chu family sold hundreds of spirit stones. Fu Luyi was so angry that she almost ran to the Chu family and smashed the door.

And since there is a pharmacy, the seeds are easy to get.Taohua brought out a batch of green jade ginseng and yellow jade ginseng fruits. After the seeds were separated, the seeds were screened for a second time.

The top seeds that have been screened are naturally kept for their own use, and the other inferior seeds are handed over to Chu Shiluo.

"Brother, spiritual ginseng seeds, how can one get one hundred spiritual coins?" Tao Hua pointed to two large buckets of inferior seeds.

Chu Shiluo twitched the corner of his mouth directly.Those ginseng seeds are so small, how many seeds must there be in those two big buckets?
"Can these spiritual ginseng seeds be grown by other people?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"I don't know. Anyway, if our family gets the seeds, they will definitely be able to grow them alive." Taohua replied to him.

Chu Shiluo: "..."

"Brother, can you say this, spiritual seeds, how can they grow without a spiritual husband?" Taohua saw that her elder brother was worried that her seeds would be returned if they were sold, so she immediately thought of an idea.

Chu Shiluo thought to himself: Don't say it, this is really a good idea.

Longshanfang City has been under intensive construction all the time, and after the completion of the construction of a district, a district will be opened.The earliest casual repair area, followed by the restaurant and inn area, then the boutique trading area, and finally the bulk goods trading area.

When the Chu family's mortal grains are ripe, the high-quality goods trading area begins.

Auction houses of all sizes in the boutique trading area were also launched one after another.The Chu family's spiritual fruit, spiritual food, and spiritual ginseng seeds were all sent to auction by Chu Shiluo.Although the bids were sent in small amounts every time, Lingshi was earning money in his pocket with a splash.

Zhu Kangnian was in charge of the finances of the entire Longshanfang City, so he naturally knew how much money his boss made.

What the Chu family sells most now is not spiritual fruit or spiritual food, but spiritual ginseng seeds.A small flat jade box put ten seeds in it.The sky-high price of hundreds of spirit stones can be auctioned immediately.Seeds are actually easier to preserve than spiritual fruits.

In order not to drop the price, Chu Shiluo didn't auction off the seeds every time he gave away the spiritual fruit and spiritual food.

The spiritual fruit trees of the Chu family make money for the Chu family almost every year, but all kinds of spiritual ginseng have been planted at a loss. That is to say, the Chu family eats some for themselves and their relatives, so where does it go?The real start to make spiritual ginseng profitable also started with the sale of seeds this year.

Taohua knew that Chu Shiluo could earn a lot of spirit stones by selling ginseng seeds, so she began to lead the long-term workers to deal with various purchased medicinal materials and various ginseng fruits at the same time.The pulp is peeled off and sealed in a jade barrel first, and the seeds are treated well and sealed up.

Chu Dashan looked at the barrels of well-sealed spiritual ginseng seeds, and he was particularly emotional, "It's better to grow ginseng to make money."

"I think big brother's strategy is better. He has been shipping in small batches to maintain the high price of spiritual ginseng seeds. Otherwise, there are too many spiritual ginseng seeds in the world, and it is estimated that we cannot sell so many spiritual stones." Taohua sat Chu Dashan said to Chu Dashan while eating a peach beside him.

"At the end of the day, my Taohua is capable. If it wasn't for Taohua, you got him the seeds, why would Dalang sell them?" Chu Dashan laughed loudly.

Peach Blossom stopped talking, I ate peaches.

"Let's go, your mother said, let's go home early today and eat rice cooked with new millet." Chu Dashan said.

Taohua nodded and agreed, her family's [-] mu of millet and [-] mu of wheat have all been harvested, and today is the day when the last batch of grain will be put into the basement. "Father, although it's July now, I feel that it's not as hot as last year. Is the drought going to pass?"

After hearing what his daughter said, Chu Dashan nodded directly and said, "You are not the only one who feels this way, I have also heard from other monks and elders in the village. But until now, there has not been a single drop of rain, and no one knows about the severe drought. How long will it last?"

"Hey, let's get over this severe drought sooner. The water level of Bibo Lake has dropped by more than ten feet, and the lake area has also shrunk a lot inward."

"Although the lake area has shrunk, the fish in the lake have not decreased at all. So you don't have to worry about Bibo Lake." Chu Dashan said carelessly.

"Father, I didn't worry about Bibo Lake." Taohua said speechlessly.

"It's useless for you to worry about it." Chu Dashan said with a natural expression.

Peach Blossom: "..."

In Miryang City, Baicao Pavilion.Fu Luyi persisted for another two months, and now she was gloomy.

It has been nearly four months since she took over the Baicao Pavilion. The Changyang where Guo Peng went to was actually the new Baicao Pavilion rebuilt there.The old store had long been burned down on the night of the riots.Guo Peng started from scratch, and in four months, the new store has flourished. All kinds of wild elixir, and the business of monster meat is well known in Changyang.

Even Chu Shinian often traded various items with him.

I heard that Guo Peng even does the weapon business in Changyang. Although there is no bonus from Chu Dashan's spiritual fruit and spiritual food business, he has also made a very perfect performance.

Wherever it looks like her, the Baicao Pavilion in Miryang is almost out of business.

When Meng Zan, the chief treasurer of Baicao Pavilion in the Northwest, brought his confidantes into Baicao Pavilion in Miyang, he found that even the floor of the lobby was covered with dust.Depression is downright scary.

When Meng Zan found Fu Luyi, the woman was sitting on a chair sluggishly.

Meng Zan sighed and said, "Luyi, do you know your mistake?"

Fu Luyi resisted the tears that flickered in her eyes, and never let them fall.

"You, you are just being too brave. You want to adjust the purchase price. This is a good thing. It can earn more benefits for Baicao Pavilion. We all support you." Meng Zan's words finally brought color to Fu Luyi's eyes.

"You, the fault is that you didn't inform Chu Dashan when you adjusted the purchase price. After all, he is a guest of Baicao Pavilion. If you don't take him seriously, he will dare to die and not sell your soul Fruit spiritual food."

After hearing Meng Zan's words, Fu Luyi said angrily, "Then let him keep all the spiritual fruit and spiritual food in his hand."

Meng Zan said speechlessly, "The spiritual fruit and spiritual food have been sealed up, and they can be stored for several years or even ten years without spoiling. Is it possible for our Miryang Baicao Pavilion not to do business for several years, or even ten years?"

Fu Luyi was dumbfounded.

"It's not a problem for you to be so stiff. Otherwise, I'll call him and let's sit down and have a good talk."

Fu Luyi snorted coldly.In fact, she can also see that Baicao Pavilion still values ​​her more after all. Chu Dashan is just a newly developed Lingzhi husband and guest minister, so what if there is him or not?
Early the next morning, Chu Dashan was called over.He brought Lin Changge and his son Dalang with him.

In the private room of the restaurant, the two sides met each other without speaking.

Anyway, Chu Dashan had a good idea, and would rather quit the job as a guest than accept the other party's purchase price.

"You are Chu Keqing from Mount Chu, right, and I am Meng Zan, the shopkeeper in the northwest area of ​​Baicao Pavilion." The middle-aged man was shrewd, and he was still sitting next to the beauty Fu Luyi.This ass is crooked at first glance.Chu Dashan nodded silently.

"I heard that you have some opinions on the new purchase price of my Baicao Pavilion?" Meng Zan asked with a serious expression and coercion.

Chu Dashan is not afraid of him, he is also a monk himself.

"too low."

"Then what kind of purchase price do you think is reasonable and acceptable to you?" Meng Zan asked again.

"Guo Peng's original price."

"That's impossible. The price Guo Peng gave you was actually higher than the purchase price set by our Baicao Pavilion. We have punished him and sent him to Changyang. If you can't accept the normal purchase price of Baicao Pavilion , then it is impossible for us Baicao Pavilion to continue to do business with you." Meng Zan said with a serious expression.

After thinking for a while, Chu Dashan put the Ke Qing's sign on the table, and pushed it to Meng Zan with his fingers.

Then he said firmly, "Then don't do it."

(End of this chapter)

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